ABA Birders overlook Mexican birding at their own peril. The nation just to the south of the ABA Area hosts amazing culture, friendly people, and fantastic birds. Guest host Frank Izaguirre welcomes Mexican birder, artist, and photographer Jesús Antonio "Chucho" Moo Yam , who brings tales of birding adventure and community involvement, and reports on the the growth of ecotourism in Mexico. Also, check out the new Codebreakers feature in Birding magazine! Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcast...
Sep 08, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast The first week of September is the official start of fall, meteorologically at least, though ornithologically it’s been on for weeks. It’s a wonderful season for birding and general naturing, but it does require a certain mindset and certain strategies. Who better, then, to talk about it than two legends of the fall, Greg Neise and Amy Davis. They join host Nate Swick to talk about what to expect as birds start moving south. Also, we're hosting our 2023 Bird of the Year party in Nashville, Tenne...
Sep 01, 2022•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast At the end of every month, we host a roundup of recent bird news on the American Birding Podcast. For August we’re thrilled to welcome Stephanie Beilke , Jordan Rutter , and Brodie Cass Talbott to the panel to talk about homogenization of bird species, bird habitats in urban landscapes, wild Rock Pigeons, and how birding has changed in our lifetimes. Link to articles discussed in this episode: As more bird species go extinct, those left may be more alike The strange reason migrating birds are fl...
Aug 25, 2022•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast One of the most iconic and beloved birds of the North American west is the Clark’s Nutcracker, the highlight of anyone’s trip to the high country. It will come as no surprise to anyone that the bird’s relationship to the ecosystem goes beyond begging for trail mix from hikers, a fascinating symbiosis that was recently the topic of Glacier National Park’s Headwaters podcast , whose host, Peri Sasnett, joins us to talk nutcrackers and conservation. Also, changes to the ABA Checklist are here , wit...
Aug 18, 2022•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Earlier this year the ABA was delighted to award our Lifetime Achievement Award to a pair of birders who have made a very big impact not only on the places where they live, but on the birding community across the continent. J. Drew Lanham is a birder, poet, academic, award-winning memoirist, and JB Brunfield is an environmental educator, artist, and the undefeated Big Year champion of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. We welcome them both to talk about the state of birding, mentorship, and whether Ohio or ...
Aug 11, 2022•1 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Close observers of the ABA might remember when we launched a new publication completely produced by a team of teen birders from all over the ABA Area. It's called The Fledgling , and after two issues it is well on its way to being something special. Hannes Leonard and Adrianna Nelson and members of The Fledgling team and they join Nate Swick to talk about this publication and the needs of young birder more generally. Also, why do field guides to the US and Canada call themselves field guides to ...
Aug 04, 2022•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast July is awfully hot across most of the ABA Area, and we’ve got a panel with no shortage of hot takes for the July 2022 This Month in Birding. Martha Harbison , Nicole Jackson , and Nick Lund join host Nate Swick to talk about national birds, woodpecker myths, ravens, macaws, and how your brain works when you bird. Don't forget to join the ABA for FREE coffee or join Nate in Panama in September ! Links to topics discussed: Study Upends Theory that Woodpeckers have Shock-absorbant heads Common Rav...
Jul 28, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast Back in May of this year, the American Birding Association announced the hiring of Nikki Belmonte as the organization’s newest Executive Director. She comes to us with a background in non-profit management, environmental education, and as a hobby birder. We’re excited to welcome her to the podcast to talk about birding community, CBCs, and the best flannel to cover up your nerdy bird shirt. Also, hoat is the deal with the Hoatzin ? Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , and Goog...
Jul 21, 2022•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Birding magazine editor and all-around bird-knower Ted Floyd is back for another bout of Random Birds. He joins host Nate Swick, a big bird list, and a random number generator to create podcast magic. They talk Eared Grebes, Black Vultures, and whatever other birds the magic number tells us to talk about. Also, the Duck Stamp is back and you can get yours at the ABA ! Join the ABA and get a FREE bag of Song Bird Coffee ! Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , and Google Podcasts...
Jul 14, 2022•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Birders love bird books, and we at the American Birding Podcast love to get together to discuss bird books in the Birding Book Club segment. Donna Schulman from the website 10,000 Birds and Birding magazine’s Frank Izaguirre join Nate Swick to talk about our favorite Bird and Birding Reference guides. It’s a broad topic, but if you’re looking for books to fill out your bird library, we’re here to help. For links to the books discussed on this episode, head to the ABA website . Subscribe to the p...
Jul 07, 2022•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's the last episode of the month and that means it's time for This Month in Birding, featuring a fun panel of ABA friends discussing the biggest birding news of the month and more. On our panel this month, Sarah Bloemers from the hilarious Bird Sh*t podcas t, Frank Izaguirre of the ABA's Birding magazine, and aeroecologist and birder Mikko Jimenez . They join host Nate Swick to talk Grasshopper Sparrow success, a new invasive bird in the UK, and the features you'd want in your ultimate birding...
Jun 30, 2022•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mention Panama to a bunch of birders and typically only one place comes to mind - beautiful Canopy Tower . A former radar station and military installation west of Panama Cit, Canopy Tower has, over the last couple decades, transformed into one of the most well-regarded ecolodges in the Americas. And when you talk about Canopy Tower you cannot help but talk about Carlos Betancourt, whose work as a guide and mentor has helped to put Canopy Tower on the map and help establish a community of guides...
Jun 23, 2022•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast In early summer eager birders turn to bird taxonomy, and we at the podcast turn once again to our friend Nick Block, professor of Biology at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts to read the tea leaves for American Ornithological Society’s North America Classification Committee and explain the latest in bird taxonomy. He joins Nate Swick to talk about new meadowlarks, Mew Gulls, and the House Wren MEGASPLIT. Also, some thoughts from Nate about using Merlin on Breeding Bird Surveys. Subscrib...
Jun 16, 2022•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast As part of its celebration of the third Black Birders Week, please enjoy highlights from the ABA’s two-part panel “Black Birders: Embracing the Beauty Within.” The panel session co-hosts are Sheridan Alford and Chelsea Connor. They are joined in the first session by Alex Troutman, Sharon Scott, and Scott Edwards, and in the second session by Alex Troutman and Danielle Belleny. Panelists explores such topics as childhood experiences with birds, how to pass on generational knowledge of birds, and ...
Jun 09, 2022•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Finding birds in places where you shouldn’t expect to find them if certainly one of the more exciting aspects of birding. In fact, it might well be the reason for the American Birding Association’s very existence. The unpredictability, the excitement, the community that builds around these sorts of birds are certainly appealing even the mechanisms that bring them to these places are not always known. Alex Lees is a senior researcher at Manchester Metropolitan University and, along with James Gil...
Jun 02, 2022•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast It is the end of the month, and with it, comes the This Month in Birding panel. Because May is arguably the best month of the year for birding in the US and Canada we have a panel this month that attempts to meet those expectations. Mollee Brown of the Life List Podcast , Gabriel Foley of the Maryland/DC Bird Atlas, and Purbita Saha of Popular Science . Also, wanna travel to Panama with Nate? Topics discussed in this episode include: Language Barriers in Local Bird Conservation Broken Wing Tacti...
May 26, 2022•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Julie Zickefoose scarcely needs an introduction. A prolific artist and an award-winning writer, much of her work is inspired by her home in southeast Ohio. It's the topic of a piece she has written for the May special issue of Birding magazine, Wildlife Gardening in Appalachian Ohio . She joins us talk about the satisfactions and frustrations that come from building a wildlife sanctuary and a little bit about the return of BWD. Also, we've got a new Executive Director ! And some thoughts on the ...
May 19, 2022•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Maybe more than anyone in North America in the last 20 years, Brian Sullivan has been deeply involved in things that birders do. He was one of the original developers of eBird, which hardly needs an introduction to listeners, and is now project lead of Cornell’s Birds of the World . In the last couple years Birds of the World has absolutely become an essential collection of bird knowledge which is all the more amazing considering the scope of the project. Also, Merlin's Sound ID is better than y...
May 12, 2022•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Friend of the ABA Nick Lund has had a busy spring! He not only published his first book, but his first two books. The ABA Guide to Birds of Maine is the newest installment in the well-regarded ABA guide series from Scott & Nix, and The Ultimate Biography of Earth seeks to reach science fans of all ages with its fun text and colorful illustrations. Nick joins Nate Swick to talk about them both and whatever else they get to. Also, turns out Nate had Covid, and he does not recommend getting it duri...
May 05, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s the last Thursday of the month and that means it is time for the American Birding Podcast This Month in Birding panel where we talk some bird news, share some sightings, and generally have a good time. We welcome to the panel this month Portland Audubon's Brodie Cass Talbott , t he American Bird Conservancy's Jordan Rutter , and Birds Canada, Jody Allair . Also, wanna travel to Panama with Nate? Topic's discussed on this month's episode: Can birds keep up with earlier springs? Shakespearian...
Apr 28, 2022•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast The incredible variety of bird song in a morning chorus on a spring or summer day is a phenomenon that a lot of birders are familiar with. But even after centuries of study there is still a lot we don’t know about bird vocalizations, especially the world of female birdsong. The vocalizations of female birds are frequently as complex and important to the lives of birds as the songs we associate with male birds, and it’s only relatively recently that we’ve begin to really look into that. Dr. Laury...
Apr 21, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast As interest in birding has grown in the last couple years, birders have turned up in some really interesting places, including the streaming platform Twitch. Dr WD40, Liz Clayton Fuller , and Ian Davies are birders who have figured out this live streaming thing and are using it to build a community of bird and nature fans in a seemingly unconventional place, and they join host Nate Swick to talk all about it. Plus, if you want prairie-chickens, you've got to get to Kansas . Subscribe to the podc...
Apr 14, 2022•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast Birding editor Ted Floyd is back and ready to remember some birds! He joins host Nate Swick to put their fates in the hands of chance and a random number generator to find some birds to talk about woodpeckers, wrens, and warblers. Subscribe to the podcast at Apple Podcasts , Stitcher , and Google Podcasts , and please leave a rating or a review if you are so inclined! We appreciate it!...
Apr 07, 2022•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's time again for This Month in Birding! While March is arguably the slowest month of the year for birding in the ABA Area, we haven't given the short shrift with this excellent panel of returnees. From Sonoran Join Venture, Jennie Duberstein , from Birds Canada and The Warblers podcast, it's Andrés Jimenez , and from Birdmodo and a thousand other fun sciency things, it's Ryan Mandelbaum . They join host Nate Swick to talk indigenous science, hardcore eBirders, crafty magpies and Daylight Savi...
Mar 31, 2022•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Forrest Rowland advocates for ecotourism around the world as a tour leader for Rockjumper and for ecotourism close to home with Landtrust , an effort to connect landowners in the west and outdoor recreationists in some pretty interesting ways. Birders get access to private ranches full of amazing birds and wildlife and landowners get to put their properties to work in an environmentally sustainable way. It's a win-win-win for birders, landowners, and the birds they are working to protect. He joi...
Mar 24, 2022•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast In many many parts of the country, and the world, the most accessible greenspaces are cemeteries. And while they have a morbid reputation, they can offer lots of great nature opportunities for those willing to explore. Danielle Belleny is a wildlife biologist in San Antonio, Texas, a co-founder of Black Birders Week, and the author of the essay L awn of the Dead: Finding Solace, Ecological Integrity, and Good Birding in America’s Cemeteries , which will run in the next issue of Birding magazine....
Mar 17, 2022•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast The birding world was shocked and more than a little saddened late last year when the venerable magazine Bird Watcher’s Digest announced that it was ceasing operations. Famously founded by Elsa Thompson and Bill Thompson Jr in 1978 it was a real tent pole of the birding community in North America. But the exciting news is that the magazine will be back in 2022, rechristened as BWD and with many of the same people involved. Jessica Vaughn will be the editor and Mike Sacopulos the publisher. They ...
Mar 10, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast If a bird calls in a forest, or a swamp, or a grassland, and no birder is there to hear it, did that vocalization really happen? The birds sounds we miss contain so much information about bird behavior and populations, wouldn’t it be useful if we could hear those sounds surreptitiously. That’s the work of Tessa Rhinehart , a researcher, birder, and mathematician at the University of Pittsburgh who trains computers to identify birds for science and conservation. Also, birders in Nova Scotia get a...
Mar 03, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s the last week of the month and that means it’s time for This Month in Birding. And while February is the shortest month, we do not give you the short shrift with our panel this month. We're joined by Sam D'Jarnett from Always Be Birdin' , Orietta Estrada from Amplify the Future , and podcast regular Frank Izaguirre of Birding magazine to talk about murmuration dangers, Rare Bird Alerts pros and cons, and a Black Birders Week temperature check among other things. Links to topics discussed: B...
Feb 24, 2022•1 hr 1 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is no question that climate change is having an impact on bird populations, but dig a little deeper and you find a tangled web of changing weather patterns, land use, habitat loss, and the different needs of individual species and groups of species that make coming up with management practices a real challenge. But birds, more than most other taxa, have the benefit of decades of data from both professional and community scientists perhaps best exemplified by the Christmas Bird Count. Dr. S...
Feb 17, 2022•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast