Ep 25 - Vision/Guest 1: Participatory Polity 2 with Stephen Shalom
Stephen Shalom discusses institutional vision for the legislative and judicial functions of the polity which he calls participatory polity, or parpolity, for short. Support the show
Stephen Shalom discusses institutional vision for the legislative and judicial functions of the polity which he calls participatory polity, or parpolity, for short. Support the show
RevolutionZ Episode 24 takes up the issue of polity or government - how might a participatory society deal with issues of legislation, implementation, and adjudication consistently with desired values including self management and justice? Support the show
This episode discusses the 2020 election and the third Democratic Party candidates debate. It agrees with and enlarges upon familiar left criticisms of U.S. presidential elections, yet simultaneously argues the importance and potentials of this coming election. Support the show
This episode is an open letter to the Democratic Socialists of America urging collective attention to some basic areas of concern regarding what socialism is and how to attain it. Support the show
Discusses what comes next for RevolutionZ, and, at greater length, what might come next for people who have heard the 21 Episodes, or at least some. What Now regarding the visionary features discussed in the episodes. Support the show
What does favoring participatory socialism imply about strategy in the large...organizing, organization, etc. Support the show
How does Participatory Socialism or Participatory Economics fare against the ethical values and economic standards by which we earlier rejected capitalism and market and centrally planned "socialism." Does it deliver equity, diversity, solidarity, self management, sustainability, and classlessness, and even if so, does it have offsetting flaws? Support the show
Decades back Noam Chomsky did an extensive interview on his view of a good society. Episode 18 of RevolutionZ presents and responds to Chomsky's views, some of which are consistent with Participatory Socialism, as presented in past episodes, some of which are contrary. Support the show
Via an interview of Michael Albert years back, Barbara Ehrenreich provides thoughtful criticisms of Participatory Socialism that Albert responds too. The main focus is allocation and in particular issues of partial use of markets, time, and also gender, plus a little history. Support the show
The first episode in what will be a series devoted to the 2020 American Presidential election is the 16th episode of the podcast RevolutionZ. An overview of the logic of electoral activity for the left, some issues held over from 2016, and some feelings and advisories about 2020. Support the show
Here we address various criticisms of the economic vision developed thus far in the podcast RevolutionZ. It is a longer episode, a somewhat deeper going episode, and a somewhat denser episode, than others so far. And yet, it is only the first of two on the topic. Participatory Socialism has its detractors...who need to be seriously addressed. Support the show
Ep 14 of the Podcast RevolutionZ is titled Participatory Planning. It describes a proposed alternative to markets and central planning for economic allocation. It claims this approach depends on and benefits the equitable remuneration, self managing councils, and balanced job complexes proposed in prior episodes, while getting the allocation job done and facilitating classlessness. Support the show
When activists consider how to win social change the issue of reforms always arises and is often quite contentious. Likewise for reformism. And sometimes there is discussion of the idea of planting the seeds of the future in the present. This episode of RevolutionZ talks about all three, hoping to arrive at some useful observations. Support the show
Can a good economy have central planning, markets, or any combination of the two, and also have self management, solidarity, equity, classlessness. We find that the answer is no. We must find a different approach for allocation. Support the show
A brief account of the experience of Starting and Conducting RevolutionZ so far... Support the show
Having last episode introduced the idea of a coordinator class between labor and capital, this episode takes up the implications this has for how workers view coordinators and vice versa. It talks more about the new class's agendas, and how movements can serve working people instead of provoking class rule by coordinators. Along the way it talks, as well, about Trump's working class support and about past "socialist" experiences and their coordinator facets. Support the show...
How many people, with what level of awareness and commitment do movements need to win? What obstacles are there to reaching out? More, once people are near or in movements, why do they often tend to leave? Episode 10 of RevolutionZ addresses these and other related matters. Support the show
Episode 8 advocated balancing jobs so their empowerment effects on workers would be equalized instead of 20% monopolizing the empowering tasks and 80% being relegated disempowering tasks - with the former group/class then dominating the latter. This Episode addresses criticisms of balancing jobs. Support the show
A brief introduction to the podcast RevolutionZ from the host, Michael Albert. I report my opening mindset, hopes, and tentativeness with the technology. I describe my intended content, proposed episode structure, and current plans for starting, proceeding, and steadily improving and growing, from one episode a week to two and then three, - from my lone presentation episodes, to episodes with guests, to episodes answering questions posed by users - and from just audio, to audio and video. Just s...
Our eighth episode discusses what quality of work different folks now do, and should do - what tasks now compose and should compose jobs, and what the division of labor is now and should be, if we are to have justice, equity, self-management, and even classlessness. Support the show
Our seventh episode discusses who should have how much say in decisions, and means by which they can. It is therefore all about the logic and (some) mechanisms of self management, particularly in workplaces. If you have reactions, questions, or especially advice and suggestions for RevolutionZ , please email Sysop@zmag.org To support RevolutionZ , please visit our Patreon Page . Support the show...
This Episode starts a new sequence, emphasizing strategy. This first entry in the Strategy sequence talks about why strategy is essential and considers some very basic insights about its components and use. If you have reactions, questions, or especially advice and suggestions for RevolutionZ , please email Sysop@zmag.org To support RevolutionZ , please visit our Patreon Page . Support the show...
Jeff Bezos owns Amazon. You own your shoes and shirt. Each is private property. We are told they are alike, except Bezos helps more people. So what is the property problem, and what is it’s solution for a good economy. Episode 5 proposes answers. If you have reactions, questions, or especially advice and suggestions for RevolutionZ , please email Sysop@zmag.org To support RevolutionZ , please visit our Patreon Page . Support the show...
This is a brief recounting of the experience to date, and of where it will hopefully soon be going. It is also a bit of an experiment. Other Episodes to far have been scripted. This update is not. Let me know, if you have time, if you have a preference.... If you have reactions, questions, or especially advice and suggestions for RevolutionZ , please email Sysop@zmag.org To support RevolutionZ , please visit our Patreon Page . Support the show...
In this episode I discuss major criticisms of the equity approach to providing income. A case is made that if the rest of a future economy can operate compatibly, giving income only for duration, intensity, and onerousness of socially valued work is an approach consistent with our values. If you have reactions, questions, or especially advice and suggestions for RevolutionZ , please email Sysop@zmag.org To support RevolutionZ , please visit our Patreon Page . Support the show...
This third Episode of RevolutionZ takes up the question - what should people earn for their labors. How does it work now? How should it work in a good economy. If someone asks: “I get that you want a higher minimum wage, I get that you support people striking for better pay, but what do you think really ought to happen regarding people's earnings,” can we answer? This episode tries to do so. If you have reactions, questions, or especially advice and suggestions for RevolutionZ , please emai...
Episode 2 of RevolutionZ discusses values and their application to judging and envisioning societies. It argues the merits of settling on five values useful for motivating and guiding new vision: Equity, Self Management, Solidarity, Diversity, and Sustainability. It explores each value, and applies them to assessing current society. Doing so indicates the need for a new society and for new vision and strategy on the road to that new society. This being only our second episode, I am still learnin...
This first episode of RevolutionZ discusses the widely unacknowledged but nonetheless universally pressing need for activist, long-term, shared vision and strategy to provide hope, to orient and inform current actions, and to ensure that we wind up where we wish to arrive and not elsewhere. This first episode therefore explains why RevolutionZ emphasizes vision and strategy. It motivates episodes to come and, truth be told, it also begins my journey of moving from no experience with podcasting t...