When your teenager sits you down to come clean to you about something…When you’re on vacation and wondering whether you should try to squeeze one more thing in…When your adult kid decides to get divorced…When you’re frustrated and resentful about something with your spouse and decide to have a talk, there is something you should keep in mind. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Oct 05, 2023•4 min•Ep 1162•Transcript available on Metacast “This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/dailydad and get on your way to being your best self.” It’s fitting that one of the most important things you can do as a parent requires you to think about something that’s very nearly impossible for a parent to consider. It comes to us from Marcus Aurelius by way of Epictetus. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Oct 04, 2023•4 min•Ep 1161•Transcript available on Metacast If you want to spend more time with your kids, as we said recently, the important thing is that you don’t drive them away . Yet that’s what so many of us do, isn’t it? Because we worry, because we care, because we can’t quite strike the right balance, our efforts end up backfiring. Think of John O’Connor’s mom whose smothering tendencies drove her son to move from California to Arizona just to get some distance. There’s no way she wanted that to happen, but she made it happen all the same. Think...
Oct 03, 2023•4 min•Ep 1160•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine you’ve come to the end. You’re leaving this world, leaving your kids behind. Or worse, more unthinkably, your kids are leaving you. They’re off to college. They’re moving across the country. Time or distance or conflict separates you. They’ve been in an accident. You’ve both lived to ripe old ages, but they go first. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Oct 02, 2023•3 min•Ep 1159•Transcript available on Metacast On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on stepping outside of our own upbringing and challenging the conversation more as parents when it comes to the freedom of our children. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 30, 2023•15 min•Ep 1158•Transcript available on Metacast This change we’ve made, this decision to become dads—it has uprooted everything. It’s like we were hit, suddenly, with a crossfire hurricane. The house is a mess. The schedule is grueling. There is never enough sleep , never enough time in the day. Even the cool, quiet dark is pierced by the shriek of a man who has stepped on a pile of Legos… and the shriek is coming from your mouth. Yet to be good at our jobs, to be good at this fatherhood thing, we need stillness . We need time to reflect. We ...
Sep 29, 2023•3 min•Ep 1157•Transcript available on Metacast You weren’t wrong. You did have some experience on the matter. You only wanted what was best for them. You wanted them to stay in school. You didn’t want them messing around with something that could cause them trouble. You wanted them to be safe. You wanted to make sure they stayed the good and innocent and promising kid you used to carry around. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 28, 2023•3 min•Ep 1156•Transcript available on Metacast They see you disheveled and groggy. They see you busy and preoccupied. They see you argue with your spouse . They see you burned out after a long week. They see regular old, normal you. But what about some of those peak career moments? When you sold your company. When you were invited to that special reception at the fancy place downtown. The first day of shooting for your new screenplay. When you were interviewed for that big morning show. When that raise finally came through. ✉️ Sign up for th...
Sep 27, 2023•3 min•Ep 1155•Transcript available on Metacast The amount of choices we have today is not normal. Certainly, it’s quite new. When you were a kid–which was not that long ago–there were how many channels on TV? Even cable, which radically expanded that number, was still finite and nothing compared to streaming. There was no infinite scroll…YouTube only rolled out autoplay at the end of videos in the last decade. And this is only discussing what we watch–there is essentially an unlimited choice in what we listen to, who we date, where we travel...
Sep 26, 2023•2 min•Ep 1154•Transcript available on Metacast When they’re young, when they’re asleep, when they’re older, when you’re old, when you’re on vacation, after a big Thanksgiving meal, early in the morning before school, in the afternoons when you’re visiting their new family, there’s one thing you should do with your kids: We’ve talked about John Adams ( the great McCullough bio is at The Painted Porch ) and his fascinating relationship with his brilliant son John Quincy. Ryan Holiday dedicated a chapter to the value of walking in his best-sell...
Sep 25, 2023•4 min•Ep 1153•Transcript available on Metacast On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on being the model for our kids and the ultimate skill on the ability to handle frustration. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 23, 2023•21 min•Ep 1152•Transcript available on Metacast By now, you’ve almost certainly lost count of how many questions you’ve been asked by your kids. From the moment they can talk, that’s what fatherhood is—answering questions. Some you can’t wait for them to ask, some you hope they’ll never ask (or ask their mom), some so absurdly, brilliantly child-like you never could have guessed they were coming in a million years. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 22, 2023•3 min•Ep 1151•Transcript available on Metacast In 1940, as Nazi bombs rained down on London, an observer noted the contrasts between the “natural splendor and human vileness.” This idea (which inspired Erik Larson’s wonderful book The Splendid and the Vile ) would be born out over the next several months–not just the bombs falling in one of the world’s great cities, but also the human resilience and heroism in response to such villainy and evil. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Faceb...
Sep 21, 2023•4 min•Ep 1150•Transcript available on Metacast In the moment, it seemed like a big deal . In the moment, you just needed them to understand your concerns. In the moment, the phone was ringing. In the moment, you were overwhelmed. In the moment, you were worried something might happen. In the moment, you had other plans. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 20, 2023•3 min•Ep 1149•Transcript available on Metacast Wouldn’t it be nice if everything was simple and straightforward? That’s what we’d like the job of a parent to be. We’d like there to be a blueprint that laid out exactly what we have to do and when we have to do it in order to guarantee that all our parental i’s are dotted and t’s are crossed. Of course, life isn’t remotely like that. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 19, 2023•3 min•Ep 1148•Transcript available on Metacast There are parents who pay for music lessons so their kids can play an instrument. There are parents who tutor their kids in a foreign language. There are parents who teach their kids how to do all sorts of things–to start a campfire, to change a flat tire, to sew a button. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 18, 2023•4 min•Ep 1147•Transcript available on Metacast On this episode of the Daily Dad Podcast, Ryan talks to Paul Kix about enjoying the time we do have with our kids, while being self-conscious of what we call work during family settings. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 16, 2023•12 min•Ep 1146•Transcript available on Metacast F. Scott Fitzgerald knew the long term damage of being spoiled rotten. Not only was he a prime and painful example himself— as we’ve written about —but as he observed and studied the rich men and women of the Jazz Age, he saw how indulgent people quickly became the “careless” monsters that he portrayed in The Great Gatsby . ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 15, 2023•3 min•Ep 1145•Transcript available on Metacast Your kids ask for a lot. Money. Patience. They ask for toys and games and attention. They demand chicken nuggets after you hand them the hamburger they told you they wanted. They ask for forgiveness , and they ask for trust. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 14, 2023•4 min•Ep 1144•Transcript available on Metacast Study any great leader, artist, athlete, or parent, and you’ll find that they had a hero, a mentor, or a model. Some were lucky enough to study directly under that person. But for most, this studying happened remotely—by reading books, watching documentaries, listening to interviews, and so on. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 13, 2023•5 min•Ep 1143•Transcript available on Metacast They’re scared there’s something under their bed or in their closet. They tell you they don’t want to go to school today. They tell you they feel depressed. They tell you that they think somebody hates them. They tell you that they hate playing this sport or practicing that instrument. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 12, 2023•3 min•Ep 1142•Transcript available on Metacast They were traveling with their three-year-old son. They boarded their flight in Boston. They were heading back to Los Angeles after visiting family in Cape Cod. They could not have anticipated that just 49 minutes into the trip, their plane would be hijacked and driven into the south tower of the World Trade Center in Lower Manhattan. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 11, 2023•5 min•Ep 1141•Transcript available on Metacast On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on experiencing parenting versus taking the advice and understanding the phases of parenthood. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 09, 2023•17 min•Ep 1140•Transcript available on Metacast As we’ve said before, each of us as parents have to try to give what we didn’t get as kids . The attention. The support. The understanding. Whatever it is, we have to try our best to be better for our kids. That can be encouraging them to become who they are –even if you don’t agree or understand. Or making sure to give them space to fail, while showing them support and encouragement to try again. Or maybe it’s choosing to be an ancestor , not a ghost. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDa...
Sep 08, 2023•3 min•Ep 1139•Transcript available on Metacast Before, you were a glutton for punishment. You were tolerant. You were accepting. If the boss wanted it, if the customer needed it, if it could help you in your career, you were up for it. Long hours. Long flights. Calls at 2 a.m. Quick trips into the office on the weekends. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 07, 2023•4 min•Ep 1138•Transcript available on Metacast “This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/dailydad and get on your way to being your best self.” It’s scary. It’s especially scary for women, whose careers are almost invariably set back by having kids in their prime working years. But it’s scary for men too. Because when we say “work/life balance” what we’re really talking about is tradeoffs. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 06, 2023•4 min•Ep 1137•Transcript available on Metacast “This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/dailydad and get on your way to being your best self.” Even a hundred years ago, it was an argument at plenty of dinner tables. They didn’t have TVs then, let alone iPads, but families were still fighting about what was happening at meal time, what was allowed to happen at the table. Parents were still comparing themselves against what they thought the neighbors were doing, what kind of behavior they were letti...
Sep 05, 2023•4 min•Ep 1136•Transcript available on Metacast The pressure to do is one that rests heavy on all parents. We plan that big family vacation to Disneyland. We put everyone in the car and drive like a madman through traffic to make it to that special dinner on time. We put everyone in their least comfortable clothes and pose them for that awkward photo. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 04, 2023•4 min•Ep 1135•Transcript available on Metacast On this weekend episode of the Daily Dad, Ryan talks with his wife Samantha on men having the conversation and creating the proper space for fatherhood. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 02, 2023•15 min•Ep 1134•Transcript available on Metacast You send them to great schools. You make sure they do their homework. You drill them on their flashcards. You are saving for college. You are not going to let them set their sights low like you did, or maybe you won’t accept them getting into anywhere less prestigious than you did. ✉️ Sign up for the Daily Dad email: DailyDad.com 📱 Follow Daily Dad: Twitter , Instagram , Facebook , YouTube...
Sep 01, 2023•2 min•Ep 1133•Transcript available on Metacast