If you’ve listened to the past 3 shows, you heard Frank Sobczak detail experiences he’s had while researching Sasquatch, in various places, around the country. Well, Frank doesn’t research Sasquatch anymore and that’s due to an unnerving encounter he had in Mt. Hood National Forest, in the southeast corner of the Rhododendron Ridge Area, by Ogre Creek. On tonight’s show, Frank’s going to wrap his experiences up by telling you all about that encounter. Frank says he was forever changed by what ha...
Oct 28, 2020•1 hr 29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's show is part 3 of Frank Sobczak sharing his experiences. On tonight's show, Frank shares more Sasquatch-related experiences he had in Oregon. One of the things he talks about is an area he says he found that he calls a Bigfoot haven. After talking about the Bigfoot haven, he covers all of his notable experiences leading up to the encounter he had on June 3rd, 2013, in Mt. Hood National Forest. That encounter shook him up so much, he swore off going deep into the woods ever again. Frank...
Oct 21, 2020•1 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast On last week's show, our guest, Frank Sobczak, laid the groundwork for the Sasquatch experiences he was planning to share with us. He shared a few of his Sasquatch-related experiences with us, but he also spent quite a bit of time sharing tips about effective ways to research them. On tonight's show, Frank focuses almost entirely on relating encounters he's had with them, over the years. He's had way too many experiences to cover them all on tonight's show, so this is just part 2 of a multiple-p...
Oct 14, 2020•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Frank Sobczak, thought people who talked about seeing Sasquatch were delusional when he was younger. Years later, though, he had the 1st of many Sasquatch encounters he was going to experience. On tonight's show, Frank is going to talk about how he got into researching them, give tips on how to conduct research, and share the particulars of his earliest Sasquatch-related sightings and experiences. Whether you're just looking to get your feet wet researching Sasquatch or like hea...
Oct 07, 2020•1 hr 26 min•Transcript available on Metacast In 1996, tonight’s guest, Lance, went on a boating trip, with his brother, on the Kissimmee River. What should have been a great trip turned out to be anything but, unfortunately. They planned to be gone for a week, but an unexpected encounter with a Sasquatch, one night, changed all of that. What happened? What did Lance see? We hope you’ll tune in and find out. To report a sighting to Cindy and Mace, please visit the Sasquatch Research Team's page on Facebook and submit a report. If you’d like...
Sep 30, 2020•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast About a year ago, Jim Bradley and Chris Dawson came on the show to promote their documentary, titled, Walking with the Wildman. Well, this December, on Amazon, they're going to release a new documentary, titled the Woodwose. The Woodwose is part 2 in the series. On tonight's show, Jim and Chris will be joined by new cast members Ron Madden and Brent Thomas. Not only will Jim, Chris, Ron, and Brent be talking about their new documentary, they're also going to be talking about Sasquatch-related ex...
Sep 24, 2020•1 hr 8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guests, Cindy and Mace Morris, are the founders of The Sasquatch Research Team and are based in Pennsylvania. Morris has had several Bigfoot-related experiences, including some sightings. He had his 1st sighting on December 28th of 2013. Cindy hasn't had any sightings yet, but she has had several Bigfoot-related experiences. We hope you'll tune in and listen to them talk about all of those experiences and sightings. To report a sighting to Cindy and Mace, please visit the Sasquatch Res...
Sep 16, 2020•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Deborah Frediani, was born and raised in the West Central Mountains of Idaho, in McCall, Idaho, and is the founder of the Idaho Bigfoot Research Project. One day, in 1974, while growing up there, she and her cousin saw a creature they'd never seen before. A Bigfoot. That sighting was the genesis of a lifelong interest in the subject. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Deborah talk about that encounter and other Bigfoot-related things on tonight's show. If you’d like to help su...
Sep 09, 2020•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Gene McCauley, lives in East Tennessee and has been researching Bigfoot since 1999. In the 21 years that he's been researching them, he's had quite a few experiences with them. Some of his encounters happened when he spent time in the field with Mary Green. Other encounters happened when he was beating the bushes with Janice Carter. Gene says that if he were to share all of the encounters he's had with Bigfoot, it would take him 4 hours to cover them all. On tonight's show, he o...
