Today we are talking with an anesthesiologist who went through an emotionally and financially tough divorce. He came on the podcast to encourage anyone going through a similar situation to hang in there and know it will be better on the other side. This doc had his financial awakening soon after his divorce when he realized he had to turn his finances around. He started working more and got into a few side gigs so he could increase his income. He got out of debt and started saving and building w...
Nov 25, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we start off with a dive into HSAs then answer a question about low cost index funds and how they actually work. We get into the weeds with a question about what happens when you take out a loan from your 401(k) to invest in real estate. We talk about what to consider and prioritize when buying into partnership then discuss some thoughts around managing your portfolio. We also have a short interview with our friend Paul Moore from Wellings Capital. Today’s episode is brought to you by SoFi...
Nov 21, 2024•49 min•Ep 394•Transcript available on Metacast This rehab doc paid off $380,000 of student loans in only 16 months! He obviously worked like crazy over that time period to be able to accomplish that goal. He said he knew his value for freedom to choose what to do in the future would keep him motivated when he was starting to feel burnt out. Having the loans gone has given him that freedom and he feels like the work was worth it. He is now excited to focus on his quality of life as well as to start building his retirement accounts. After the ...
Nov 18, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is part two of Dr. Dahle's fall and rescue story. If you did not listen to last weeks episode yet, be sure to start there. We are picking the story back up as we continue to hear the impact of this experience on Dr. Dahle, his family, friends and coworkers. You will hear from all of the people who had a hand to play in his rescue, hospital stay and overall recovery. It is a heartfelt story full of gratitude both for life, and for the unsung heroes in our lives. If you'd like to join Jim & K...
Nov 14, 2024•1 hr 27 min•Ep 393•Transcript available on Metacast This general surgery resident is back to broke before he has even completed training. He became financially literate early in his training and got to work saving and investing and it has already paid off. He said he has had this success because he knows how to set goals and delay gratification. He shared the importance of creating good habits and mindset around money. After the interview we will be talking about the basics of real estate investing for finance 101. One of the most underrated fina...
Nov 11, 2024•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast We are so excited to welcome Dr. Dahle back to the podcast after a few months off as he recovered from his mountain climbing accident. Back in August Dr. Dahle was climbing the north face of the Tetons with his long time climbing partner and friend. He had a serious fall and is very lucky to be on his way back to a full recovery. Today we are telling his story. You will hear from all of the people who had a hand to play in his rescue, hospital stay and overall recovery. It is a heartfelt story f...
Nov 07, 2024•1 hr 2 min•Ep 392•Transcript available on Metacast This radiologist has had so much success and is celebrating cutting back to part time. He has a net worth of roughly $11 million and could have retired if he wanted to. He said going part time has re-sparked his love for his work and he thinks he will keep working far longer than he thought he would want to. His biggest advice to you is to invest in more than just money. It is just as important, if not more important, to invest in your marriage, your kids, your family, yourself and your communit...
Nov 04, 2024•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.” A Tale Of Two Cities tells the story of a French doctor's 18 year imprisonment in the Bastille and today we borrow it's famous opening lines as Dickens so accurately and accidentally provides the perfect assessm...
Oct 31, 2024•56 min•Ep 391•Transcript available on Metacast This dual hospitalist couple has hit a huge net worth milestone become financially independent after just 12 years. He said his entire motivation to save and reduce the amount of work he has to do was so he could spend as much time as possible with his daughter. He says living like a resident, saving and investing aggressively was what made this possible. After the interview we will be talking about self employed retirement accounts for Finance 101. Are you using multifamily to build long-term w...
Oct 28, 2024•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are sharing one of our most popular sessions from WCICON24. Each year we have a few of our White Coat Investor columnists join Dr. Dahle on stage to answer questions about their columns, finances and overall feelings about WCI. It is always a favorite of attendees. We hope you enjoy this peek into what WCICON is and maybe even decide to join us in San Antonio this year. Today’s episode is brought to you by SoFi , helping medical professionals like us bank, borrow, and invest to achieve ...
Oct 24, 2024•1 hr 5 min•Ep 390•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are talking with someone near and dear to us at the White Coat Investor. Cindy was the first employee at White Coat and has been working here helping Dr. Dahle make WCI what it is for over 10 years. Her background is in social work and she and her husband have been working to pay down student debt and build wealth. She shares her story of tax bill shock as their income grew, boring but effective investing, and their excitement around getting rid of student loans. After the interview we ...
Oct 21, 2024•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today our friend Margaret Curtis is taking on the role of host while Dr. Dahle is recovering. She is answering your questions off the speak pipe. She talks about a tough estate planning situation with a listener finding her self in an undesirable situation, then she answers a question about cost segregation studies and rental properties, how to navigate your first attending job and ends with a question about 529s. Today’s episode is brought to you by SoFi , helping medical professionals like us ...
Oct 17, 2024•26 min•Ep 389•Transcript available on Metacast This hospitalist paid off $380,000 of student loans in only 3 years! She had a goal and a plan from the moment she completed training. She poured every cent she could into her debt while living like a resident. She shared that it is not complicated but it does take determination to do something like this. As she was riding her bike to work and skipping on buying the fancy new car her coworkers thought she was a little nuts. She also took advantage of the student loan freeze and saved roughly $40...
Oct 14, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode we interview Andrew Tobias, the author of The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need, which has sold over a million copies and was influential in our financial education. We discuss financial plans, changes in the financial world during his career, crypto, venture investing, meme stocks, inflation, and high earners' financial mistakes. See full show notes here Today’s episode is brought to...
Oct 10, 2024•1 hr 9 min•Ep 388•Transcript available on Metacast We have an incredible and inspirational couple on today. These two cash flowed both his medical school and residency as well as her Doctorate of Nurse Practitioning. They were committed to doing whatever it took to get through training debt free. They bred dogs, lived rent free in exchange for renovating whatever home they were in, ate from their garden, worked as many shifts as possible and more. These two leaned on each other for support as they accomplished their goal. Now fresh out of traini...
Oct 07, 2024•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode we interview prominent Boglehead published author Rick Van Ness. Rick has made a career of teaching financial literacy to the world. We review his ten principles for common sense investing as well as hear why Rick thinks bonds are worth investing in. He talks about his current passion, which we here at WCI understand, getting a financial plan in place. We discuss the importance of knowing what you value and making a plan that accounts for that. Today’s episode is brought to you by S...
Oct 03, 2024•52 min•Ep 387•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are talking with a pediatric dentist who hit a net worth of $6 million dollars! He is barely over a decade out of training. He started out in general dentistry and realized pretty quickly he wanted to specialize to increase his earning potential and enhance his lifestyle. He is a supersaver who is working on increasing his spending. His advice to you is to start educating yourself now on basic financial knowledge and to get in the habit of living on less than you earn. After the intervi...
Sep 30, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today our podcast producer Megan is stepping in as host and is joined by longtime friend of WCI, SC Gutierrez. They are talking about why women are generally less involved in finances than men and what can be done about it. They discuss different ideas around how to get your partner more involved, regardless of their gender, in setting financial goals. They talk about the impact of the way we are raised, the importance of intention and delegation and so much more. Today’s episode is brought to y...
Sep 26, 2024•1 hr 6 min•Ep 386•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are talking with an ER doc who hit a $2 million net worth. He talks about the importance of him and his wife getting on the same page early and getting to work growing their net worth and getting rid of debt. His advice to you is consider geographic arbitrage, increase your savings every year and take advantage of loan forgiveness programs. Stick around after the interview for a discussion about HSAs for Finance 101. Are you using multifamily to build long-term wealth? If not, I strongl...
Sep 23, 2024•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our guest in this episode is Dr. Karsten. He's the mind behind the Early Retirement Now blog. He completed a PhD in economics, worked for the Federal Reserve for a while and taught economics. He joined the research department of an investment manager and got a CFA designation. He spent 10 years there before punching out to live the FIRE lifestyle a few years ago. He spent the first few months out on a world tour, visiting 20 plus countries, then settled down in the Northwest with his family. Ear...
Sep 19, 2024•1 hr 13 min•Ep 385•Transcript available on Metacast This emergency doc paid off over $455,000 in less than one year! That huge number was a combination of undergrad and med school loans as well as some loans from his wife's education. They were on the same page from the beginning and agreed to set the goal of paying everything off within one year of completing training. They poured every dollar they could into their debt and even paid off two car loans in the process. He talks about the power of focus when you have a solid goal. Once that goal wa...
Sep 16, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today on the podcast we are talking about how to help your kids build wealth by funding Roth IRAs, HSAs, 529s, and employing them in your business. We also tackle questions about using brokerage accounts to get an attractive yield on cash, cash management accounts, and how to make sure you get your full match when you have a mandatory 403b contribution. Today’s episode is brought to you by SoFi , helping medical professionals like us bank, borrow, and invest to achieve financial wellness. SoFi o...
Sep 12, 2024•41 min•Ep 384•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are talking with a pediatrician who paid off $330,000 in 7 years. He talked about being mentally prepared for this to take a very long time. He refinanced his loans in 2019 and was making payments and trying to throw extra cash at them when he could. But when he sold his first house and moved to a new home he made enough on that sale that he was able to pay the rest of those loans off in one whack. He is loving the freedom of being done with the payments. He shares the great advice to c...
Sep 09, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today Dr. Dahle opens by talking about the state of governmental student loan repayment programs and whether or not they are likely to be around for long. We then get into answering a variety of your questions including if a physician loan is a good idea, how to evaluate real estate deals, when it is a good idea to pay off your mortgage, if nursing home insurance is a good idea and when to let your disability policy lapse. We even discuss if it is a reasonable idea to leave your money to the gov...
Sep 05, 2024•53 min•Ep 383•Transcript available on Metacast This two emergency doc family is back to broke! They are focused on getting their finances right early and while she is the finance nerd they are both on the same page. She is still a fellow and he is one year out of training. They talk to us about why they have chosen to live in California. The biggest reason is that all of their family is there and they deeply value time with family. They said the high cost of living and the big tax bill is worth it for them. They shared that they are making s...
Sep 02, 2024•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we are talking with Carl Richards. Carl is a Certified Financial Planner, author, podcaster and educator. He is one of the most influential voices in the financial planning world. The title of his book is The Behavior Gap. In this discussion we get into what the behavior gap is, how big it is, why it is so persistent and what we as investors can do about it. We also talk about the state of the financial advisory industry and why there are not enough "real advisors". We talk about how inves...
Aug 29, 2024•1 hr 2 min•Ep 382•Transcript available on Metacast Today we have a communications pro on the podcast who is only a few out of college and has already reached a net worth of a quarter million dollars. He attributes his success to his dad who taught him from a young age the power of compounding interest. In addition to traditional means of growing wealth he has had success dabbling in things like crypto, NFTs and sports betting. This guest is a great example of showing that there is more than one way to have financial success and we all need to se...
Aug 26, 2024•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today we answer questions about the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA, answer a few questions about 401(k)s, and discuss if it is worth not rolling an old 401(k) into your new one to provide some added asset protection. We talk about cash vs. bonds and how to evaluate your investment mix. Those questions and more on todays episode! Today’s episode is brought to you by SoFi , helping medical professionals like us bank, borrow, and invest to achieve financial wellness. SoFi offers up to 4.6% APY on their sav...
Aug 22, 2024•46 min•Ep 381•Transcript available on Metacast This Orthopedist has grown his wealth to $3 million only 3 years out of training. He tackled his student loans quickly and started saving and investing aggressively. As we talk about regularly, a big income is super helpful but it doesn't get you anywhere if you aren't financially literate. He and his wife got on the same page early and put their high incomes to work. Getting their financial ducks in a row is going to give them both the freedom to work fewer hours and create a balanced work and ...
Aug 19, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today Dr. Dahle talks with Michael Kitces, creator of the popular blog Nerds Eye View. He is a CFP (along with many other designations) who has a passion for educating. His platform is huge and he knows more about financial planning and the financial planning industry than just about anyone out there. Today they tackle a range of topics with the higher level focus on the state of the financial planning industry. Michael shares valuable insight on how to find a trust worthy advisor, why he thinks...
Aug 15, 2024•1 hr 20 min•Ep 380•Transcript available on Metacast