Christians for child abuse
And you thought that Christianity was a harmless ideology.
And you thought that Christianity was a harmless ideology.
This is what real Christianity has come to.
Questions come to mind when you examine the details.
What constitutes an illegal protest these days?
This gave me a chuckle.
You will just have to get to the end to see what that is about.
This is a rare peek into my past life.
Do any Christians really want that?
This was a 3D sandwich with two davids on the ends and a Dale in the middle. The topic was ostensibly on epistemic nihilism, but travelled to many places before arriving at the titular question. Enjoy.
It really is an outdated thing to do.
There are so many choices.
Why doesn't everyone get them?
They will be coming for tattooed atheists next .
This is what real Christianity looks like in the South.
Is this theocracy?
We no longer live in a constitutional government.
This is the last official entry in the series.
Trump is becoming a real problem for Christians.
How is this supposed to work?
Christians destroy their religion in the face of tragedy.
They see justice very differently than I do.
This question is a lot harder for Christians than you might think.
Also, why do non-Christians not behave this way?
Who did Paul think the kingdom was?
How does he know that?
Is any job safe from performative Christianity?
Are there human activities in which god does not intervene?
Did you get your miracle?
Shouldn't they have fired this guy?
This is how this administrations reacts to a sermon on love and compassion.