Creators, freelancers, coaches, and other one person businesses always have the same struggles. They struggle to grow, monetize, and differentiate themselves. These are the lessons I wish I knew if I could go back in time. Hope they help! This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episo...
Nov 20, 2022•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you want to become a creator or start a one-person business (but don't want to show your body, start drama, or work for other businesses) then becoming a value creator is for you. It works perfect for polymaths (people with multiple interests) and those that love self-improvement or learning. Your job is to become an expert by gaining a holistic view of your interests, then distribute the value you create with social media. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video...
Nov 20, 2022•42 min•Transcript available on Metacast The one-person business model lets you turn yourself into a business. Your interests, expertise, curiosities, and personality are what will serve you best as the online world transitions away from used car salesman vibes. In this video, I want to give you the theory behind monetizing yourself as a creator, freelancer, coach, consultant, digital builder (even with beginner level experience). This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: https://youtu...
Nov 20, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast We live in a world of stress, anxiety, and uncertainty. In this video, I want to give you a sustainable way of approaching your problems and the negative emotions associated with them. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you again for listeni...
Nov 20, 2022•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cheap dopamine detox videos are everywhere, why? Because people realize that they are distracted, lazy, and not becoming the person of value that the world favors. Here's how you can use good dopamine to become high value. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider lea...
Nov 20, 2022•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast The one person business model is the best option for 95% of people. Too many people dream of starting a billion dollar business and end up doing nothing about it. Start small, with a low startup cost, low risk, and build yourself in public over time. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version):
Nov 20, 2022•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Fear of failure has ruined more dreams than a comfortable salary with unlimited PTO. If you are afraid of failure, this is for you. Failure can't be escaped. It must be embraced and learned from. Success can only exist with failure. If you deny failure, or do not fail, it is literally impossible for you to succeed AS a direct personal experience. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written versi...
Nov 20, 2022•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast How much money you make determines where you can live, what you can eat, and who you can meet. Every. Single. Action you take is out of the need for survival. Money plays a huge role in that until you learn to master your survival through business. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoy...
Nov 20, 2022•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast What causes overwhelm? Focus. Split attention to be specific. In this video, I'll give you 8 steps to reclaim your focus and find enjoyment in your life. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you again for listening. Writing & Content Course: ht...
Nov 20, 2022•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you want to thrive over the next decade, learn to write. Writing is the foundation of all media. Media is the front-end of the internet. You don't need to learn to code to leverage no-code apps to distribute your media (writing). Writing is the skill that compliments any other marketable skill you acquire. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version):
Nov 20, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Modern work and productivity culture leads to burnout. Productivity is counterintuitive. “The clever man may work smarter, not harder, they say, but the creative man doesn’t work at all.” This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you a...
Nov 20, 2022•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast How do you find your purpose? By solving your own problems. How do you make an income in the new economy? By solving your own problems. When both collide? A fulfilling, sustainable, and meaningful lifestyle reserved for those who believe in themselves. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this epi...
Nov 20, 2022•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Focus is not only about deep work. It is the entirety of your life. Learn to master it or live with a crutch. Why not learn to use the one thing — depth of focus — that makes humans different from all other beings? This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you...
Nov 20, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Why would you continue doing something you don't enjoy? Why would you not try to find enjoyment in the things you can't change? One breaks free from monotony, repetition, and boredom when they lean into their nature. This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank yo...
Nov 20, 2022•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast There will be low and negative points in your life. Life comes at you in waves. Are you emotionally prepared to navigate the storms that inevitably come your way? This podcast was originally a YouTube video, you can watch that video here: YouTube version: The Koe Letter (written version): If you enjoyed this episode, consider leaving a rating. It truly helps. Thank you again for listenin...
Nov 20, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast What is the best niche? I'm here to answer this age old question by not answering it at all. Instead, I do what I'm best at and flip the topic on it's head, because success is counterintuitive. Digital Economics Cohort: The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer (use code KOECAST for $25 off): Modern Mastery HQ ($...
Oct 20, 2022•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your mind is a system. Systems require consistent energy to be maintained. If they don't receive that energy, what happens? Entropy. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer (use code KOECAST for $25 off): Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics Cohort: Twitter: https://twitter...
Sep 26, 2022•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast “Give me a place to stand, and a lever long enough, and I will move the world.” The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer (use code KOECAST for $25 off): Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics Cohort: Twitter: Instagram:
Sep 19, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Don’t learn “marketable skills.” Well, at least until you learn the skill that makes the marketable skills work. AKA high-impact digital writing. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer (use code KOECAST for $25 off): Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics Cohort: Twitter: ht...
Sep 12, 2022•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your mind is a set of complex systems, like a supercomputer. Your attention is RAM. Life is a game that is running at all times. Here's how you play. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer course: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: Twitter: https://twitter.c...
Sep 05, 2022•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Your life is a the culmination of your choices. Conscious choices determine the positive outcome of your life. A few big, bold, and conscious decisions can radically impact where you end up. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer course: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: https://digitalec...
Jul 20, 2022•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Creativity is not skill-dependent. Being a graphic designer or artist does not imply that you are any more creative than another person. This podcast will give you a deeper understanding. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer course: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: https://digitalecono...
Jun 29, 2022•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Internalizing this fact will save you a lot of pain. Everyone is operating from their own reality. Create a shared reality before coming to conclusions. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer course: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: Twitter: https://twitte...
Jun 22, 2022•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast There is one thing that all top creators, strategists, visionaries, and inventors have in common. The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: The 2 Hour Writer course: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: Twitter: Instagram:
Jun 19, 2022•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Humans are divine creators. If you are not consciously creating a better life for yourself, you are unconsciously destroying your potential future. Topic Start: (12:00) The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: Twitter: Instagram: https:/...
Jun 02, 2022•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Life is a game. Here’s how you play it for maximum confidence and positive life direction. Topic Start: (10:50) The Koe Letter: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: Modern Mastery HQ ($5): Digital Economics School: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube:
May 26, 2022•38 min•Transcript available on Metacast You have been copying everything around you since you were born. If gone unnoticed, you will end up a clone of the people that don’t want the best for you. Question: (1:45) How do you get into and maintain flow state? Topic: (15:50) Understanding the digital economy and how to take advantage of it. The Koe Letter: Ask A Question In The Discord: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: https://shop.thed...
May 19, 2022•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast In the future, there will only be one career path to take. The career path of You. If you can become aware of cultural conditioning, pursue your curiosity, and use the tools available to you — you will win the modern career game. Question 1: (1:15) How do you take potential client calls with a 9 to 5? Question 2: (4:05) How do you bust through limiting beliefs and become unstoppable? Question 3: (9:15) How do I start a business when you have a lot going on? Topic: (15:00) Understanding the digit...
May 12, 2022•57 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are 3 phases of life when you are pursuing your own goals. Understanding how to navigate these will help you 10x your income, freedom, and life enjoyment. Intensity, consistency, and curiosity are the drivers of progress. These come in seasons that can work for you or against you. Podcast question (5:24): How did you prep your life before you went "all in" on business? Routines, habits, timelines. What was your checklist before launch? Podcast topic (12:00): How to utilize the 3 drivers of...
May 10, 2022•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast Life is a game. Culture is a game. Careers are a game. The people that enjoy life the most are the ones that create games in a way that leads to a creative and fulfilling life. The Koe Letter: Ask A Question In The Discord: 10X Your Creative Output: The Power Planner: Modern Mastery HQ: Digital Economics School: https://digitaleconomi...
Apr 06, 2022•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast