Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio - podcast cover

Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio

They're known by many names; Bigfoot, Sasquatch, Yowie, Yeti, Almas and the list goes on. For centuries, eyewitnesses have reported seeing them in forests all over the world.

You might wonder what's it like to have an encounter with a Sasquatch. Well, listen to the show and you'll hear eyewitnesses tell you what it was like for them when they encountered a Sasquatch.


St. Croix Bigfoot Encounter - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 369

Eyewitnesses have reported seeing Sasquatch in some strange places, where you’d never expect to see them. Tonight’s guest, Luis, had his sighting in one of the last places you’d ever expect a sighting to occur, though. Luis had his sighting when he was 14, on the island of St. Croix, in the Virgin Islands. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him share the details of his sighting. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite pod...

Apr 15, 202324 minTranscript available on Metacast

Talkin Squatch, with Matt Knapp - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 368

Tonight’s guest, Matt Knapp, has been hosting Bigfoot podcasts almost as long as Bigfoot podcasts have been around. He’s a true pioneer, when it comes to talking Squatch. Most people, in the Bigfoot community know him for the work he’s done, cohosting Bigfoot Outlaw Radio. After new episodes of Bigfoot Outlaw stopped being produced, though, he didn’t hang up his microphone. He created a new podcast, called Bigfoot Crossroads. If you’d like to check out his shows, please go to https://www.bigfoot...

Apr 08, 20231 hr 1 minTranscript available on Metacast

That Sasquatch Tried to Grab Me! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 367 (Part 2)

Tonight’s show is a continuation from last week’s show. On that show, Troy Bailey, who works as a Florida Wildlife Control Officer, shared the details from the 1st 4 Sasquatch encounters he’s had. On tonight’s show, he’s going to share the details of his 5th and most intense encounter. We hope you’ll listen to him do that and answer questions about all of his encounters. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. ...

Mar 14, 202332 minTranscript available on Metacast

That Sasquatch Tried to Grab Me! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 367 (Part 1)

Tonight’s guest, Troy Bailey, works as a Florida Wildlife Control Officer. Doing what Troy does, for a living, you’d expect him to have some interesting stories about wildlife and people he’s dealt with, in wilds of Florida. While it’s true that he does have stories about experiences, like that, the stories he has to share about his experiences with Sasquatch are so much more interesting. In fact, they’re amazing! If you listen to tonight’s show, which is part 1 of a 2-part series, we think you’...

Mar 04, 202359 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Didn’t Know Anything About Sasquatch - Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio Episode 366

Tonight’s guest, Mary, was featured on Episode 440 of Dogman Encounters and on that show, she talked about the Dogman encounters she’s had. She also shared some of the details of one of her Sasquatch encounters, but she’s going to share many more details about her experiences with Sasquatch on tonight’s show. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfoot Sighting Channel on Spotify... ...

Feb 25, 202345 minTranscript available on Metacast

My Exit 35 Bigfoot Sighting - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 365

Tonight’s guest, David Aldrich, has had two Sasquatch sightings. One happened in the fall of 1992. The other one happened in the winter of 93. When Dave had his first sighting, he was on an onramp, in Sarasota County, Florida, late one night. He was building up speed, so he could merge onto the freeway. He kept a safe space between his Thunderbird Super Coupe and the traffic around him, so he was under the impression he didn’t have to worry about hitting anything. He was mistaken. Cars and truck...

Feb 19, 202331 minTranscript available on Metacast

That was Definitely a Sasquatch! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio Episode 364

Tonight’s guest, Brian Terrell, lives in Enid, Oklahoma and created Red Dirt Cryptid Investigations. Brian fell into cyrtid research a few years ago, but his interest in them stems from an experience he had, when he was a kid, late one night. You see, when he was a kid, growing up on his grandfather’s farm, he had a habit of forgetting to turn off the barn lights. In fact, he had forgotten to turn them off hundreds of times. Due to that, numerous times, his grandfather had sent him out to the ba...

