Mac's first short!
Mac did this short himself and I am looking forward to many more from him in the future.
Mac did this short himself and I am looking forward to many more from him in the future.
The Pope has declared that all religions lead to god.
What do you get when you have one religious nut job talking smack about another religious nut job ? This episode. Enjoy.
Christian zealots at school board meeting blow a gasket for Jesus.
This is what happens when misogyny is dictated by god.
Here is yet another creedal statement by evangelicals and my take on each of the seven items.
Why do Christians have to complicate good things by dragging god into it?
So much for the will of the voters and states rights.
There is a different law for Christians and that is the end of the American experiment .
What does it take to get banned from church? Let's find out.
I'm coming to believe there is no place in public school for fundie Christians. They eventually start viewing their teaching job as a tool for evangelism.
Are Christian movies a good tool for evangelism?
This isn't just another attempt to make prayer in school okay; it is an attempt to make it mandatory .
According to some Christians, the world is in crisis again, and in need of supernatural rescue, this time, by an army of Esthers.
This is what the gatekeepers of evangelicalism have to say.
No, the CofE is not dropping church from its name.
Yep, they just come right out and say it..
The story is just as weird as the title suggests.
Also, you should be suspicious of surveys done by Christians.
This is how theocracies are formed.
Another preacher buys another plane. So what?
This is how easy it is to be labeled a Marxist by conservative Christians, and why you should ignore them when they talk this way.
This is how Christians rewrite the bible.
Christian nut job gets sentenced for "obeying god". You decide.
Will someone please tell me what this organization is trying to achieve? Thanks.
What have we come to that we even have to ask the question?
Why do Christians need to do public performances of their religion?
Christians should stop pushing Jesus as a cure for real medical issues.
This is the mid-season finale. Enjoy.
This is a very interesting survey worth a bit of conversation.