857 Programming Is HARD And I Feel Unmotivated! (Becoming A Top Class Developer) - Simple Programmer Podcast
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt What I want to talk about today was why you shouldn't be a programmer, at least for your whole life. I think being a programmer is a good idea to make some money, but it might not be the best idea if you have in your mind to become an entrepreneur. If you want to become financially independent and you want to do other things with your life eventually even if you enjoy it....
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt I know a lot of you guys are starting out in your software developer programming careers, and you want to get up there you want to get up to the upper echelon. So today, I thought I would record a video on how you can become a good programmer a good one...
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt Today we're finally going to talk about the top programming languages for 2021. I'm going to base this on a lot of the data that I've seen from people that I'm working with, what I've seen happening in the industry, and some of them my own personal biases here....
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt Today I thought I would talk about how to succeed in a programming boot camp. I've heard some good things about boot camps. But can you really learn to code in three months? Can you really get a job without a degree without a resume? Without that experience? Are you someone really going to hire you for a good programming job?...
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt Today I thought I would do pretty much an obvious video topic which is to talk about becoming a YouTuber. Should you become a YouTuber as a programmer as a software developer? Will it be beneficial to you can you make a lot of money?...
Simple Programmer is now BACK with a brand new YouTube Channel SUBSCRIBE HERE: https://simpleprogrammer.com/subscribespyt A lot of you probably aspire to write a book, and you probably have heard a lot of different things about writing a book, whether it's profitable or not. Should you do self-publishing should you publish through a publisher? How do you even go about it? I'm gonna try to answer a bunch of those questions in this video....