Have you faithfully adorned your bedroom, bathroom and office with little 'post-it' notes with affirmations saying 'I am rich', 'I am successful', 'Wealth flows to me'....and found that nothing really changes in your life and that essentially you don't believe a word of these affirmation? Well you are not alone! Noah St. John, Author and mega-successful Businessman had exactly this experience. Twenty years of affirmations and a fortune's worth of post-its had him $800 in debt! Fortunately he had...
Jul 25, 2013•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Richard Gordon , has a whacking nearly 40 years experience in the arena of Holistic Health. Quantum-Touch is his baby and as the founder, he has spoken internationally at medical conferences, medical centres and Chiropractic Colleges. Dr. C. Norman Shealy, MD PhD ( founding President of the American Holistic Medical Assn) clinically tested and endorsed Quantum-Touch, calling it 'the first technique that may truly allow us all to become healers'. With over 300 certified practitioners in over 50 c...
Jul 25, 2013•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Unprecedented access to His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama was granted to Award-winning Filmmaker Leon Stuparich as he unknowingly embarked on his own journey towards inner peace when he took a film crew to follow the 14th Dalai Lama around the UK . Little did Leon know that he would find out as much about himself as he did about the man he was shadowing. The plan was to capture the essence of his Holiness as he interacted with his followers, though as of course the spiritually aware amongst you w...
Jul 22, 2013•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Peter Pure is a Raw Food Enthusiast and you just can't help but be inspired and get excited by his zest for living a great life - and that of course comes with great health. This interview comes with a health warning - and that is.... that we all have a compulsory health examination but it comes at a time when it is too late to do anything about it - yes, when we are laying there on the slab for a post-mortem! To live our lives of complete 'greatness' we really are better equipped if our bodies ...
Jul 15, 2013•1 hr 4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Living Consciously with Human Design is what J R 'Randy' Richmond is keen for us to do. In a world where so often we are contorting ourselves to be what others and society want and expect of us, it is such a relief to gain an understanding of how you really here to show up in your life through Human Design. If you ever feel as though you don't quite 'fit in', that life does not seem to be 'flowing' for you , or that life is just plain hard work, then the insights of Human Design will leave no st...
Jul 13, 2013•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Secrets of Longevity are no more! Mimi Kirk, Raw Food Chef, International Speaker, Raw Food Coach and Author of 'Live Raw' is the most fantastic advert for eating Raw and Vegan to achieve anti-aging. Hard to believe but at the time of recording this interview she is almost 75 and recently was voted 'America's Sexiest Vegetarian over 50'! Her boyfriend is 19 years her junior ! Our lively chat with her turned into a fun and enlightening coaching session for us in the hope that we too could ach...
Jul 11, 2013•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast The Goddess in You is what Artist Photographer Samjhana Moon of Goddess Portraiture promises to reveal. Samjhana takes us on an exploration of what it means to be a goddess and how each of us is divine and beautiful. Her skill lies not only in taking beautiful photographs of women but also in find the appropriate 'nature' setting for her clients - anything from a bluebell wood to a field of poppies. Samjhana finds that the energy and beauty of nature is the perfect setting to enhance the natural...
Jul 10, 2013•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Infinite Abundance is our natural way of being says our friend Rikka Zimmerman. This dynamic lady asks us some loving but tough questions and encourages us to examine where in our lives we are blocking that flow of abundance of money . As both of us have spent time with Rikka in person, we well know her propensity for asking the kind of questions that make your brain rattle and question if all that up to this point you held as true .... may not be after all. Here's a taster.... What if we alread...
Jul 05, 2013•59 min•Transcript available on Metacast Charles Eisenstein , International Speaker and the author of the The Ascent of Humanity and latterly, Sacred Economics joins us for a liberating discussion on the present economics system of the world. His book Sacred Economics traces the history of money from ancient gift economies to modern capitalism, revealing how the money system has fostered competition and scarcity, destroyed community and necessitated endless and unsustainable economic growth. He is willing to speak the truths that are s...
Jul 03, 2013•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Money Emotions are now the study of psychology and this guest is helping us to continue on our recent theme of money. We're exploring where our personal beliefs around money originate and if we want to be savvy with money then what we need to recognise about our own emotions around money to have a balanced relationship with it. Simonne Gnessen’s mission is to demystify the world of finance, relieve you of the stress of any money worries and help you use your resources effectively so you can achi...
