Rebecca Parker - President and Chief Executive Officer of M. Dyer & Sons, Inc.
Rebecca Parker - President and Chief Executive Officer of M. Dyer & Sons, Inc.
Sanford Murata - President of Sanford Murata, Inc.
Tim Dick - Founder and Vice-chairman of Hawaii Superferry, Principal behind, and Co-founder of
Keli'i Akina - President and Chief Executive Officer of YFC Hawaii
Marsha Nadalin - Owner of Marsha Nadalin Salon & Spa
Gene Awakuni - Chancellor of University of Hawaii, West Oahu
Tom Zimmerman - President of Central Pacific HomeLoans, Inc.
Bob Dove - President and Chief Executive Officer of Hawaii Employers' Mutual Insurance Company, Inc. (HEMIC)
Stanford Carr - President of Stanford Carr Development
Shelley Wilson - Founder and President of Wilson Homecare
Admiral RJ "Zap" Zlatoper - Trustee at The Estate of James Campbell, Former Commander-In-Chief of the United States Pacific Fleet
Andrew Friedlander - Co-founder of Colliers Monroe Friedlander Inc.
Bob Hiam - President and CEO of HMSA
Frank De Lima - Hawaiian Comedian, Founder of Frank De Lime Student Enrichment Program
Todd Bradley and Brian Keaulana - Founders of C4 Waterman
Leah Bernstein - President of Mountain Apple Company
David Carey - Chief Executive Officer of Outrigger Enterprises
Robbie Alm - Senior Vice President of Public Affairs, Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
Raynette Tinay - President and Chief Executive Officer of C&J Telecommunications, Inc.
Jeff Chung - General Manager of KBFD TV, Pacific Century Fellow, Board of Hawaii International Film Festival
Gavin Ni - CEO and President of Zero2IPO
Leslie Wilcox - President and Chief Executive Officer of PBS Hawaii
Augie Tulba - Comedian, Actor and Entertainer
Kelly McGill - President and CEO of Grand Pacific Resources, Inc.
John Bower - Co-founder and managing partner of Sennet Capital
Bill Chee - President and Chief Executive Officer of Prudential Locations, LLC
Don Chapman - Editor of MidWeek
Walter Dods Jr. - Chairman of BancWest and First Hawaiian Bank, retired CEO of First Hawaiian Bank
Chad Karasaki - Managing Director of Marsh Head Office in Honolulu
Robin Campaniano - President and Chief Executive Officer of AIG Hawaii Insurance Company