EP31: Double Standards and Gender Privileges?
G and Lil Mangu discuss Double Standards, Gender Privileges, Boy Toys, Fungi, Men's Future Existence, 61 Days to feel comfortable with something 🥳🥳 Join the Party 🥂🥂
G and Lil Mangu discuss Double Standards, Gender Privileges, Boy Toys, Fungi, Men's Future Existence, 61 Days to feel comfortable with something 🥳🥳 Join the Party 🥂🥂
G shares some break-up stories and what worked for her during a tough break-up. Join the conversation!
G reflects on previous episodes and 2022 brings a revamp to Living Inside the Hive! Join the Party!
The Queen Bees talk about their experiences and what to watch out for when viewing dating profiles!
This week's episode is dedicated to dating app profile tips to ensure you are ready to go for 2021!! 💯 Join the party! 🥂🥂🐝
Special Guest Mangu and host G talk about dating and moving into 2021 with asking yourself if you are on the right dating app/service. Join the Party!
Join the Queen Bees for a look back to 2020, self care and thoughts on moving forward to 2021!!!
The Holidays are among us and the Queen Bees give their Holiday Dating Tips! Celeb Couples, Red Flags and Deal Breakers and more! Join the Party!
Dating During the Holidays - your Queen Bees discuss some recommended Do's and Don'ts! Vera revisits a Celeb Couple, another diary entry from Gene, another interesting Dating Byte and more! Join the Party!
Happy Thanksgiving!! This week, Boundaries and Expectations for your first date/meet and greet. The Queen Bees share their boundaries and expectations and offer up some great advice for first dates! Another Celeb Couple is up for discussion, Gene makes a decision in the Bumble Diaries an another Deal Breaker or Red Flag? Join the Party!!
This week's dating topic -- you have gone on a few dates with someone and you are looking for a relationship and he says ""I don't want anything serious/I just want to see how this goes/I'm not looking for anything exclusive" - what that means and what to do! Another week of Celeb Couples, Dating Bytes and Bumble Diaries! Join the Party!
EP20: Great First Date and then You Never Hear from Him Again! Why? The Queen Bees discuss! We got the Bieber Fever, an Interesting Dating Byte and Red Flags/Deal Breakers! Join the Party!!!
Glamboozled, White Clawing, Fleabagging and Digital Detoxing! These are just some of the new dating phrases of 2020 - your Queen Bees discuss! Vera brings an interesting celeb couple (?) to the table! Gene shares a very interesting dating BYTE, red flags and deal breakers and so much more! Join the Party!
In this week's episode, the Queen Bees discuss some good things about dating in 2020 - really? Yes! Dwayne Johnson, Positives we should look for while dating and MORE! Join the Party!! 🐝🐝🥂🥂
The Queen Bees discuss an article by Oprah Magazine, Five Online Dating Tips all Women Should Live By - what does each queen think? Another week of Celeb Couple Relationship Tips! An Excerpt from the Bumble Diaries and Deal Breaker or Red Flag? Join the Party!
In this week's episode, the Queen Bees review an online article that talks about the types of men you should NOT text during quarantine, no matter how bored you are! Celeb Couples and Deal Breaker or Red Flags -- up for discussion! Join the Party!
The Queen Bees talk about a couple of memes/posts they encountered on social media and talk about what it means to them. As always, we have the Bumble Diaries AND Deal Breaker or Red Flag? Join the Party!!!!
In Episode 14... are you ready to give up on dating?! Wait!!!....The Queen Bees talk about Matthew Hussey's recent YouTube video on why you should keep on getting out there! Also in Episode 14, another segment of -- Deal breaker or Red Flag?.. and Celeb Couples!
This week the Queen Bees discuss social media memes floating around about relationships and discuss! Celeb Couple News and Deal Breakers/Red Flags on deck and more! Join the Party at Living Inside the Hive!
Episode 12 - The Queen Bees give their Quarantine Dating Ideas, discuss Celeb Couple Ice Cube and his wife, Quarantine Dating Red Flags AND... Vera has a dilemma! Listen in and join the Party!!!
On Episode 11 - It is OK to be single!! The Queen Bees talk about being single, having fun and living life!! We also get a man's POV on various dating topics during an impromptu Q&A! Listen in and join the Party!
In this episode, we have special guest Erick in 'da house!!! Listen in on his point of view regarding Old School Dating v. Online Dating v. Quarantine Dating. We also have a round table discussion on Red Flags and Deal Breakers!! Join the party!!!
EP9: This week we talk about how the effort will be equal when the feelings are mutual... more online dating app dos and don'ts/red flags/and celeb relationships!
This episode: Entanglements are in Celeb news! We talk about The Chase, men chasing women, our reactions, etc! A man's muscle(s) 😉... Online Dating App Red Flags and listen up, Man on Deck!
When he doesn't text back AND Dating Apps Do's and Don'ts/He's always late! Why? We got answers!
Welcome to Living Inside the Hive! We talk about online dating, dating apps, do's and don'ts and real life experiences! Join the fun and join the party! IN EPISODE 6 WE TALK ABOUT: Why are you giving relationship benefits to someone you are not in a relationship with!!!! ALSO - why and what dating apps WE joined, utilize and enjoy!
Welcome to Living Inside the Hive! We talk about online dating, dating apps, do's and don'ts and real life experiences! Join the fun and join the party! IN EPISODE 5 WE TALK ABOUT: Social media and your relationship and when your date talks about his "crazy' ex!! Join us on our journey - it's only the beginning!
Welcome to Living Inside the Hive! We talk about online dating, dating apps, do's and don'ts and real life experiences! Join the fun and join the party! IN EPISODE 4 WE TALK ABOUT: Ways to make sure someone isn't using you and public affection!! Join us on our journey - it's only the beginning!
Welcome to Living Inside the Hive!! We talk about online dating, dating apps, celebrity relationships, do's and don'ts and real life experiences! Join the fun and join the party! In Episode 3 we are talking about How Women Date vs. How Men Date! Join us on our journey - it's only the beginning!