Sleeper Issue on US-China Trade
This week, the Trade Guys have a special episode devoted to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which has now taken effect in the United States.
This week, the Trade Guys have a special episode devoted to the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, which has now taken effect in the United States.
In this episode of the Trade Guys, they discuss inflation as it relates to trade, nearshoring, and the Great Mexican Beer Crisis.
This week, the Trade Guys talk about the G7, the Bipartisan Innovation Act, and UK steel tariffs.
On this week’s episode of the Trade Guys, we talk about how the glass is half full in Geneva, the Chinese response to evolving US trade policy, and what’s happening in global energy markets.
Together for the first time since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Trade Guys discuss MC12, the U.S.-Kenya free trade agreement, and food security.
The Trade Guys discuss shrinking the trade deficit, the Americas summit, solar, and more!
The Trade Guys discuss the latest European sanctions on Russia, what’s next for the IPEF, and Canada.
This week, the Trade Guys host Gerard de Graaf, Director for Digital Transformation in the Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology of the European Commission.
This week, the Trade Guys talk the baby formula shortage, last week’s ASEAN summit, and the TRIPS waiver at the WTO.
This week, the Trade Guys talk about Ukraine, solar issues, and Globalization 2.0.
This week, the Trade Guys consider the China bills circulating in Congress and how China is pushing back on them, plus the latest WTO disputes.
This week, the Trade Guys consider the debate over China tariffs, the continuing reverberations from the Russia conflict, and the de minimis rule.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss Russia sanctions, trade policy in the China competition bills coming up in Congress, and the new Buy America guidelines.
This week, the Trade Guys and their guests, Elina Noor from the Asia Society Policy Institute and Greg Poling from CSIS’ Southeast Asia program, discuss the complexities of the Indo Pacific Economic Framework (IPEF).
This week, the Trade Guys discuss the invocation of the Defense Production Act, the EU-WTO dispute with the UK on green subsidies, IPEF, trade with Mexico, and more.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss Ambassador Tai’s testimony on the Hill, ongoing fallout from the invasion of Ukraine, and why the trade community should stay calm about a new solar investigation.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss the latest developments on the financial situation in Russia, which remains heavily sanctioned by the United States and its allies.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on global trade and supply chains and if sanctions on Russia are working.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss the dual-edged sword of sanctions, the state of the semiconductor industry, and the Biden Administration’s “Made in America” commitments.
This week, the Trade Guys dive deeper into the implications of Ukraine for the international economy.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss the implications of the situation in Ukraine, along with recent trade announcements from the White House.
This week, the Trade Guys discuss solar tariffs, Mexican avocados, and digital trade.
On this week’s episode of the Trade Guys, they discuss the US-Japan deal on steel, trade with China following the release of new data about purchases under the Phase One deal, and a request for consultations under USMCA regarding an endangered species.
Listen to the Trade Guys discuss the state of U.S. trade policy. Is the situation as bleak as it’s made out to be?
In this week's episode of the Trade Guys, they discuss the America COMPETES Act, new data from the Commerce Department illustrating the ongoing semiconductor shortage in the United States, and what the administration's options are when it comes to Russia sanctions.
From possible de minimis level changes to complications involving rules of origin in textiles – and to breaking the Internet – the Trade Guys get into a diverse set of global topics in this week’s episode.
In this week’s episode of the Trade Guys, Bill and Scott talk all things climate, including proposed amendments to the EU’s carbon border adjustment mechanism, USMCA auto rules of origin and EVs, and underlying causes of global food prices.
In this episode, Guest Host Jasmine Lim and the Trade Guys talk about the findings from a USMCA dispute panel on Canada's tariff rate quotas in the dairy industry. They also discuss the latest controversy over Walmart pulling products from Xinjiang in their Sam's Club stores. The Trade Guys look ahead to 2022 and predict what the biggest trade issues will be, as well as say farewell to Jasmine for her last episode.
In this episode, Andrew and the Trade Guys recap the year of 2021 in U.S. trade policy. They cover the latest updates on the WTO, the Biden Administration's plan for the Indo-Pacific region, inflation, lingering supply chain issues, and more. Where does the U.S. currently stand, and what lies ahead for trade policy priorities in the new year?
In this episode, Guest Host Jasmine Lim and the Trade Guys discuss the EU's proposal for an anti-coercion trade weapon. They discuss politics behind the EU's proposal and what it means for relations with the U.S. and China. They also discuss the ongoing EV tax credit debate in Congress and the House's consideration of the Uyghur bill.