Feb 11, 202354 minTranscript available on Metacast

The Hairy Red Thing - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 363

Tonight’s guest, Max Hawthorne, is an American author and screen writer. Max is best known for his Kronos Rising series of sci-fi suspense thrillers. In addition to his Kronos Rising series, he’s written many books on marine monsters and cryptids. Unlike a lot of authors who write books about cryptids, Max has first-hand experience when it comes to encountering a cryptid. He had a Sasquatch sighting one day, about 3o years ago, in Connecticut, at a lake called Squantz’s Pond, while fishing, one ...

Feb 04, 202344 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Had a Bigfoot AND a Dogman Walk Up On Me! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 362

In the fall of 2019, tonight’s guest, Scott Pace, was deer hunting on a hunting lease, in Northern Louisiana, when something happened that he never would have expected. It was so extreme that most hunters would have melted on the spot. It was a beautiful evening and at around 6 PM, to Scott’s horror, he came to the shocking realization that a Sasquatch and a Dogman were merely feet from the box stand he was sitting in. Before that evening, he’d never had any encounters with cryptids. Understanda...

Jan 28, 202321 minTranscript available on Metacast

They Started Telling Me About Bigfoot - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 361

Tonight’s guest, Glen Bourassa, has had Sasquatch experiences in several states, but his first encounter happened in 1976, while he was walking home from a friend’s girlfriend’s house, in the White Mountains of Arizona, at 2:30 AM. When he was walking home from dropping her off, he didn’t realize it, at first, but he was being watched. When a Sasquatch made its presence known, the way only they can, though, Glen knew he wasn’t dealing with any of the animals he might expect to encounter in the a...

Jan 07, 20231 hr 2 minTranscript available on Metacast

My Hogback Hollow Bigfoot Sighting - Eyewitness Episode 360

In April of 2018, around midnight, tonight’s guests, Debbie Parker-McGee and Mary Fabian were in Oklahoma, looking for Sasquatch, with Tim “Coonbo” Baker, Chuck Schlabs, and several other Bigfoot researchers. Everyone in the group was a well-tenured Bigfoot researcher, except Debbie. That’s because she was skeptical about their existence. In fact, she thought the idea they were extant was a joke. Well, the joke turned serious for her, with a quickness, that night, when she saw one with her own t...

Dec 31, 202223 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Never Looked that Sasquatch In the Eye - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 359

Tonight’s guest, Ted, has had two Bigfoot sightings and has had numerous Sasquatch-related experiences in Central Pennsylvania, along the Appalachian Trail and closer to the Atlantic. His first encounter happened while he was hunting and due to that experience, he hasn’t been hunting since. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him talk about what happened that day as well as his second sighting and other experiences he’s had. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sig...

Dec 24, 202255 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Let Sasquatch Come to Me! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 358

Most Sasquatch researchers walk endless miles through countless forests with little to show for their efforts but poison ivy rashes and sore muscles. Well, tonight’s guest, John Lackey, doesn’t go out looking for Sasquatch. He goes to his favorite place, on the mountain he lives on, to interact with them every day, pulls out a chair, and waits for them to come to him. He’s had a lot of success researching this way and he’s going to share several of his sightings and experiences with you, tonight...

Dec 17, 20221 hrTranscript available on Metacast

There’s No Such Thing as a Bigfoot! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 357

In early July, of 2006, tonight’s guest, A.J. Grabowski, had an experience with a Sasquatch, in Union County PA, that changed his life. After experiencing what he did, that night, he began researching Sasquatch and has practically devoted his life to learning as much as possible about them. At the time, he was staying at a remote cabin, on the top of a mountain, near Allenwood, PA. To say that the encounter scared him to death is still an understatement. In fact, it frightened him so much, he wa...

Dec 10, 20221 hr 2 minTranscript available on Metacast

That Baby Sasquatch Wanted Me to Pick Her Up! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 356

Tonight’s guest, Rick Taylor, is a mixed-blood tribal member of the Cherokee Nation, of Oklahoma. Rick and his son are hardcore fishermen and Rick had his first Sasquatch-related experience while he was fishing with his son. You see, he and his son had decided to try their luck, night fishing, at a remote creek that was about 25 miles from downtown Dallas. After having the experience, he had that night, let’s just say, the flood gates opened, regarding Sasquatch experiences Rick’s had. If you’d ...

Dec 03, 202257 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Hear Something Big! (Part 2) - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 355

On last week's show, Dave Wargo shared several Sasquatch sightings and experiences he's had, over the years. Well, we ran out of time before he had shared all of the experiences he planned to share, so tonight's show is a continuation of that episode. We hope you'll tune in and listen to him share more of his experiences. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfoot Sighting Channel o...

Nov 29, 202218 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Hear Something Big! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 355 (Part 1)

Tonight’s guest, Dave Wargo, has been interested in Sasquatch for about as long as he can remember. Dave had his first Sasquatch in July of 1974, on a family member’s 500-acre farm, just west of Rochester, Ohio. The day he had his first sighting, he was hunting groundhogs on a Norfolk & Southern main railroad line that ran by the property. He was hunting with his friend, little brother, and dad that day. Since then, he’s had multiple, other, sightings and encounters. We hope you’ll tune in and l...

Nov 26, 20221 hr 2 minTranscript available on Metacast

That Bigfoot Sighting Stuck in My Head! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 354

Tonight’s guest, Mary Fabian, is the founder of Pennsylvania Bigfoot Project. She created the PBP in 2015. As you’ll hear, if you listen to tonight’s show, Mary’s far from being new to the world of Sasquatch. She had her 1st eyes-on encounter when she was 11, on her family’s farm, in Southwest Pennsylvania, and since then, she’s had multiple sightings and experiences with them. Even though she’s had so many sightings and experiences with them, since she had that first one, the first one really s...

Nov 19, 202259 minTranscript available on Metacast

When Things Go Wrong with Sasquatch - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 353

Tonight’s guest, Robin Haynes McCray, was featured on Episode 298 and on that show, she talked about what it’s like to have Sasquatch living on and around your property. On tonight’s show, however, she’s going to talk about what to do and what not to do to prevent problems from arising with them. Who better than her to have on, to talk about that. If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My ...

Nov 16, 20221 hr 4 minTranscript available on Metacast

My Bigfoot Family - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 352

Tonight’s guest, Dorraine Fisher, is a wildlife photographer who has researched Sasquatch for the past 10 years. The fact that she has a Bigfoot family living near her property makes it pretty easy to research them, though. They’re around her house all the time. When she goes on her daily walks, she says that she’s never alone. She calls the Alpha male Stephano and the Alpha female Syra. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to her talk about her experiences with them. If you’d like to check out my ...

Nov 11, 20221 hr 8 minTranscript available on Metacast

This is My Bigfoot Story - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 351

Tonight’s guest, David Thundercloud, describes himself as being a seeker of Sasquatch. Dave’s interest in Sasquatch started out with him listening to every episode of Coast to Coast he could find time to listen to. As he’d listen to various episodes of the show, he’d listen to eyewitnesses recount encounters they’d had with Sasquatch. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that one day, he’d watch a huge Sasquatch look at him over the top of a 12-foot-tall boulder. As fate would have it, tha...

Oct 29, 20222 hr 55 minTranscript available on Metacast

I was 2 Feet from a Baby Sasquatch! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 350

When tonight’s guest, Ken Collins, was 15, he went to see The Legend of Boggy Creek. To say the experience changed him would be a huge understatement! Here he is, 61 years of age and he has several Sasquatch sightings and experiences under his belt. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him share some of those experiences with you. Here’s a link to an interesting article that the Estes Park News wrote about Ken and his research…

Oct 26, 202241 minTranscript available on Metacast

I Prayed That Sasquatch Wouldn’t Show Himself! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 349

Tonight’s guest, Patrick Perry, lives in Branson, Missouri, but his Sasquatch experiences took place about an hour from St. Louis, in a town called St Clair. You see, about 7 years ago, Patrick was living with his sister, because he had fallen on hard times. Things weren’t going well for her back then either, so things were pretty rough, financially, for them. To help put food on the table, Patrick asked his sister if she’d have a problem with him trying to harvest a deer, for the two of them, f...

Oct 15, 202227 minTranscript available on Metacast

Bigfoot Voodoo - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 348

Tonight’s guest, Robert Toplis, has a different opinion regarding Sasquatch than a lot of eyewitnesses who have been on the show. He doesn’t see them as being peace-loving people of the forest, who just want to be left alone. He sees them as dangerous, demonic beings, that should be avoided, at all costs. Robert says that he suffered 7 months of torment, due to trying to interact with the Sasquatch in his area, in Derbyshire, UK. If you listen to him talk about what he’s experienced, you just mi...

Oct 08, 20221 hr 29 minTranscript available on Metacast

It was 6:49 when I saw Bigfoot - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 347

Tonight’s guest, Byron Maldonado, is an electrician who lives in Lake Tahoe. He had only been living in Tahoe for 4 months when he had his sighting, though. On the day when he had his sighting, he was driving down to Carson City, Nevada, to get electrical supplies for the following week’s work. The drive to Carson City is 1 he’d made several times before. The day he had his sighting, however, he decided to go a different way than how he normally went. He took a different route because he was in ...

Oct 01, 202237 minTranscript available on Metacast

It was anything but a Sasquatch - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 346

Tonight’s guest, Scott was born in Indiana and lived there for the 1st several years of his life. When he entered the 1st grade, though, his family moved to Michigan. Scott and his family only lived in Michigan for 8 years, but he has a lot of good memories from living there, as a kid. 1 of the most unforgettable memories he has is of the time when he saw a Sasquatch there. You see, Scott’s family lived in Michigan for 2 years before moving out, into the country, in Benzie County. The road they ...

Sep 24, 202249 minTranscript available on Metacast

Sasquatch like apples too! - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 345

Tonight’s guest, William Harris, is from Springcreek, North Carolina, which is in the mountains, right on the Tennessee border. It was a very remote area, when he was growing up, as it had only been cut out of the wilderness for 50 to 70 years when his family moved there. As a kid, William explored almost every are of the mountains around his home. He says that, as a kid, the mountains were his television. Spending as much time exploring them as he did, he thought he’d seen everything that calle...

Sep 17, 202232 minTranscript available on Metacast

Peola, Washington Bigfoot Encounter - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 344

Tonight’s guest, Stan Nelson, went on a bow hunting trip to the Peola, Washington area. It was the year 2000 and he went with with his brother Eddie and friend Scott. The 1st night they were at their camp, not long after the sun went down, they started hearing what Stan describes as screams in the distance, that moved from a nearby draw up the mountain they were on. Later that evening, he decided to go to the camp restroom. After he got back, he noticed that Scott and Eddie had walked over to th...

Sep 10, 202227 minTranscript available on Metacast

My Betton Island, Alaska Bigfoot Encounter - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 343

During the summer of 2016, tonight’s guest, John, worked in Ketchikan, Alaska, for several companies that hosted excursions for cruise ship passengers. Ketchikan is on Revillagigedo Island. Revillagigedo Island is an island in the southeastern region of Alaska. While working for those companies, John helped to lead Jeep tours, hiking tours, whale watching tours, etc. Toward the end of that summer, he and 6 guys he worked with decided to go to a nearby island, for a camping trip. The island they ...

Sep 03, 202242 minTranscript available on Metacast

Tracking the Lore of Australia's Yowies - Bigfoot Eyewitness Episode 342

I apologize, in advance, for the poor audio quality of tonight's guest's audio. Sometimes, due to problems out of our/their control, it isn't possible for a guest to get the best internet connection. Tonight’s guest, Attila Kaldy, was featured on Episode 244 and on that show, he talked about the Yeti documentary he was about to release, at the time, “Track – Search for Australia’s Bigfoot. Well, he has a new documentary that he’s going to be releasing in December, titled, “Tracking the Lore.” Tr...

Aug 27, 202236 minTranscript available on Metacast
Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast