The Blessing of the Lord | 12.29.1991
Bro. Henry ends the year with a powerful message about receiving the blessing of the Lord in our lives and all the benefits that God has for us through His blessings!
Bro. Henry ends the year with a powerful message about receiving the blessing of the Lord in our lives and all the benefits that God has for us through His blessings!
Bro. Henry recaps the Christmas story and discusses some powerful questions and thoughts about it.
Jesus Christ is the greatest gift ever given! Listen as Bro. Henry teaches about all that happens when you accept the Gift of God into your life!
The Christmas season can be "the most wonderful time of the year" or for some, "the most depressing time of the year". Bro. Henry tackles the subject of depression and how we can have joy in the middle of it!
Bro. Henry shares the simple truth of the Christmas story and put the focus on the reason for the season!
Preaching from 2 Corinthians 3, Bro. Henry talks about using the talents and gifts God has given us to serve Him and others!
Bro. Henry shares a short, encouraging, and important message about having the right attitude towards life and towards the things of God!
Leading into the Christmas season, Bro. Henry shares a message about putting your focus and affection on Jesus!
Bro. Henry shares a short and simple but powerful message about how faithful God is!
Bro. Henry talks about being a people who are passionate about the presence of God and want to ascend the holy mountain every day to be live in His glory!
Bro. Henry unpacks John 1 and talks about being a person that God can send to others.
Bro. Henry finishes his thoughts from the morning service and talks about managing thoughts and feelings in order to have a healthy perspective.
Bro. Henry talks about learning to rest and enjoy the peace of God in your life as you encounter all that it brings your way.
Bro. Henry preaches out of 2 Timothy to discuss the mindset of "enduring to the end" in your life with Christ!
In this brief message, Bro. Henry discusses the Kingdom principle of sowing and reaping.
Bro. Henry reflects on the call of ministry and teaches on how God has anointed everyone for a specific purpose in life!
Bro. Henry talks about the exile and hardship of Israel and the importance of allowing God to use your pain and past to shape you in the right way for the future!
God is invisible to the natural eyes, so how can we see him in the spirit? Bro. Henry talks about what it means to "see God"?
Bro. Henry teaches about the significance of how God designed us and how we should care most about the eternal part of who we are!
What do we need to do to see revival happen? Bro. Henry reflects on his visit to the Toronto Revival, the historical revivals of the past, and the Brownsville Revival which had just begun.
God's heart for His Church is that we depend on Him and find rest and peace with Him. Bro. Henry talks about this subject and uses both Old and New Testament to do so!
In Philippians 3, Paul talks about how to view the losses we suffer in life and how to learn from them. Bro. Henry gives practical ways to apply God's Word when we feel defeated.
Bro. Henry shares from 1 Kings 17 about the interaction between Elijah the prophet and King Ahab & Queen Jezebel.
Bro. Henry talks about having a passion for the presence of God and a desire to have a deeper relationship with Him!
Bro. Henry talks about the absolute worst thing a person can do in this life and what effects it will have when it comes to eternity.
God will make a way, when there seems to be no way! Bro. Henry talks about Jesus Christ, the Way Maker!
The Bible says that Jesus is "a Friend that sticks closer than a brother". Bro. Henry talks about God's faithfulness and commitment to us, and how we need to return the same to Him!
Bro. Henry talks about living "a rewarding life" with God and the spiritual and financial blessings that God wants us to have!
Bro. Henry shares from Romans about the Good News we have to share about all that Christ has done and is doing in us!
Bro. Henry shares about having the joy of the Lord and being full of life in your relationship with God and with others!