EP 296 of RevolutionZ and episode twelve of the Oral History of the Next American Revolution sequence reports on RPS's Second Convention's ups and downs and the origin and implementation of a shadow government. Interviewees report how the national convention and subsequent shadow government were planned, assembled, and carried out. The interviewees take you fromorganizing's ethical dilemmas to the psychological and social impacts of activist choices, to the dynamics of new institu...
Aug 11, 2024•59 min•Ep 296•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 295 NAR #11 has future revolutionaries Robin Kuntsler, Celia Curie, Ali Carmichael, Lydia Luxemburg, Andre Goldman, Peter Cabral, and Alexandria Voline answer Miguel Guevara's questions about RPS differences over tactics/strategy in RPS development and activism. From prison strikes to shadow government, from workers striking in Cleveland to students rising in Boston, how does leadership avoid the pitfalls of elitism, how does urgency inform but not swamp patience, how did RPS navigate de...
Aug 04, 2024•57 min•Ep 295•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 294 of RevolutionZ has for a return engagement as guest Evan Henshaw Plath, popularly known as Rabble. We talk about AI and society, first describing where we are now and how we got here, and then likely impacts on various sectors, from software development to music, and video generation. What is the role of training data? How intelligent can AI get? Will it attain AGI? Is there an existential threat? What are the more immediate social and ethical risks and rewards? What are AI researchers li...
Aug 04, 2024•2 hr 36 min•Ep 294•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 293 of RevolutionZ is the tenth in the Oral History of the Next Next American Revolution Sequence. Miguel Guevara first interviews Alexandra Voline, Bill Hampton, and Lydia Luxemburg about combating misogyny and gender hierarchies including feminist strategies for democratizing nurturing responsibilities achieving gender-neutral parenting. Then Cynthia Parks and Peter Cabral discuss with Miguel RPS's strategies to address racism and other cultural community hierarchies including how RPS ...
Jul 28, 2024•2 hr 43 min•Ep 293•Transcript available on Metacast EP 292 of RevolutionZ Professions React, Part Two, continues the Next American Revolution Sequence with the host Michael Albert conveying the words of various oral history interviewees' accounts of religious renovations, legal upheavals, and media makeovers that they helped undertake in the early years of the emerging Revolutionary Participatory Society. The interviewees, channeled by Albert, discuss with Miguel Guevara their getting started, their movement methods, confusions, controversie...
Jul 21, 2024•1 hr 28 min•Ep 292•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 291 of RevolutionZ discusses RPS organizing in the areas of film and sport. Celia Curie and Peter Cabral respond to Miguel Guevara as they move their focuses from rape to revolution with an oscar and governorship in between and from baseball to, again, revolution, with diverse organizing projects in between. How does support by participants in these fields develop? What resistance to becoming active arise? How are they addressed and overcome? What changes in people and in relations emerge? Th...
Jul 14, 2024•1 hr 12 min•Ep 291•Transcript available on Metacast In Episode 290 of RevolutionZ, the seventh in the Oral History of the Next American Revolution Sequence, Lydia Luxemburg and Bert Dellinger discuss ideas, values, self management, diversity, flexibility, and various institutional practices of Revolutionary Participatory Society including their own very personal. reactions and experiences ranging from Lydia's 1960s to Bert 2000s and into RPS's early years years. They answer Miguel Guevara who asks how various revolutionary ideas attract...
Jul 07, 2024•2 hr 51 min•Ep 290•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 289 of RevolutionZ is the sixth episode in the Oral History of the Next American Revolution Sequence. In it Barbara Bethune, Emiliano Feynman, Bill Hampton, Cynthia Parks, Harriet Lennon, and Anton Rocker discuss the initial emergence and pursuit of various strands of RPS activism including health, transport, housing, rights to the city, minimum wage, and workplace focuses. In each realm participants discuss the oppressions addressed but more so the strategies and the emotional problems ...
Jun 30, 2024•2 hr 23 min•Ep 289•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 288 of RevolutionZ is the Fifth in our Next American Revolution Sequence that presents an Oral History of, well, a future revolution as recounted by its participants. Another long episode, it focuses on building RPS chapters and the personal, interpersonal, and programmatic issues that arose after the convention. The discussion emphasizes the importance of avoiding insularity by continually reaching out and describes strategic efforts made to include influential campus figures able to br...
