"The Body" Sermon Series Week 6 -September 24th
"The Body" Sermon Series Week 6 -September 24th by Lindsey Melton Jr
"The Body" Sermon Series Week 6 -September 24th by Lindsey Melton Jr
"The Body" Week 5 Sermon Series - Sept 17th,2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
"Reframe It!" Wednesday September 14th,2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
"The Body" sermon series Week 4 Sep 10th,2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Listen in as we dive into the 5 fold ministry gifts that were given through the grace of God! This week we deep dive into the office of the prophet!
"The Body" sermon series week 2 8/27/23 by Lindsey Melton Jr
The Body -Sermon Series Week ONE 8/20/2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Liturgies and Spiritual Formation Series Week 3 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Liturgies and Spiritual Formation Series Week 2 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Col 3:1-10TPT Spiritual Formation - the process of being “conformed” to the image of Christ within the community of Christ and the trajectory of Christ for the sake of others! We are “conformed” We don’t form ourselves, we receive who we are from God & what we are becoming comes from God! Conformed -(to give the same shape, outline, or contour to : bring into harmony or accord) THEREFORE The believer is daily being conformed into the image of Christ. DID YOU KNOW? You can flush your thought with...
Jesus is our Captain! by Lindsey Melton Jr
Week 5 - Holy Spirit Series 2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
A lot of times we blame the devil for all of our woes, circumstances & hold-ups! However, The apostle Paul said in Galatians 5:17 "When your self-life craves the things that offend the Holy Spirit you hinder him from living free within you! And the Holy Spirit’s intense cravings hinder your self-life from dominating you! So then, the two incompatible and conflicting forces within you are your self-life of the flesh and the new creation life of the Spirit." So our carnal behaviors is the very con...
It's not just Father's Day, it's Thermostats day!
Holy Spirit Series 2023 WEEK 3 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Naturally we all take on assignments, projects, mandates, etc. and once were in them the feeling of “I’m not fully equipped for this begins to rise up within us” The worst is when we see others doing the same thing as us but their results are better than ours. Which causes to believe the lie of I can’t do this This must not be my calling This must not be what I was created for I’m wasting my life at this job I’m wasting my life living in this town I’m wasting my life serving at this little churc...
Homecoming 2023 Pentecost Sunday by Lindsey Melton Jr
For Yahweh is always good and ready to receive you. He’s so loving that it will amaze you— so kind that it will astound you! And he is famous for his faithfulness toward all. Everyone knows our God can be trusted, for he keeps his promises to every generation!
Before you can go and do the great commission, you first have to believe in the right commission Do we want people to come to church or do we want people to come to know Christ? It's not one or the other, but really one is the seed and the other is the fruit. According to Jesus in verse 47 what are we to be preaching “repentance & forgiveness of sins” The English word "re-pent" is unfortunately an intentional misrepresentation of the Greek word used in Scripture, which is "metanoia". Metanoia li...
Sunday April 30th,2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Jesus reveals to us the nature of The Father!
The assumption is that he’s a bad disciple because he refused to believe Jesus had risen from the dead. Thomas wasn't being combative on purpose, think about all that he witnessed: The miracle at the wedding, raising a girl from the dead, raising his cousin from the dead, Feeding 5,000 men, women and children with a lunchable, Standing up and at times calling out the pharisees and other leaders, Walking on water, Telling an entire storm to be quiet and be still BUT ALL THAT BELIEF CAME CRASHING ...
God's inescapable Love!!! by Lindsey Melton Jr
"No where to go, but UP!" -Resurrection Sunday/ Easter 2023 by Lindsey Melton Jr
Palm Sunday is a day celebrated in Christianity in remembrance of Jesus’ triumphant return to Jerusalem. The original event took place at the start of a week where he would be arrested, tried in an illegal hearing, and crucified. Jesus would then resurrect in Christianity’s most important moment. Without the Resurrection, there is no Christianity. The event is mentioned in all four Gospels
Jesus is exactly what God has to say about Himself!
Listen in as we talk about how Faith is the opposite of our fear!
In this Sunday morning message, we look at The prophet Daniel and how his life paints a picture of Christ. The book of Daniel is proof that Jesus is with you in the midst of suffering. We don’t serve a God that is like a coach yelling from the sideline. God does not rescue us by yelling directions down from heaven NOPE Jesus gets in the fire with us. Jesus Climbs in the darkest den of life’s lions with us and keeps us from being devoured!
If your faith is in Jesus Christ, then His love should be the only thing that defines you! Not your ethnicity, education, lineage, last name, 401k, children, house, cars, clothes, or spouse.
The bachelor & bachelorette has got nothing on Agape!