Fr. Josh answers questions about incorruptible saints, idolizing celebrities, and papal infallibility. Glory Story (2:39) Feedback (4:06) Incorruptible Saints (6:09) Idolizing Celebrities (13:09) Papal Infallibility (17:43) Snippet From the Show The miraculous preservation of the bodies of incorruptible saints is a gift from God that draw us back to the Church. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Submit your questions and ...
Oct 08, 2020•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions about returning to mass during COVID, the validity of beach weddings and why we should consecrate ourselves to Jesus through Mary. Glory Story (2:25) Feedback (3:48) Returning to Mass (6:24) Beach Weddings (12:40) Marian Consecration (16:47) Snippet From the Show Christ came to us through Mary, and so we also return to him through Mary. *Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at * Text ASKFATHERJOSH to 3...
Oct 01, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh switches things up today and asks you questions! Sit back and hear Fr. Josh ask you questions about prayer, politics, forgiveness, and your relationship with Jesus. Snippet From the Show In the garden of Gethsemane, the disciples were in the presence of Jesus Christ but they were not present to him. How often are you in the presence of God but not present to him? Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by filling out a form at Text ASKFATHERJOS...
Sep 24, 2020•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on end of time prophecies, how apostolic succession works, and the purpose of praying novenas. Glory Story (3:12) Feedback ( 5:39) End of Time Prophecies (7:59) Praying Novenas ( 22:01) Apostolic Succession (26:35) Snippet From the Show “Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ.”- St. Jerome Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Submit your questions and feedback to Fr.Josh by fillinf out a fo...
Sep 17, 2020•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on how men can lead spiritually in dating relationships, how to explain to the trinity, and learning to embracing the cross. Glory Story (3:08) Feedback (5:32) Holy Dating (8:11) Explaining the Trinity (13:37) Embracing the Cross (20:41) Snippet From the Show We rejoice in suffering not because it feels good to suffer, but because we know the good work that God can do through our suffering for the entire body of Christ. Submit your questions and feedback for Fr.Josh by...
Sep 10, 2020•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on how to evangelize in the workplace, how to be a good godparent and how to support and defend your local priest when there is gossip in the parish community. Announcement (1:18) Glory Story (4:17) Evangelizing at Worl ( 14:34) Being a Good Godparent (17:41) Supporting your Local Priest (23:52) Snippet From the Show As a godparent, take time to invest in your relationship with the parents of your godchild and find ways to support them and hold accountable in their fai...
Sep 03, 2020•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr.Josh answers questions on the dark night of the soul, what makes a sacrament valid, and why we believe in the existence of dinosaurs even though they are not specifically mentioned in Genesis. Glory Story (3:18) Feedback (5:56) Dark Night of the Soul (7:42) Valid Sacraments (13:57) Dinosaurs in the Bible (20:35) Snippet From the Show Every sacrament that has been given to the Church by our Savior Jesus Christ has a form and a matter, and these cannot be changed. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to ...
Aug 27, 2020•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh addresses how to raise kids to be saints today, how to accept death, and why it is wrong to use the Lord's name in vain. Glory Story (3:36) Feedback (7:36) Raising Kids to be Saints (8:37) Accepting Death (24:37) Using the Lord's Name in Vain /Swearing (32:16) Snippet From the Show "Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers, it is because they are witnesses." - Pope Paul VI Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s sho...
Aug 20, 2020•44 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr.Josh answers questions on charisms, whether soulmates exist, and saints before Jesus. Snippet From the Show The only relationship we are destined for, is our relationship with Jesus Christ. We were created to abide in him for all eternity, all other relationships in our lives are gifts and meant to point us back to him. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at askfrjosh@ascension...
Aug 13, 2020•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr.Josh answers questions on the sin of gossip, and how we will be judged by God based on how we used our time, talent, and treasure here on earth. Snippet From the Show Our time, talents, and treasures do not belong to us, they are gifts from God. He gives them to us with the expectation that we will share them generously with other people. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at ...
Aug 06, 2020•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on mortification practices, converting to the Catholic Church and hearing God’s voice. Snippet From the Show “Stop focusing so much on the response of your desires and your questions and focus more of your prayer on the face of Jesus.” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Jul 28, 2020•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh addresses reading horoscopes for fun, whether it’s possible to have faith without religion, and how to forgive oneself after committing grave mortal sin. Snippet From the Show “The goal of the Christian life is to imitate God, adoration of God leads to imitation of God.” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Jul 21, 2020•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this special episode of Ask Father Josh, we are sharing Hudson Byblow's story encountering Christ after struggling with same-sex attraction, transgender inclinations, and pornography addiction. You can find Hudson's interview with Fr.Josh on same-sex attraction, holy friendships, and healing from pornography in the previous episode of the show.
Jul 16, 2020•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh is joined by Hudson Byblow to discuss the Catholic Church's teaching on same-sex attraction, cultivating holy friendships, and healing from pornography. Snippet From the Show “The only one who can satiate that infinite ache that we have is an infinite God.” Hudson's full testimony will be released as a special episode on Ask Father Josh on Thursday, 7/16. Resources mentioned in this episode can be found in the shownotes. For full shownotes, visit Email y...
Jul 14, 2020•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on spacing out children using natural family planning, belief in the Eucharist, and metal music. Snippet From the Show "Go to adoration and sit in Jesus’ presence, there’s no way you can go to adoration and not be transformed over time." Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Jul 07, 2020•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on police reform, removing certain statues from our churches, and when Catholic speakers talk about difficult topics. Snippet From the Show “Let us therefore discover anew the humility and the courage to pray and fast so that power from on high will break down the walls of lies and deceit.” -Pope St. John Paul II Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at as...
Jun 30, 2020•43 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions on Derek Chauvin, how tall he is, and why there are so few men in the Catholic Church. Snippet From the Show “In Heaven, we don’t have any unforgiveness in our hearts, we are completely aligned with the will of God, and the will of God is for us to desire the salvation of even the most hardened hearts.” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at askfrjosh@as...
Jun 23, 2020•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Fr. Josh invites you to pray a decade of the rosary with him and Tara Winder for the intention of repentance. True repentance leads to authentic racial reconciliation within the Church and our nation. SHOWNOTES Fr. Josh prays a Lectio Divina Rosary, where he will read a piece of scripture, pray on it, and then apply the section to his decade. "And as they led him away, they seized one Simon of Cyre′ne, who was coming in from the country, and laid on him the cross, to carry it behind J...
Jun 16, 2020•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Father Josh answers questions on addiction to pornography and what we can do to help heal the racial divide within the Body of Christ in our country. Snippet From the Show “Our prayer must influence us and inspire us to manifest love.” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Jun 09, 2020•35 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh dedicates today's show to talking about the racial divide in our country, amidst the mourning of George Floyd, and offers some counsel on ways we can heal this form of division in our country. Snippet from the Show “George Floyd is the Body of Christ” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Jun 02, 2020•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Father Josh answers questions all about prayer on today’s podcast. From Liturgy of the Hours, to praying through anxiety, to bringing the family into prayer. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
May 26, 2020•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Fr. Josh answers questions on the Rapture, confessions, working for the church, and Marvel superheroes. Snippet from the Show When dealing with very messy members of the body of Christ, lean into a closer relationship with St. John of the Cross. He abided with a difficult community who didn’t like him and even imprisoned him! Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at askfr...
May 19, 2020•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Fr. Josh invites you to pray a decade of the rosary with him for the intention of racial reconciliation in our country. SHOWNOTES Fr. Josh prays a Lectio Divina Rosary, where he will read a piece of scripture, pray on it, and then apply the section to his decade. The Agony in the Garden Luke 22:44 - “And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down upon the ground.” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownot...
May 12, 2020•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Fr. Josh answers questions on the SSPX, the three days of darkness, and Captain America. Snippet from the Show “Holy Scripture should be our first love. ‘We have to read them, contemplate them, and put them into practice more than we breathe.’” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
May 05, 2020•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Fr. Josh answers questions on soul ties, how to offer up your suffering, and the institution of our souls. Snippet from the Show “God’s divine mercy is available to everyone… God is calling all of us to be saints.” Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Apr 28, 2020•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions about whether Adam and Eve are the original parents of all people, what the vocation of consecrated single life and consecrated virginity is, and if someone married by the Justice of the Peace needs an annulment. Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes or go to Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Apr 21, 2020•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast This week, Fr. Josh shares some advice on how to spend this time to draw those around us back to a relationship with Christ, following the example of our Mother Mary and St. Mary Magdalene. For shownotes visit or text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes. Email your questions and feedback to Fr. Josh at
Apr 14, 2020•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh answers questions about receiving the sacraments and staying engaged in a virtual mass during COVID-19. Snippet from the Show _When it comes to making the act of spiritual communion, this practice can be done anywhere, anytime. And ask God to transport your soul to the nearest tabernacle if you can’t get out of your home to be in the presence of Jesus. _ For more shownotes visit or text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes Email your questi...
Apr 07, 2020•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fr. Josh is joined by Chika Anyanwu, Catholic speaker and author, to answer questions about being disappointed with homilies, teaching the Faith to a child with ADHD, and how much we need to divulge in order to make a good confession. Email your questions about Lent and other topics and feedback to Fr. Josh at Text “askfrjosh” to 33-777 to subscribe to Fr. Josh’s shownotes
Mar 31, 2020•40 min•Transcript available on Metacast On today’s episode, Father Josh is joined by his good friend Fr. Brad to answer questions about the ethics of fertility testing and birth control for medical reasons. *Producer’s note: * Father Josh is now live streaming his daily Masses to Ascension’s Facebook page every morning at 9:30 AM ET. Go to and join us tomorrow for Mass with Father Josh at 9:30 AM! Hope you can join us! God bless. For full shownotes, text ASKFRJOSH to 33-777 or visit AscensionPress/com....
Mar 25, 2020•41 min•Transcript available on Metacast