Jul 01, 2013•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast One Command Cash Creation with Asara Lovejoy is our treat for you today. This acclaimed Speaker, Internet Marketer and Executive Success Coach, ITunes podcast show ‘ Activate your Rich Mind for Wild Success’ and best-selling author of ‘One Command’, and not surprisingly Asara is also a multi-million dollar business owner. Now we are always hearing that we live in a world of abundance and that money is mere energy and we can easily attract it into our lives…. However that is not everyone’s experi...
Jun 20, 2013•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Rikka Zimmerman is our very special guest in this episode. We could not help but be captivated and entranced by her radiant smile, warmth and sincerity. Acclaimed international Speaker, author and singer/songwriter Rikka explores with us the nature of consciousness and also gives us a sneak preview of her new album where she has created specific frequencies of sound to enhance the raising of our consciousness. As a child Rikka had a difficult time 'fitting in' and her 'energy talk' drew worried ...
Jun 18, 2013•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Passion for Business is something Matt Kendall knows plenty about. His tips for starting a business are generously shared in this interview. Owning your own business is the dream of many and the achievement of few. Getting started can be fuelled by enthusiasm, but sustaining that drive when the going gets tough is a different matter and one that Matt guides us through. What super impressed us about is that Matt Kendall ‘consistently’ makes money in all the businesses he starts – not a very commo...
Jun 18, 2013•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast Inspirational Stories of Success is a passion of TEDx Speaker Angela Schaefer. This Speaker, Writer and the host of 'Your Story Matters’ Radio Show, was catapulted into the limelight when she published her first book 'Grief to Grace' . As a Mum who discovered that she had stage IV cancer, she wanted to share how it felt and how she learned to deal with the emotions that emerged - both in herself and those around her. Clearly her story was so laced with feeling that readers were moved to contact ...
Jun 14, 2013•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Money Mind Set is a tricky thing. Speaker, Author and Master Coach Michael Stratford takes us on a journey to explore the stories we run about money in our heads and the emotions we associate with money. Michael's belief that we can choose to treat life as a big game and the winning and losing is all in our minds could bring you a completely different perspective on your life. A seasoned and highly skilled Coach, Michael helps Beryl clear some of her 'ancestral' money issues and releases some bl...
Jun 07, 2013•1 hr 10 min•Transcript available on Metacast The benefits of Raw Food are explored here with Raw Food Expert and Coach, Saskia Fraser. Although it can be tough to be completely 'Raw', the benefits of giving up some processed foods are becoming more widely known. Alkalising, detox, weight loss, skin disorders and chronic health issues are all subjects that Saskia discusses with us. Maybe not so well known are the emotional benefits that can come from consuming raw food - as the body begins the cleanse then so does the mind. Saskia excels at...
May 26, 2013•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Anita Moorjani is a living legend. Her Near Death Experience took her from the arms of a cancerous death to just two weeks later dancing at a friend's wedding. This was a spiritual awakening of the most extreme kind and one that changed the course of Anita's life forever. Why and how did this happen? How could someone be filled with cancerous tumours and in a coma one day and the next have the deepest 'knowing' that she was NOT going to die and in 'coming back' she would be completely healed? Th...
May 15, 2013•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our unending quest to bring you fresh thinking to help you on your journey to reconnect with your own greatness has once again brought us to the door of William Whitecloud. A few episodes back , William inspired us all, with his story of how he overcame an illness that brought him close to the arms of death, and how this was a catalyst for him to become an Author, Coach and International Speaker. Thousands of people have now been helped by his work including his coaching programme, Living From G...
May 12, 2013•47 min•Transcript available on Metacast Top women in business are what we at Wired For Success TV love to hear about. Now because we KNOW that each of us is already designed to be creative, resourceful and empowered, we love to discuss the subject of business and entrepreneurship – as a route towards a life lived on own terms with the lifestyle to match. Today’s guest is highly successful online business woman Natalie Sisson and she is just perfect for this topic, as she styles herself the Suitcasepreneur. Many of you will have seen o...
May 09, 2013•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Spiritual awakenings and shifts in consciousness going on all around us and in a bid to help us grasp a better understanding of all this we are delighted to present to you today’s guest, Stewart Pearce. Stewart has had over the past 25 years, the most extraordinary experiences with the Angelic Realms and has been generous enough to share these experiences and profound messages, allowing his audience to grasp a better understanding of this massive Consciousness Shift that we are all caught up in....
