Ensuring that the developed software is free from any security issues is very important. Identifying potential vulnerabilities and resolving them is a challenging task. The growing developments in the software industry require the implementation of the best practices for effective security testing of the software.
Oct 15, 2019•4 min•Ep 26•Transcript available on Metacast The data environments are gradually growing to become bigger and bigger. According to the recent surveys, the compound annual data growth through the year 2020 will tend to be near about 50 percent per year. With the increasing amount of data, the data sources are also raising. And along with that, the need for businesses to unlock those data and use them for taking critical decisions is even raising.
Sep 25, 2019•6 min•Ep 25•Transcript available on Metacast The success of a website or application is dependent on its performance. This necessitates effective Performance Testing to ensure high performance. The speed, stability, and scalability are the key areas focused on performance testing. Measuring performance requires the use of certain metrics. With the help of the performance metrics, the effectiveness and the quality of performance can be easily calculated.
Sep 17, 2019•5 min•Ep 24•Transcript available on Metacast Software testing is not an easy job. Many complexities may arise during the process. The lack of the essential tool and appropriate manpower can also pose a problem in the software testing process. Especially the software vendors’ advertising tools and financial terms usually invest less in software testing resources.
Aug 20, 2019•7 min•Ep 23•Transcript available on Metacast DevOps testing strategy can be simplified emphasizing more on team effort. It always prioritizes about the best working shift that can be conclusive about the timing and frequency of testing practice by a developer in an automated fashion. Though such radical transformation might not be easy for some testers, things can be made to look smarter through proper strategy.
Aug 02, 2019•6 min•Ep 22•Transcript available on Metacast When it comes to software testing, people often get serious regarding perfection. In the pursuit of attaining the desired perfection, a lot of time is spent. However, the satisfaction aimed for is not always achieved. There remains a doubt that the results could have been better, had it been tried differently. This is not the only reason though; there are various other reasons as well those make a tester think a lot, wasting valuable time.
Jul 12, 2019•6 min•Ep 21•Transcript available on Metacast As startup founders are fully committed to a particular vision, they value innovation and creativity at first place. Sometimes with their little funding and fewer employees, every decision is crucial. So, if you are a startup and you want to hire a software testing team, check out the following tips to increase ROI for your business.
Jun 20, 2019•6 min•Ep 20•Transcript available on Metacast There are many random perceptions about Artificial Intelligence. Not just perceptions; many people fear as well about losing their job due to artificial intelligence. To be specific, the testing professionals often remain in doubts about whether artificial intelligence will take over the traditional forms of testing jobs. However, the perceptions of such are mere doubts. Watch this Episode.
May 01, 2019•7 min•Ep 19•Transcript available on Metacast The method of software production is evolving gradually. How software products are being produced today are not the same as they were being produced some years back. This is an interesting technology era where we are sandwiched between conventional testing and advanced continuous testing. We are now shifting from the traditional structure of a huge team having centralized QA to an entirely new structure. This new structure involves small, self-contained, and autonomous teams that ship software f...
Mar 25, 2019•7 min•Ep 18•Transcript available on Metacast Choosing between in-house testing and outsourcing is often a tough decision. Many organizations think outsourcing the software testing requirements is actually an intelligent business strategy and a smart decision. However, other companies feel that outsourcing can be a waste of business capital and in-house testing should be the right approach. Well, the point here is that probably no one is actually wrong. Whether you decide on in-house testing or choose to outsource your QA activities, it dep...
Jan 21, 2019•6 min•Ep 17•Transcript available on Metacast Software testing or QA is very crucial in all types of businesses. Mistakes can be sometimes very expensive to cope up with and can yield a huge loss. Hence, effective testing is necessary to check product quality before delivering or marketing. That being said, implementing the right and appropriate testing method is essential.
Nov 22, 2018•4 min•Ep 16•Transcript available on Metacast Choosing the right automation testing tool could be a tough job. At times, choosing the wrong tool could lead to results which are unexpected and unforeseen, besides there being significant technical difficulties in making the tool work in your environment. Situations like these will, at best, set back your test automation efforts and may also sabotage them for some time
Oct 24, 2018•7 min•Ep 15•Transcript available on Metacast For a tester, one of the ideal ways to ensure that a system has the endurance to sustain actual load/business demand and at the same time serve multiple users reliably and in a timely manner is performance testing. We do performance testing so that we can provide management with the necessary information to make intelligent decisions about improvement and risk.
Sep 20, 2018•11 min•Ep 14•Transcript available on Metacast Traditionally, the test team has always been responsible for software quality. They own software quality control and assurance, putting themselves in both a reactive and a proactive mode in ensuring the product is of exceptional quality in meeting and exceeding end-user needs in the marketplace.
Sep 12, 2018•7 min•Ep 13•Transcript available on Metacast The art of software testing is extremely sophisticated and often misunderstood by those who do not engage in software testing. For such ‘non-testers’, these common misconceptions about software testing are often related to how software testing differs from other forms of testing.
Sep 04, 2018•7 min•Ep 12•Transcript available on Metacast Managing technical debt has been one of the most emerging problems for the current general of software testers, especially those organizations that develop and maintain large software systems. Similar to a bad debt in the financial industry, the term was devised by Ward Cunningham to draw an analogy with financial debt to indicate how incurring debt in the short run is beneficial but hurts badly in the long run if not repaid. Basically, the term was meant to remedy the practice of making non-opt...
Aug 31, 2018•8 min•Ep 11•Transcript available on Metacast There is no doubt that software testing has come a long way since a few decades back when the role of the tester was very specific and limited. This period may be regarded as the most exciting yet challenging times that a tester is going through. Those who are able to handle and convert these challenges into opportunities clearly have a strong road laid ahead of them both for the products they are working on and for their own personal careers.
Aug 27, 2018•6 min•Ep 10•Transcript available on Metacast Big Data and Analytics testing involve unstructured input data, data formats and types, processing and storage mechanisms as well as software and products that are completely new. This requires new abilities and skills, the building of new toolsets and instrumentations which are beyond the scope of traditional testing.
Aug 23, 2018•9 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast Being one of the most sought-after jobs in the 21stcentury, software test engineering can provide for an interesting and challenging work assignment and career. In addition, there is high demand in the marketplace for test engineering skills, which offers testers to use their programming and database skills, doing a variety of work and learning lot of things in the process.
Aug 22, 2018•8 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast Things are evolving by the day in the technology space and the ones that are able to maintain an edge for themselves are not the ones that look just at the present but also plan for the future and incorporate them into the present. The present sets the base for the future with the current planning that is taking up.
Aug 21, 2018•9 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast Mr Niranjan Limbachiya CEO, KiwiQA talked about KiwiQA journey, learning, personal challenges, company values, changes to the organisation, leaders admires, surprising things to know about him, future growth and finally about healthy work-life balance. You can connect with him on Linkedin.
Aug 20, 2018•7 min•Ep 6•Transcript available on Metacast Manual software testing has been the cornerstone of software testing ever since software testing was set up. All test engineers and software QA staff, developers and programmers test their code manually, at least to some degree. Though it is a critical element of software testing, it is certainly not the be-all and end-all.
Aug 18, 2018•7 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast Why would it be advisable for you to test your web applications? In what capacity would it be a good idea for you to test your web applications? How to work out a reasonable start-up programming testing system? These are not single answer questions. A few organizations don’t fret over testing by any means, despite the fact that the essential target of any bit of programming is to give smooth running.
Aug 18, 2018•10 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Choosing the right automation testing tool could be a tough job. At times, choosing the wrong tool could lead to results which are unexpected and unforeseen, besides there being significant technical difficulties in making the tool work in your environment. Situations like these will, at best, set back your test automation efforts and may also sabotage them for some time. This podcast provides some tips on selecting the right automation tool for your business.
Aug 18, 2018•7 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast There is no doubt that software testing has come a long way since a few decades back when the role of the tester was very specific and limited.Those who are able to handle and convert these challenges into opportunities clearly have a strong road laid ahead of them both for the products they are working on and for their own personal careers. In this podcast, we look at what other tasks a tester should take on in addition to his core testing responsibilities.
Aug 17, 2018•6 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast