Tonight’s guest, Billy Jack Smith, has a different opinion about Sasquatch than a lot of people who know about them. While most people who know about them are afraid of Sasquatch, Billy says they should not be feared. It would be one thing if Billy had just come to that conclusion from listening to podcasts, but Billy came to that conclusion after having numerous encounters with them, starting with the sighting he had when he was 14. We hope you’ll listen to tonight’s show and give Billy a chanc...
Aug 17, 2024•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Mary Ann Ziebell, has always been interested in monsters and the paranormal. For years, she was an armchair Sasquatch researcher. In 2019, though, a lady Mary Ann worked with told her about a Sasquatch sighting that had happened in the county where Mary Ann lived, in Missouri. That night, she told her husband that she wanted to hunt Sasquatch. To get started, she decided to go on a BFRO expedition. As a result of attending that expedition, not only did Mary Ann meet several peop...
Aug 14, 2024•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Gene Harrison, is a Sasquatch researcher who lives in Upstate New York. Gene hasn’t always been a Sasquatch knower. He started out just believing that they might exist. That all changed one day, however, when he saw what he initially thought was a hiker, walking down a trail in the woods where he does his research. It wasn’t until after the fact that he realized what it was that he had seen. The next time he saw a Sasquatch, he knew full-well what it was, though. We hope you’ll ...
Aug 03, 2024•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast In 1968, tonight’s guest had gone with his grandparents to chop firewood and collect what they called “morning sticks,” near his grandparent’s home, in Northern Victoria Australia. The 3 of them had made trips like that numerous times before, without incident. Well, this morning would be different. Due to how young tonight’s guest was, at the time (he was 8 years old), while his grandparents were chopping firewood, with axes, and collecting firewood, he was a short distance from them looking aro...
Jul 27, 2024•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, John Nance, is an avid deer hunter who had his first Sasquatch sighting when he was 16 years old. He was in Colorado, with his dad, at the time. He had decided to go rabbit hunting, in hopes of surprising his dad with some rabbit meat, for dinner that night. Unfortunately, instead of finding any rabbits to bring back, for dinner, he found himself in the presence of a 10-foot-tall Sasquatch. A 10-foot-tall Sasquatch that, clearly wasn’t happy to have him around. What happened nex...
Jul 20, 2024•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Heidi Popp, has a fascination with the multi-dimensional aspect of the Sasquatch phenomenon. Heidi had her first Sasquatch-related experience when she was riding in her family’s car, as a kid, when they were heading to Cannon Beach, in Oregon, in 1981. When she had that experience, she’d been watching the backroad scenery go by, as she and her family rode down Highway 26, in their family sedan. After looking out the window for quite some time, she hadn’t seen anything that she h...
Jul 13, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Dennis Carroll, has been involved in the cryptozoology field for over 55 years. In that time, he’s had numerous interesting experiences. The most notable Sasquatch-related experience he’s had, however, happened one night in the woods, in Okonie County, South Carolina. That night, Dennis found himself just 10 feet from a Sasquatch. Even though the reason why he was in those woods was to seek out interactions with Sasquatch, it’s still understandable that Dennis was taken aback by...
Jul 10, 2024•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Rick Taylor, is a well-tenured Sasquatch researcher who’s had more encounters with Sasquatch than you can shake a stick at. He was on the show a few weeks ago, sharing some of his experiences, but that show barely scratched the surface, when it comes to the sightings and encounters he’s had with them. On tonight’s show, Rick’s going to focus on telling you how he got his start in all of this. He’s going to talk about some of his earliest sightings and encounters. We hope you’ll ...
Jul 03, 2024•1 hr 11 min•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine what it would be like to find your dream property, but after you move into it, you realize that a family of Sasquatch are living on or near it. That’s exactly what happened to tonight’s guests, Paul and Pam. On tonight’s show, they’re going to be talking with me about their experiences on the remote, mountain-top, property they bought, in the Ozarks, where the closest neighbor is a mile away. When they’d first moved into the property, they couldn’t have been happier. They thought they’d ...
Jun 22, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Some people, for whatever reason, have a lot of Sasquatch sightings and encounters. It’s hard to know why it is that they have so many experiences with them. They just do. I call people like that Sasquatch magnets, because Sasquatch just seem to be drawn to them. Tonight’s guest, Rick Taylor, is the true definition of a Sasquatch magnet. He’s had a plethora of Sasquatch experiences, over the years, and I highly doubt the man has had the last encounter or sighting he’ll ever have. On tonight’s sh...
Jun 15, 2024•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast When tonight’s guest, “Sam,” was growing up, in the hills of West Virginia, his family used to tell him to be careful when he was in the woods because if he wasn’t careful, the Cowcur would get him. You see, “Cowcur” is what locals called a white Sasquatch, in the area, that didn’t exactly have the sweetest disposition. That’s something tonight’s guest found out one day while he was deep in the woods with his grandpa. In fact, Sam’s uncle had a run-in with the Cowcur that frightened him so much,...
Jun 08, 2024•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Bama Murdock, is a Sasquatch researcher who is well known, in the Sasquatch community, for his analytic way of looking at Sasquatch encounters. He’s far from an armchair researcher, also. He takes fairly regular trips to camp, solo, at the Land Between the Lakes, and other Bigfoot hotspots. While he hasn’t had a Sasquatch sighting of his own yet, he does collect sightings eyewitnesses have had. For tonight’s special show, I’ve invited to him to share some sightings he’s collecte...
Jun 01, 2024•1 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Harley Owens, had his first Sasquatch encounter on September 23rd, of 2020, and the experience changed his life, forever. Since having that sighting, he’s had two more sightings and has become a Sasquatch field researcher. After implementing a lot of the techniques of the late Scott Carpenter, he’s collected an impressive amount of evidence. On tonight’s show, Harley’s going to share the details of his sightings and more. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him do that. If you’...
May 25, 2024•48 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, “Mike,” was featured on Episode 86 of Dogman Encounters, and on that show he and his wife talked about the experiences they’d had with Dogmen around their property. Well, Mike has had a Sasquatch sighting too, and that’s what he’s going to talk about on tonight’s show. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him do that. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfoot Sight...
May 22, 2024•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Fred Bettencourt, founded Red River Bigfoot Investigations in 2003, and for the first 3 years he and his team members were doing field research, they didn’t have a single Sasquatch-related experience. That all changed in 2006, however. You see, from 2003 until 2006, Fred and his team members followed the practices they saw Sasquatch researchers use on tv. After growing frustrated by their lack of results, they decided to change the way they went about doing things, in the field....
May 11, 2024•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Kimberly Galanti, lives in Western New York, about half-way between Buffalo and Rochester. One of the strangest things about the experiences she’s had is, they all happened on her property. The problem with that is, however, the fact that she doesn’t live in an area where you’d expect Sasquatch to be. She has neighbors, close by, and there aren’t a lot of resources for Sasquatch to exploit, compared to areas where you’d normally expect to find them. Speaking of finding them, whe...
May 04, 2024•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest goes by the name Rae Dove. Rae is an author, an artist, a YouTube content creator, and a retired teacher. In the summer of the year 2000, Rae and 4, other, family members decided to take a trip from Southern California, where they lived, to Oregon. They went to Oregon to explore the state and get in some serious sight-seeing. While they were there, they planned to visit the Oregon Vortex and the Oregon Caves. When Rae was at the Oregon Vortex, she had a notable experience, but no...
Apr 27, 2024•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Brian Barber, has been interested in Sasquatch as long as he can remember. That means he was interested in them long before he had his first sighting, in 1987. You see, it was late at night, and he was driving to his grandmother’s property, at the time. He wasn’t far from her property when he came around a corner and saw what he, at first, thought was a black bear. It didn’t take long for him to realize that he had misidentified what he was looking at. Bears don’t have shoulders...
Apr 20, 2024•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guests, Jen Kruse, Jena Grover, and Tammy Treichel comprise the first all-female Sasquatch research team in Minnesota. They call themselves the She-Squatchers. They’ve been featured on several documentaries and are well-respected in the Sasquatch community. These ladies are far from being all show. They’re not afraid to go into places other researchers refuse to go into, seeking out interactions with Sasquatch. On tonight’s show, Jen, Jena, and Tammy are going to share several Sasquatc...
Apr 13, 2024•1 hr 9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Todd Neiss, is a Sasquatch researcher who has spent the vast majority of his life in the Pacific Northwest. What got him started down the road of researching Sasquatch was an experience he had with 3 of them, years ago, in the Oregon Coast Range, while he was serving in the Army, with the 1249th Combat Engineers. Before that fateful day, the existence of Sasquatch was just an urban legend that didn’t have any truth to it, in Todd’s opinion. After he saw 3 of them, with his own e...
Apr 06, 2024•1 hr 7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Dr. Erin Drinkwater, has had one Sasquatch sighting and several other experiences that might have been Sasquatch-related. Her sighting shook her up. There’s no arguing that, but the experience that frightened her most happened one night, in her own home. That was the night she realized she and her daughter weren’t the only ones in her house. She became aware of the unwelcome visitor due to it stomping around upstairs. When she heard it do what it did, up there, she prayed it was...
Mar 26, 2024•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight's guest, Stan, has had multiple Sasquatch-related experiences. One of the most interesting experiences happened while he was at home, in the Olympic National Forest, where he lives. That was the night when he realized one was watching him while he was watching tv. We hope you'll tune in and listen to Stan share all of his experiences. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfo...
Mar 16, 2024•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast One day when tonight’s guest was 10 years old, he stole his dad’s fishing pole and headed for a creek that wasn’t too far from home. When he made it to the creek, he walked up to a train trestle that he planned to fish under, but things didn’t go to plan for him. He didn’t get to do any fishing that day. When he walked up to the trestle, something got his attention, on the railroad ties above his head. The ties were only about 12 feet above the ground he was standing on, so they weren’t too far ...
Mar 09, 2024•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Mike Colontonio, is a Sasquatch researcher, based in New York State, and is the host of a well-known podcast called “Long Island Bigfoot.” Mike has had several sightings and encounters over the years, but his most memorable one was the first one he had. That day, a huge white Sasquatch walked to within 20 yards of Mike. Even though Mike had done lots of things to attempt to prepare for his first sighting, things didn’t go the way he’d planned. We hope you’ll tune in and listen t...
Mar 02, 2024•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guests, R.D. and Brenda Rhodes photographed well over 60 Sasquatch in just one year, in 5 different states, so it’s safe to say that they have finding Sasquatch down to a science. To chronicle the work they’ve done in the field, they wrote a book called “The Bigfoot Finders.” In their book, not only do they display a lot of the pictures they’ve taken of Sasquatch, they also talk about some of the things they do to find them. On tonight’s show, R.D. and Brenda are not only going to talk...
Feb 24, 2024•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guests, Steve Vallie and Jeff Johnson, are BFRO researchers who live in Arizona. The two of them have done a lot of research together. Steve has had two Sasquatch sightings on the Mogollon Rim, in Arizona and was featured on an episode of Finding Bigfoot. Steve and Jeff have had a lot of experiences while out in the field. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to them share some of those experiences on tonight’s show. If you’d like to check out Steve and Jeff’s YouTube channel, please visi...
Feb 10, 2024•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Mark Hudak, is an independent Sasquatch researcher who is based in Ohio. Before he had his first Sasquatch-related experience, Mark didn’t put any thought into the presence of Sasquatch, in our world. He didn’t think about them, at all. After having a nerve-wracking experience while hunting, however, that all changed. After having that experience while deer hunting, early one morning, his outlook on their existence changed considerably. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Mark ...
Feb 03, 2024•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Rich Daniels, has been researching Sasquatch for about 19 years now. If you ask Rich what he thinks his biggest contribution to the Sasquatch field has been, he’d tell you it’s the study he’s done on the emotional and psychological aftereffects eyewitnesses experience after having a Sasquatch sighting. Rich knows a thing or two about what it’s like to see a Sasquatch, however. That’s because he’s had multiple sightings, himself. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him share the...
Jan 27, 2024•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s guest, Randy Bauer, never gave Sasquatch a second thought until he had his first Sasquatch experience 11 years ago, while he was scouting deer for hunting season. After that, the hook was set deep, and he’s been obsessed with finding out all he can about them ever since. Numerous sightings and experiences were soon to follow. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to Randy share some of those experiences with you. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting,"...
Jan 20, 2024•1 hr•Transcript available on Metacast Tonight’s show is the 400th episode of Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio. In 2016, when I aired the first episode, it was almost inconceivable to me that there would come a time when I’d be recording the 400th one. Well, here we are, and it seems like just yesterday when that first episode aired. For a special show, like this, I’ve invited a special guest. Mark Green is a very well-known investigator, in the Sasquatch community, who’s had numerous experiences with Sasquatch. He’s been a guest on the show...
Jan 18, 2024•58 min•Transcript available on Metacast