May 08, 2013•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Panache Desai, recent guest of Oprah Winfrey is a young man who everyone is talking about. We just HAD to pin him down for a conversation to bring you his refreshing and simple philosophy to rediscover your ‘success wiring’. His understanding of Spirituality is so in alignment with ours at Wired For Success TV that he really is the perfect guest! Panache is from London town, yet his calling means that he is travelling the world to impart his extremely powerful gift. Recently featured on Oprah Wi...
May 06, 2013•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Peeking into people's souls is what Nic Askew does rather well. His movie camera is his tool and he captures a little - in fact rather a lot, of his subject's soul on black and white film. He does it lovingly and without intrusion, and yet it does feel as though some layers have somehow been lifted. Soul Biographies is an apt name for these short vignettes into a space that is rarely seen. Nic creates these films for individuals, for companies, for organisations and all sorts really. To say Nic ...
Apr 14, 2013•2 hr 30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Going Vegan is for most people a pretty gradual process. Not for Steve Trister. Earthlings , the documentary of how humanity mistreats animals marked a turning point in Steve's life . He clearly remembers the date, 18th January 2013. Immediately after the viewing he felt so traumatised by what he had witnessed that he posted his reaction to Facebook via a two and a half video he filmed on his iPhone. His intention simply being that if one or two people saw it, maybe they would rethink a few thin...
Apr 04, 2013•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Theta Healing has become a passion for Beata Aleksandrowicz . Despite training in many energy therapies, Theta Healing has become the most powerful for this dedicated lady. Having experienced much trauma in her own childhood which left her emotionally scarred - she bravely embarked on a journey of self-discovery, searching for answers as to 'why' she had had to suffer so badly and find out how she could 'heal' and live a normal life. No distance was too far to travel to learn more 'truths'. She ...
Apr 03, 2013•56 min•Transcript available on Metacast Organ regeneration might seem a bit far fetched but suspend judgement until you have heard some of the remarkable stories that Ken Graydon has to share. Out of the stable of 'Energy Workers' working with consciousness ,such as founder of Matrix Energetics - Richard Bartlett, Wendy Down, JP Farrell and the Russian healers Arcady Petrov and Gregori Grabavoi, Ken is quietly doing cutting edge energy work with clients all over the world as he works 'remotely' from his home in Australia. Ken has writ...
Mar 09, 2013•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Moving and grooving in the aisles in 'Celebration of Life', singing along to Bonnie Tyler's 'I Need A Hero' and listening to Alice in Wonderland readings is just part of the joy, fun and uplifting things that go on in the Sunday Assembly, co-founded by stand-up Comedian, Sanderson Jones. So what IS this all about? How does someone go from touring Australia, gigging at the Edinburgh fringe being part of the London comedy scene, suddenly out of seemingly nowhere begin a monthly 'church service' fo...
Mar 09, 2013•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast 'Approach Life and Business as a great Game'to Play or Win' - is just one of the philosophies of this man who calls himself the 'Provocateur of Transformation'. An author, International Speaker, Workshop Facilitator and Coach - Michael Stratford had our minds in overdrive as we struggled to get our heads round some of his very new thinking about how to play the game of life . We totally loved his approach! He is definitely into creating a playground in which to interact with life and is very suc...
Mar 09, 2013•1 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast 'On Becoming Superhuma n' is Phil Drolet's 'Uncommon Guide to Unleashing your Super Powers and Achieving Extraordinary Performance. We had the honour of spending time with this young man who has taken massive steps in his life to be able to give up the 9-5 and make a living doing what he absolutely loves. Like so many on this path, he had to trawl through frustration and self doubt to emerge the other side with more of a 'knowing' of himself and to gain clarity that he is on the planet to teach ...
Mar 09, 2013•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Success is an inside job - so says William Whitecloud, International Speaker, Author, Workshop Facilitator and Coach . William's fascinating story begins with a chronic illness that left him at death's door - indeed he was on the edge of receiving the 'last rites' when the Universe came up with a new plan for him, a chance meeting (if there is such a thing) and a total recovery of his health. He them embarked upon a quest to understand how to access and 'better direct' the power of focus. Two de...
Mar 08, 2013•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Playing with Fear may not seem like much of a fun game, but suspend your judgement until you have listened to the inimitable Mary Daniels share her story and her personal philosophy of life. Mary is a Social Entrepreneur, Life and Business Coach, Speaker, Writer, Workshop Facilitator and the newly appointed Co-Director of Alternatives - the non-for-profit London-based organisation that is the forefront of running workshops and events for those hungry for ' spiritual' nourishment . When she first...
Mar 06, 2013•54 min•Transcript available on Metacast