4S: Rise of the nones
Why are there increasingly more none religious people?
Why are there increasingly more none religious people?
Help me find the mental illness.
Christians are very thin-skinned these days.
This is what happens when people forget that the law is for everybody.
UMC wins Supreme Court ruling against UMC.
Dan and John debate while Mac and I mostly ignore them.
It's that time again...
Interesting study...
Give me your best legal theory.
Do we praise god for the tornadoes?
Here we go again...
This is why god allows Satan to have power.
Help me spot the miracle in this story.
This is exactly how schools in theocracies work.
This is what it looks like when a theocracy takes over.
This is just wrong.
Christians seem very selective about their praise.
The Northern lights are not proof for god. It's just a storm.
Christians practically invented cancel culture.
This is the final part in the series.
This is part two of a discussion. Enjoy.
This is how you create former Christians...
Does the religion actually exist if less than 1% of the adherents buy into the teachings?
Right-thinking people must speak out!
Freedom of speech means freedom to fall in line with the demands of conservative religion.
This is the forth and final installment of this series.
This is part three of a series. Do you even know what animism is?
This is the first part of a conversation about the resurgence of the old gods.
Is there even a such thing as a worldview purist?
This is part 1 of a series featuring the same article. Enjoy.