Jun 23, 2024•1 hr 27 min•Ep 288•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 287 of RevolutionZ is the fourth presenting An Oral History of the Next American Revolution. How did informed hope plus strategic activism merge into a new organization, Revolutionary Participatory Society, and inform its first convention? Here is what an AI spit out as its proposed summary of this episode: "Join us on this compelling episode of Revolution Z, where we dissect the elements necessary for sustainable activism through the lenses of pivotal characters like Andre Goldman,...
Jun 16, 2024•2 hr 37 min•Ep 287•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 286 of RevolutionZ has Evan Henshaw Plath, also known as Rabble, a visionary technologist with personal roots in developing Indymedia and even Twitter. He replays the history, logic, and implications of social media from its root democratic and participatory intentions to its corporatization and erosion of privacy and meaningful engagement. Plath takes us, as I suspect few if any others could, from the shift from social media's early, open protocols to the centralized corporations like T...
Jun 09, 2024•2 hr 34 min•Ep 286•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 285 of RevolutionZ, the third in the Next American Revolution sequence, has future revolutionaries Senator Malcolm King and Andre Goldman discuss with Miguel Guevara their experience of their world's 2016 electoral campaign and followup. They address Sanders' incredible impact, Clinton's and the Democrat's machinations, the moral, personal, and practical dilemmas of strategic voting, the multifaceted appeal and impact of Trump, the complexities of third-party politics...
Jun 09, 2024•1 hr 1 min•Ep 285•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 284 of RevolutionZ presents chapter two (of fourteen) of An Oral History of the Next American Revolution. It relates personal precursors of revolutionary participatory society through the life experiences of interviewees Alexandra Voline, Andre Goldman, and Senator Malcolm King who discuss with their interviewer, Miguel Guevara, all from their own world their personal trajectories into activism including the first major march, the early gun and militarism boycotts, overcoming early resis...
Jun 02, 2024•2 hr 56 min•Ep 284•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 283 of RevolutionZ, An Oral History of A Next American Revolution is the first episode of what hopes to be a Sequence of 14 episodes based on excerpts from a book in progress in which Miguel Guevara interviews 18 revolutionaries from a future parallel earth that is shifted 28 years forward from our own earth. The text excerpts will be published earlier in each week that each audio episode appears. The audio RevolutionZ episodes include the text material plus spontaneous reactions to it i...
May 26, 2024•42 min•Ep 283•Transcript available on Metacast In Episode 282 of RevolutionZ, Alex Han, of In These Times, addresses the current surge, aims, and prospects of both labor and student activism and their possible intersection, as well as media responses and prospects. We discuss union bargaining strategies including and going beyond contract issues, campus organization and tactics, and urge the need to break down barriers between independent media outlets to forge a more strategically unified left media ecosystem. Support the show...
May 19, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Ep 282•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 281 of RevolutionZ has Avi Chomsky as guest to discuss current campus and community activism, colonialism, nation states, immigration, borders, lessons from Central America and the Global South, and the role of students, labor, and religious organizations in sustaining resistance. We consider the logical and emotional innards of dissent, where strategic pursuit of immediate relief intersects with a longer term quest for societal transformation. Support the show...
May 12, 2024•1 hr 10 min•Ep 281•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 280 of RevolutionZ has as guest William Lawrence, cofounder of the Sunrise Movement, housing organizer, DSA member, and much mor, to discuss the inner workings and ideological conflicts within the Democratic Socialists of America. Should DSA work within the Democratic Party to expand progressive representation, or should it cut ties completely and forge a new path without electoral emphasis? What existing structural features exacerbate factionalism? What new features might prevent ideological...
May 05, 2024•58 min•Ep 280•Transcript available on Metacast Ep 279 of RevolutionZ, Students Teach, We Learn, hopes to answer some questions that I felt folks might have. I try to address, spontaneously, as one might in a discussion: Why are campuses rebelling? Why now, why so many, why so fast? What are the students seeking? What reactions are rebels encountering from other students / from administrators / from cops? Summer is near, most importantly, what’s next? Is this 1968 again, how similar is it, how different? Will it be smarter? Will it change col...
Apr 28, 2024•46 min•Ep 279•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 278 of RevolutionZ takes the character of and support for MAGA fascism, Mideast genocide, and earth-wide ecological suicide as focus, but spends little time on their cause, texture, or impacts. Rather, we consider why and how there is any support for the first two and massive obliviousness to the third. What is going on in various constituencies to produce much less sustain such alignments? I want to know, and I assume you want to know. Indeed, unless we know, how can we effectively addr...
Apr 21, 2024•28 min•Ep 278•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 277 of RevolutionZ examines the concept economic growth from a few angles to hopefully provide some insights for further thought--and then spins off into a very tenuously related personal birthday greeting about staying young offered on my 77th birthday. Support the show
Apr 14, 2024•26 min•Ep 277•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 276 of RevolutionZ takes up the issue of who is, and who isn't part of the left, including splits and divisions from the 60s to now, addressing motives and demarcation lines, and finally possible alternative approaches to the whole issue that might be more unifying than what now occurs. Support the show
Apr 07, 2024•35 min•Ep 276•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 275 has as guest Emma River-Roberts to discuss class structure, habits, hierarchy, and possibilities inside the Degrowth movement and really pretty much all movements on the left. Why are working class people largely absent in ecological organizations and when present what do they encounter? For that matter why is discussion of such class issues largely absent and when present largely defensive and tortured. And, of course, what is to be done? Support the show...
Mar 31, 2024•50 min•Ep 275•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 274 of RevolutionZ offers and comments on a searing critique of the champions of democracy and human rights from Arundhati Roy, plus a disturbing but compelling view of pro-war sentiments of various prior supporters of Palestine within Israel. Why do some progressives rally behind Israel's war machine? Support the show
Mar 24, 2024•27 min•Ep 274•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 273 of RevolutionZ addresses Class (The PMC or as I call it, the Coordinator Class) and left organizing in the Degrowth movement. The episode is built around an essay by Emma River-Roberts, a Degrowth activist, working class organizer, and founder of The Working Class Climate Alliance, which is an affiliate of the Post Growth Institute. The article is on ZNet and I offer it here and also some comments on it because I believe the article has bearing not only on Degrowth organizing, but re...
Mar 17, 2024•23 min•Ep 273•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 272 of RevolutionZ presents and comments on a recent Rebecca Solnit essay about two strands of left thought and activism, a bit through history and a bit today. In the song, Which Side Are You On, is it right and left, or is it right and left and other left, where the latter two are far from a single thing? Support the show
Mar 10, 2024•22 min•Ep 272•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 271 of the Podcast RevolutionZ looks at Evangelical Voting, Magical Thinking, and Evidentiary Reasoning - Organizing or Even Just Conversing in Difficult Times. Why do people believe what they do? Supporting Trump, abetting Israel, ignoring climate calamity or even being left in very contradictory ways. How can words change minds? Support the show
Mar 03, 2024•42 min•Ep 271•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 270 of RevolutionZ discusses a new attempt to link fund raising, dating, and social activism va- an unusual and ambitious web system and app called Singles Project. Why try this? How try this? What will emerge from trying this? Nikla Widmark, from Sweden and Alexandria and Michael consider these innovative matters and more. Support the show
Feb 25, 2024•1 hr 12 min•Ep 270•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 269 of RevolutionZ considers the concept and practice of privilege as in, for example, white privilege, male privilege, and class privilege. Is to uncover, call out, and renounce privilege, a powerful tool for overcoming racism, sexism, and classism, or does this approach instead have unintended consequences that interfere with its own aims? In offering a controversial exploration of a widespread activist approach am I defending my own white, male, class privilege? Or am I trying to cont...
Feb 18, 2024•33 min•Ep 269•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 268 of RevolutionZ addresses the upcoming U.S presidential election. Will there even be one? If there is, who will be candidates? Should a revolutionary, a radical, a progressive, or a typical citizen vote, get out the vote, watch Netflix, block a bridge, hibernate? All the above? None of the above? Is there even a way to sensibly think about such choices? Hate fascist Trump? Hate Genocide Joe? Okay, then what? Support the show...
Feb 11, 2024•48 min•Ep 268•Transcript available on Metacast Episode 267 of RevolutionZ is, what? Part primal scream. Part an argument for going all in. The title is from The Chambers Brothers. The sentiment is channelled, I hope, from tomorrow to today. The words are equal parts rage, hope, and plain truth. Support the show
Feb 04, 2024•18 min•Ep 267•Transcript available on Metacast