MuggleCast #228: Overpriced Non-Invisibility Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We’re live to discuss the year that was in Potter. News covers video games, movie revenues, DVD release dates, casting and Oscars. We play some of our favorite MuggleCast moments from 2010. The fans hand out MuggleCasties to… The Most Interesting Potter Star on Twitter and The Most Shocking News Story. The Best Returning DH Part 1 Actor and Actress. The Best New Potter Actor and Actress. And The Best DH PT 1 Scene. You might be surprised who wins this year’s J.K. Rowling Award…or not. We review ... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
How to tell apart two English accents. WB cancels Deathly Hallows, Part 1 in 3D, plus other surprising film news. Listeners tell us whether they are happy or disappointed with this decision. Our thoughts on Jo’s appearance on Oprah. A brief review of Harry Potter Film Wizardry. Chapter by Chapter: Goblet of Fire Chapters 13 – 15. A big theme in these chapters is the questionable teaching styles of Sprout, Hagrid, and Moody. Is it right to teach children about the Unforgiveable Curses at this age...
DH poster analysis: Why the hell is Ron by a power plant? Part 2 casting, Rowling on Oprah, Alexandre Desplat and Wizarding World expansion Chapter-by-Chapter: Goblet of Fire Chapters 10-12 We’re introduced to the name Rita Skeeter and the character of Mad-Eye Moody Percy’s early loyalty to the Ministry and Hermione’s passion for S.P.E.W. are evident Why does Mrs. Weasley constantly make Ron an easy target? We know what Muggles see if they happen to pass Hogwarts, but if what if they tried to en...
We’re live on Ustream to discuss the just-released Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 trailer! We go scene-by-scene picking apart every last detail. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Pictures, pictures and more pictures from Deathly Hallows We discuss the new DH TV spot, theme park expansion and more Micah interviews Jonathan Smith, Head of Production for LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 Chapter-by-Chapter covers Chapters 7-9 of Goblet of Fire Ludo Bagman and Winky – why were they omitted from the films? Why did the Quidditch World Cup seem like one giant, disorganized event? Could Jo be the next ESPN sportscaster? She’s good at writing live Quidditch. Why didn’t Harry ever ques...
We discuss the newest reviews of Deathly Hallows, Part 1. The trailer for Deathly Hallows, Part 1 is complete, but when will WE see it? This week’s Chapter by Chapter segment focuses on Chapters 4 – 6 of Goblet of Fire. The Dursleys can never have a peaceful encounter with wizards. How typical of Harry to have a crush on his best friend’s sister. Lots of hints about the future for the Weasleys in this chapter. Why can’t Mrs. Weasley embrace her son’s interest in starting a joke shop instead of f...
Emerson and Eric got lucky and saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 at a test screening today in Chicago! Listen here for their review. SPOILER WARNING. Enjoy! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Spoiler warning: We reveal where Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2 will split! We record an episode earlier than scheduled to talk about where the Deathly Hallows split will be! We discuss the pros and cons of the split being here. We’ve got a list of all the big scenes that will be in Part 1. Did WB mean for this split to get out, or did EW not realize what they were doing? Should we know where the split is before seeing the film? We catch up on other news, including the launch of the ‘Join the Fin...
It’s our fifth birthday! At the start did we think this would run for five years? We recap Infinitus and how nice it was to meet all the fans! Andrew provides a report from Comic Con 2010, where new Deathly Hallows footage was revealed. Two important voices will be missing from the Deathly Hallows, Part 1 video game. Why? Will a Harry Potter theme park really come to fruition in India? Happy Birthday to JK Rowling and Harry Potter! Andrew plays a song for ’em. We kick off Chapter by Chapter for ...
The MuggleCasters are in Orlando to podcast in front of a live audience! This episode actually includes two shows in one. The first show is from within the hotel where the Infinitus Harry Potter conference was held. The second is live from within the Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park! Join us as we talk about the latest Harry Potter news, our thoughts on the Wizarding World park, and much more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
MuggleCast is LIVE on Ustream just one hour after the new Deathly Hallows trailer premieres to dissect every single scene! We figure out which scene each shot is from, point out some odd moments, wonder why this trailer covers Parts 1 and 2, and MUCH more. Get ready to have lots of fun watching the trailer with us! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Andrew visits the Wizarding World and shares stories about the VIP grand opening, public grand opening, and the park itself. How is Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey? Is the size of the park acceptable? How does it feel? The secret attraction at the park that has no line and will entertain you for as long as you like. Would a Harry Potter park make sense, business wise, in the United Kingdom? Deathly Hallows filming ends, and stars comment on the feeling of closure. We host a MuggleCast Mai...
A special intro, and David Heyman introduces the show! We talk about MuggleNet 2.0. Lots of Deathly Hallows news to catch up on. Our thoughts on the MTV Movie Awards Deathly Hallows montage. Reviews from the Wizarding World are starting to appear. David Heyman confirms that they HAVE selected where the split will be in Deathly Hallows – hear him discuss how they made the decision. David favorites book, villain, and what his patronus would be. David tells us his favorite scenes from Deathly Hallo...
We’re so close to 199, Ben thought it was 200. How Virgin Atlantic could’ve made a cooler Harry Potter plane. Robbie Coltrane, Emma Watson, and other stars visit the park. We discuss their visit. As we lead up to Episode 200, we look back at 199 episodes by discussing the show’s life so far. How MuggleCast began, how the show has changed, what’s next, and more. MuggleMail addresses last weeks hot topics. We gather your tweets about Prisoner of Azkaban. Look forward to a special interview on Epis...