"He sees You!"
"He sees You!" by Lindsey Melton Jr
"He sees You!" by Lindsey Melton Jr
Easter is over, NOW WHAT?! "Our blessed Lord Jesus Christ who in Hs transcendent love became what we are to bring us to be what He is in himself!" -Irenaeus
Jesus is the undoing of Adam and the restorer of the union between man and the trinity!
A sermon preached on Palm Sunday 2022 If you listen and take it to heart, it will change how you see everything and everyone!
Sonship pt.2 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Yesterday's sermon Sonship was always God's agenda! Everything you do in the context of your relationship with Yahweh is rooted in Sonship!
There are certain troubles(difficulty, problems, inconveniences, moments of friction) that come our way because we have made the decision to daily surrender our life to Jesus and His way. If Yahweh told you the Way life looked last week is how it’s gonna look for the next few weeks or months or years. Not bc He is tormenting or torturing you, but because in your current position of influence you are in the perfect position to change lives for the glory of God. Would you still follow him?!
"It's gonna look different" PART 2 by Lindsey Melton Jr
It's gonna look different! by Lindsey Melton Jr
What does following Jesus look like in your community!- Pastor Kelsey Melton by Lindsey Melton Jr
Ppl of Communion PART 3!!! by Lindsey Melton Jr
Ppl of Communion Pt.2 by Lindsey Melton Jr
People of Communion by Lindsey Melton Jr
As believers in Jesus Christ lets start the year off the right way! Lets fast he right way!
Advent week 4 "Emmanuel, God is with us!" by Lindsey Melton Jr
This is week 2 in our Advent series! Tune in as we talk about God's promise of Peace on Earth!
2021 Advent season kicked off November 28th. In this first installment of the series we discussed what is advent, and why it's important to followers of Jesus. In this episode learn how to wait with expectancy, learn how to have hopeful anticipation, and how to have joyful preparation. Join us in this episode as we dive into the first week of Advent discussing the first week's theme about Hope and Faith!
People of worship! by Lindsey Melton Jr
The world celebrates halloween on October 31st, but followers of Jesus we have an even bigger reason to celebrate the 31st of October. This is a recording from yesterday's sermon on the importance of The Protestant Reformation and how we are still seeing the effects of this revolution. As Jesus followers you and I were born to reform!
When it comes to following Jesus most believers are taught a myth that implies that God is in the business of reigning down "W's" based off of how much we give in an offering, how much time we volunteer in serving the local church, how much we confess "the right stuff" in our prayer time, meeting a religious quota on social media, etc. When it comes to God's kingdom aka the upside down kingdom, Real Winning looks a lot like losing!
Sermon preached by Lindsey Melton Jr @ Cooper's Grove Church October 17th, 2021
We as mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, employees, employers, young, mature, amateurs, and experts, as human beings WE ALL LIVE IN A WORLD WHERE TRIGGERS EXIST! Jesus and His disciples were not exempt from triggers, they faced them head on as well. This episode takes a deep dive on a couple of relatable triggers the Messiah and two of His followers faced in order for us to know how to respond the right way when life activates/triggers us.
With the rise of Covid-19 & it's delta variant, bold-face racism, left vs right, Christian-Nationalism, mask vs no mask, shortages on common resources, the rise in unemployment, The Middle East, and more; As Jesus followers we're not living in crazy times, we are living in Certain Times!
1 Cor 3:9NLT John 15:16 TPT
Sermon Service 8/29/21 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Sunday Service 8/8/21 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Music Recommendations, Book Recommendations, Laughter, Deep concepts disguised in a little bit of Nostalgia, & Challenges for all of us in order to put in the work when it comes to advancing the kingdom of God.
"The bears are NOT who we thought they were!" Is my way of saying that We might have the wrong view of the Godhead, The heart of Abba Father, The humanity of Jesus the Christ, etc. Tradition convinces us of many things that sound good but veer off from God's original intent for our life! Why is there a gap between who Jesus really is, and who we portray Him to be?
Why is there a gap between advocating for the betterment of our neighbors and being Christ-like?! Today civil injustice encounters consume our news feed, justice is needed, and christians tap into the "transformative power of God" for church services only?! What?! Are we serious? WHY?!
3 Things you will lean through Adversity