Episode 176 Strategy Hear Arundhati Roy's Words
Rpidofr 176 of the Podcast titled RevolutionZ conveys a speech of Arundhati Roy, read by the host, Michael Albert. Support the show
Rpidofr 176 of the Podcast titled RevolutionZ conveys a speech of Arundhati Roy, read by the host, Michael Albert. Support the show
Episode `175 Discusses a highly innovative approach to primary campaign strategy and organizing more broadly. Support the show
Episode 174 is a broad discussion of being Strategic regarding various aspects of winning social change. Support the show
Episode 173 of RevolutionZ presents three more entries in the on-going discussion of economic vision by Yanis Varoufakis and Michael Albert, including some comments just for the podcast. Support the show
Selfies, war, Catch 22s, organizing, enemies, mobilize, organizing, and more... Support the show
Episode 171 of RevolutionZ presents a short draft chapter on the Logic of Transition and then addresses issues of writing and group formation and preparation as well. Support the show
Episode 170 of RevolutionZ takes up various issues including war motives, censorship, nature vs. nurture, and more... Support the show
Episode 169 of RevolutionZ is the third in the Transition Sequence. It addresses the where to of Transition... Support the show
Episode 168 of RevolutionZ presents the first four installments of an on-going exploration conducted by Yanis Varoufakis and Michael Albert, plus some spontaneous additional commentary. Support the show
Episode 167 of RevolutionZ Continues the sequence exploring Transition to a new economy, It briefly addresses where we are transitioning from... Support the show
Episode 166 of RevolutionZ offers an exploratory discussion of good and bad consumption (and by analogy views) and judgements about each... Support the show
Episode 165 of RevolutionZ initiates a new sequence dealing with transition to a new economy - and appends brief comments on The Joe Rogan Experience and current Inflation. Support the show
Episode 164 of RevolutionZ is a bit, addressing participatory economic, ecology, and anarchism, and their interrelations. Support the show
Episode 163 of RevolutionZ takes a look back and a look forward regarding a persistent clash of views... Support the show
Episode 162 is a discussion of various topics of vision and strategy directed at organizations and their views, and especially DSA. Support the show
Episode 161 of RevolutionZ address the logic and issues accoiciated with class reductionism, race reductionism, and other reductionism and proposes a way to get the benefits and discard the debits. Support the show
Episode 160 is a provocative but hopefully very accessible discussion of aspects of Marxism as it has been, as it is, and as it could become. Support the show
Episode 159 of RevolutionZ is a discussion with Robert McChesney about media history and politics and a project to resurrect local media throughout the U.S. Support the show
Episode 158 of RevolutionZ offers a first hand account of Argentine workplace takeovers and their social relations and lessons. Support the show
Episode 157 of RevolutionZ is a rumination on various personal and social phenomena including anti tax sentiments, violence, arrogance, and hypocrisy Support the show
Episode 156 of RevolutionZ talks about what is accounting, what is capitalist accounting, what is anarchist accounting, and relations of it all to participatory economics. Support the show
Episode 155 with Sotiris Mitralexis of the European "think tank" Meta focuses on post capitalism and ranges over Greek politics, issues of vision and consciousness raising, online communications, art in politics, and more. Support the show
A discussion with the musician and host of the podcast This Is Revolution of Afro Pessimism, BLM, the state of society, and left culture... Support the show
Episode 153 discusses cancel culture from the perspective of those calling out, those called out, and those viewing it all, safe spaces, reproductive justice, and much else as well Support the show
Episode 152 discusses anarchistic approach to group and project formation, and to alliances or coalitions, among other issues of principle and strategy. Support the show
Episode 151 of RevolutionZ discusses a new international project/organization from the Caribbean to Ireland and beyond. Support the show
Episode 150 of RevolutionZ offers a very unusual review full of easter eggs and channeled words, lots of emotion, lots of desire. Support the show
Episode 149 of RevolutionZ is a wide ranging discussion of citizen's assemblies, cooperatives, and participatory budgeting in Slovenia, with general observations and lessons applicable in all communities. Support the show
Episode 148 of RevolutionZ is the third free flowing ruminations entry, this time touching on many topics including catastrophism, abolitionism, leadership, and membership. Support the show
Episode 147 Of RevolutionZ offers up the final chapter of the new bookNo Bosses, available November 1. It discusses the history of the ideas, the existence of differences among advocates, the difficulty and prospects of the vision among other matters. Support the show