Dear god, how can you get the glory?
This feels like Stockholm syndrome to me.
This feels like Stockholm syndrome to me.
Can you recite the 10 commandments? I didn't think so.
PSA: Stop taking your family to church.
Christians, this is why people like me can't take people like you seriously. I wish it wasn't the case.
What exactly does that mean?
Religion really does poison everything.
Another preacher removed for moral failure. So much for the whole armor of god.
Christians don't give a damn about the law, any law.
If only it had been a fundie school.
In part two of the discussion on real Christianity, we spend some time on the condition of the heart. This is part two of a discussion.
Tennessee city makes declaration for the Christian god.
Christians continue to prove that they don't give a damn about the law.
A few thoughts about heaven...
It seems that whatever Christians don't like about something has to always come down to demons. That explains the theory of evolution according to Candice Owens.
Christian teaches about sin in class
Tell me again how there is no conflict between science and religion.
It is past time we get down to the bottom of what a real Christian is. This is part one of what could be three shows. Enjoy.
Watch a childhood game get played out in real life by a fundie.
What do republicans mean by religious pluralism?
Because Christians still don't give a damn about the law. This time, they come right out and say it.
Time we start calling out stupid for what it is.
It's finally happening.
This, according the the UN ruling.
This is part three of the moral argument series.
When praying the gay away doesn't work...
Here we go again. Jim Crow 2.0 is just around the corner.
At what point do Christians start calling the BS?
This is another reminder that god doesn't do background checks.
Richard Dawkins and Ayaan Hirsi Ali go head to head on her conversion to Christianity. I provide my take.
Congratulations to anyone who makes to 106.