Sep 02, 2020•2 hr 31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Nathan Davis, started researching Sasquatch in 2002. Nathan started out doing research for the C.B.O. (Chattahoochee Bigfoot Organization). He was then elected to the United Bigfoot Research Group, as their president for 4 years. After that, he started the Chasing Night Shadows Radio Show, in 2009 and 2010. He's also worked for the Cryptid Studies Institute. He is currently an administrator for the National Bigfoot Organization. His 1st experience occurred in 2004, while he was ...
Aug 26, 2020•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Joseph Snyder, was born in Western New York and has been researching Sasquatch for 43 years. In that time, he's had some interesting experiences with Sasquatch. He was introduced to the world os Sasquatch when he was living in the town of Dalton, New York, as a kid. He found a set of Sasquatch prints back then and the rest is history. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Joe talk about his Sasquatch-related experiences. Some were pretty mild, others were more intense. If you’d l...
Aug 19, 2020•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Jay Bachochin, used to be skeptical about the existence of Bigfoot. Actually, he was flat-out convinced that they didn't exist. That all changed, though, when he found a very convincing set of Sasquatch footprints and later, had his 1st sighting of 3 he's had to date. After having those experiences, Jay caught the bug so bad, he decided to produce a Sasquatch documentary titled, "Finding Jay." Finding Jay is currently available for viewing on Amazon Prime. If you haven't seen it...
Aug 12, 2020•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Attila Kaldy, wrote and directed a documentary on the Yowie titled, "Track: Search for Australia's Bigfoot. He's also spent his fair time researching Bigfoot in the Blue Mountains of Australia, as well as other places around the world. When you spend as much time in the bush researching, the way Atilla has, you're bound to have some interesting experiences to share. Well, Attila does and that's what he's going to do on tonight's show. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him do ...
Aug 06, 2020•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Kelly, is from Eastern Kentucky and was featured on Episode 209. On that show, Kelly told us about all of her Sasquatch-related experiences up to that point. Since we did that show, though, she's had new experiences and sightings. All of which, she's going to share with you on tonight's show. We hope you'll tune in and listen to her do that. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Sh...
Jul 29, 2020•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Kelly, had his encounter in 1988. He was 15 at the time and was playing with a friend, in rural Ohio. Kelly describes the Sasquatch he saw as being so large it would have dwarfed a bear. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him share the details of his encounter. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to https://Dogman-Encounters.MyShopify.com If you've had a Sa...
Jul 22, 2020•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, for this special, mid-week, episode of Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio is Wayne Totherow, from Mannimal Research. While talking with eyewitnesses about their encounters, Wayne has heard about all sorts of encounters eyewitnesses have had with Sasquatch. One encounter, though, stands out in his mind as being the most disturbing one an eyewitness has shared with him. That encounter involved a Sasquatch coming after a man and his husband that would be the last kind of Sasquatch I'd ever w...
Jul 16, 2020•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Jason Jarvis, is the founder of Ohio Sasquatch Research and Investigations. Jason first realized that Sasquatch were really out there in the fall of 2016. Since that fateful day, he's had several experiences with them. Several of which, he's going to share with you, on tonight's show. Jason has a Sasquatch-specific YouTube Channel too, which can be found by going to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgPCCtV6sscCu0wUfx4LxKw . We hope you'll check it out. If you’d like to help supp...
Jul 15, 2020•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Originally, I had recorded a show with an eyewitness that I planned to air tonight, but that recording was plagued with audio quality issues. Due to that, I contacted tonight's guest, Sean, and asked him if he'd be willing to record a show on very short notice. He accepted, so here we are with tonight's show. It's a short one, but still good. About 14 years ago, Sean decided to go camping, in the Rocky Mountains, around Hinton, Alberta. The place where he had decided to camp was about 15 miles f...
Jul 08, 2020•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Most people who realize that Sasquatch are a reality have opinions about what would constitute a nightmarish experience with one. Imagine for a second, though, the terror you'd feel if you were 6 years old and saw one walk into your bedroom in the middle of the night. Tonight's guest, Crystal Panek, doesn't have to wonder what that would be like. She experienced that! If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eye...
Jul 01, 2020•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Darin Lindsey, is a Sasquatch researcher who was born and raised in Texas. When he was 9, he had his 1st Sasquatch encounter. Many more were to follow, though. Darin has had 5 Sasquatch sightings in his life. All of which, he's going to talk about on tonight's show. Darin also has a Sasquatch-specific YouTube Channel. To visit it, which we hope you do, please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSUWKuEmYOg&feature=youtu.be If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your...
Jun 24, 2020•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast On last week's show, our guest, Jeremiah Fountain, told us about several encounters he had, with Sasquatch, in the Adirondack Mountains. That's not the only place where he's had encounters, though. He's also had numerous encounters with them in North Carolina. Since we didn't have time for him to tell us about his North Carolina encounters on last week's show, he's come back tonight to do that. We hope you'll tune in. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness ...
Jun 17, 2020•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Jeremiah Fountain, is a happily married family man, who grew up in the Adirondacks. His family owned quite a bit of land in the Adirondacks when he was growing up. As fate would have it, in 2000, Jeremiah headed into the woods to work on his tree stand. Deer season was coming and he needed to get it ready. What he thought would be an uneventful trip into the woods, though, turned out to be anything but. That's because he had a Sasquatch encounter, while he was on his way back to...
Jun 10, 2020•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Crystal, has had several encounters with Sasquatch and 1 encounter with a Dogman. By far, though, her most unnerving experience happened when she was on a hunting trip, alone and wound up encountering a very aggressive huge, male, Sasquatch. Making matters worse, she soon found out that he wasn't alone. He brought a friend. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Crystal share the details of all of her encounters. Some of them were fairly mild. The aforementioned encounter, though,...
Jun 03, 2020•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest wishes to remain anonymous, so he's elected to go by the name Criqfoot. Criqfoot grew up on a farm, in rural Illinois where he had his first experience with Sasquatch. That was just the first of multiple experiences he's had with them, though. The most frightening encounter he's had happened on an elk hunting trip he went on, in Montana. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him share the details of all these sightings and experiences he's had. If you’d like to help support the sh...
May 27, 2020•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast I apologize, in advance, for the poor audio quality tonight's show has. Skype was having issues when we recorded the show. That's why it sounds the way it does. Tonight's guest, Shane Lee, is a Sasquatch researcher, from Central Texas, who has had several Sasquatch-related experiences. One of those experiences included an actual sighting. Shane has taken trips to Ohio, Pennsylvania, The Land Between the Lakes in Kentucky, and other places, in search of his next encounter. We hope you'll tune in ...
May 20, 2020•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast 3 eyewitnesses are featured on tonight's show. The 1st guest is Dave. Dave had his sighting in Adirondac State Park, in 2003. Tonight's 2nd eyewitness is Dee. Dee lives in Texas, near Fort Hood. Due to the proximity of her home to Fort Hood, Dee has had some interesting Sasquatch-related experiences. And that's what she's going to talk about tonight. Tonight's 3rd guest, Shannon Powers, from Waynesfield, Ohio. Shannon had her encounter on September 20th, 2002, near Wapakoneta, Ohio, while she wa...
May 13, 2020•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Terry, owns a farm, in Oklahoma that has more Sasquatch activity than you can shake a stick at. In 2006, she had her 1st Sasquatch-related experience on her property and it's been almost non-stop since then. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Terry talk about several of her sightings and experiences with them. If you’d like to help support the show, by buying your own Bigfoot Eyewitness t-shirt or sweatshirt, please visit the Bigfoot Eyewitness Show Store, by going to https://...
May 06, 2020•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Tad, has always loved spending time in the woods. He's an accomplished outdoorsman who got an early start when it comes to Sasquatch. That's because he had his first encounter when he was 6. He had the encounter one night when he was inside of his home, with his parents. On tonight's show, Tad's going to tell you about the encounter that was the first of many he's had with Sasquatch. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him do that. If you’d like to help support the show, by buy...
Apr 29, 2020•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Steven Hill, is from Southwest Arkansas. Steven is William Lunsford's research partner. As you'll remember, William was on the show 2 weeks ago (Episode 226) and spoke about outings he and Steven have been on, in the area around Fouke, Arkansas. Whereas most of William's encounters with Sasquatch have happened away from his home, most of Steven's sightings and encounters have happened at his home. And that's what we hope you'll tune in and listen to Steven talk about, on tonight...
Apr 22, 2020•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Lori Wade, is a BFRO field researcher who has been on 29 expeditions, looking for Sasquatch. She went from just being interested in the topic to leading BFRO expeditions for them now. After spending as much time in the field as she does, she's had several run-ins with them. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Lori talk about some of them on tonight's show. Lori also has an Etsy Shop, called Bigfoot and Me, where she sells Sasquatch memorabilia, like Sasquatch dolls, coasters, a...
Apr 16, 2020•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast