Our guest this week is Yakini Pierce, of ADHD Love. Yakini saw the gap in understanding - people didn't "get" her ADHD kids - and she strives to be a change agent in giving other parents the resources they need and want to help their children succeed. Yakini was diagnosed after both of her children were diagnosed with ADHD, and she started ADHD Love to connect parents of ADHD children with resources and role models as they navigate their child's ADHD diagnosis. She didn't want other parents to s...
Apr 01, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our guest this week is Kate Moryoussef, of Coaching by Kate. Like many of us, Kate was torn between stay at home mom and working mom, wanting to be home with her babies but also feeling like she was drawn to more. As she wandered her way into her calling, as many of us do, Kate realized that who she wanted to help were women like herself - but she wasn't sure how to describe ...us! See, Kate didn't know that there was a name for women like her, women like us, until recently, as she was diagnosed...
Mar 31, 2021•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our guest this week is Anna Rubano, of In Tune with Anna K. We're talking about self care for moms who have ADHD and we're talking about food choices. This is a sore spot for a lot of us moms. How do we plan for healthy eating when we're barely surviving on handfuls of goldfish crackers and sandwich scraps leftover from our toddler? Take a deep breath and relax. This isn't a chat on the benefits of paleo vs. keto, or how to count your macros. Anna will encourage you no matter what your food choi...
Mar 25, 2021•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our guest this week is Anna Rubano, of In Tune with Anna K. Anna is part of the late diagnosis club, finding out about her diagnosis as she learned about her son's ADHD diagnosis. We cover aaaaaaall the feelings of shame starting in childhood, feeling like we're not good enough, and the grief & relief of having your diagnosis. Anna's soft spoken strength gives us hope that we can find our strength, too. Anna is a holistic health coach, helping women integrate whole health into their lives, looki...
Mar 18, 2021•24 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our guest this week is Dina Quondamatteo, better known as The ADHD Lawyer. We're talking about self care for moms who have ADHD and who better to teach us first than a mom who has been momming for 17 years? Movement and exercise is a great way to get our dopamine flowing, and Dina will encourage you no matter where your physical ability currently stands. Our discussion isn't about what you look like, or achieving that goal weight. Instead, we talk about: -how can we take care of ourselves throug...
Mar 11, 2021•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Our guest this week is Dina Quondamatteo, better known as The ADHD Lawyer. Dina has an innate ability to be strong and vulnerable simultaneously, with infectious enthusiasm and drive to encourage others with ADHD. We talk about juggling school and raising twins, getting to know your life long roommate named ADHD, and why she went back to law school at age 40 - and was persistent enough to get accommodations for the Bar Exam! She lives by her daily rituals, and encourages us to begin our day with...
Mar 04, 2021•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Happy Podcast Birthday, Mama! We made it 2 years together. Whoo-hoo! Thank you for being a part of my village. We're going back to the beginning...the very first 4 episodes of the podcast are about First Steps. So today's episode is Part 5, summarizing all of the amazing things you have taught me over the last two years of sharing my life with you, and you sharing yours with me. We talk about the 3 pillars of success for ADHD brains: 1)learn about your ADHD brain: What is ADHD? (Episode 69) , co...
Feb 25, 2021•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast When did self care get such a bad reputation? Self-care is not a luxury, a nicety, a great bonus. It's not bubble baths and shaving your legs once a quarter. It's a requirement for living, just like food, water, and sleep. And we're pretty terrible at doing those things, too, but I digress. Taking care of yourself has got to move up the priority list, assuming you've even put yourself on the list in the first place. You see, mama, we women spend every waking moment taking care of everyone else, ...
Feb 18, 2021•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast It feels like everyone spent the month of January tooting their Goal Setting and Yearly Planning horns. While intentions are good, planning is not my strong suit because I have ADHD. Throw in some time blindness, another feature of ADHD, and I have trouble planning today, let along the next 12 months. How can I think about October when I don't know what I am going to eat for lunch? Instead, let's break down planning into baby steps. Bombastic ADHD brains often choose goals that are spectacularly...
Feb 11, 2021•10 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast After years of failed New Year's Resolutions, I've adopted a Word of the Year. A Word of the Year is significantly more ADHD friendly than resolutions, as it is flexible enough for an entire year (hello, commitment phobes), holds space for gray area (hello, black and white thinkers), leaves a lot less room for failure (hello, shame spiral and perfectionists) with infinite possibilities (hello, big dreamers). It's a match made in heaven! Plus I've stuck with it for several years in a row, which i...
Feb 04, 2021•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast By the end of January, more than 90% of people have forgotten about, given up on, or started cursing at our new years resolutions. That we made. That we chose. That we *wanted* to do. And yet, we didn't. We failed at our resolution. But it doesn't have to stay that way. Having ADHD does not mean we can't set goals, or push forward, or succeed. February is just as good of a month to make positive changes as January, or July, or September. Let's ditch the "New Year's" part of the resolution and ta...
Jan 28, 2021•11 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast January is the start of the new year and it feels like everyone is tooting their Goal Setting and Yearly Planning horns. While intentions are good, planning is not my strong suit because I have ADHD. Throw in some time blindness, another feature of ADHD, and I have trouble planning today, let along the next 12 months. How can I plan for October when I don't know even what I am going to make for dinner tonight? Instead, let's break down planning into baby steps, and bring the future into the "now...
Jan 21, 2021•9 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast Is your house a Christmas hurricane and your mind a Holiday hangover? I'm sharing one baby step every day to exit the Christmas crazy and pull your home (and yourself) back together. Download the free checklist with one task (5-15 minutes) for every day. I'm also posting 30-second videos on YouTube & IG Reels Join me! It's one baby step every day for the next two weeks. Let's kick that crazy to the curb and build the mindset that we can do hard things ONE STEP AT A TIME. Because you can! And cle...
Dec 31, 2020•11 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast It's my birthday month! As I round out my 30's, I'm taking a moment to appreciate all of you, and say thank you for your support. In case you haven't grabbed any of the free resources on my website - get your free stuff, mama! I want to help you start 2021 on a high note. Next year is going to be awesome, and I can't wait to see where you go and change and bloom. For more info & details, plus free resources: motherhoodinadhd.com...
Dec 03, 2020•4 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast Do you often tell yourself you're a failure? Do you have trouble making friends or reading social cues? Do you view yourself with an overcritical eye, feeling like you keep screwing up over and over? Is pausing, stopping yourself, or assessing the situation a rare occurrence? I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. Our Self Regulation discussion includes reflection, impairment, sensory overload, fear, frustratio...
Nov 26, 2020•15 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast Do your feelings go from 0-100 in no time flat? I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. Our Emotional Regulation discussion includes sensory overload, fear, fight or flight, frustration, children pushing our buttons, anger, embarrassment, period cycles, hormones, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Bipolar, and Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria. Holy Moly, Batman! Let's learn about our ADHD brains. For more info & de...
Nov 19, 2020•31 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast Does your energy level reside somewhere between zero and 500, sliding from one end of the spectrum to the other? I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. Our Energy Regulation discussion includes sleep, arousal, motivation, addiction, period cycles, hormones, inconsistency, Bipolar, Anxiety, Depression, and Chronic Fatigue. We're getting into the tough stuff today. Let's learn about our ADHD brains. De-stress you...
Nov 12, 2020•22 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast Is your usual December a last minute frenzy, full of half finished projects, overspending, juggling your parents and in-laws, and ending with kicking yourself for what you didn't finish? It doesn't have to be an entire month of holiday stress. You can have a Christmas or Hanukkah season filled with the activities that you and family enjoy. But how? Let's make this happen and it starts now. It's time to cut the chaos and instead make great memories with our families. Enroll at www.successfulasamo...
Nov 05, 2020•18 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast What do you say when people ask you: What Is ADHD? I didn't have a good answer, so I dug into the scientific research. We're talking about the neuroscience of ADHD, what happens in your brain between the neurotransmitters, neurons, and synapses, that make up this neurological medical condition. I'll also debunk some ADHD myths and common misconceptions, as well as explain how stimulants affect the ADHD brain. There is so much more to ADHD than meets the eye. When you understand how your brain wo...
Oct 29, 2020•24 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast Can you easily flip between tasks or conversations like it's a breeze? Nah, me neither. I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. One area of EF is Flexibility. Or the lack thereof, being the hallmark of ADHD. How does it affect an ADHD adu...
Oct 22, 2020•23 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast Is your paperwork system piles rather than files? And you know that paper you need is in the fourth stack on the left, about half way down? I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. One area of EF is Organization. Or the lack thereof, being...
Oct 15, 2020•15 min•Ep 67•Transcript available on Metacast Do you know that you need to get something done but you just...don't? I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. One area of EF is Motivation. Or the lack thereof, being the hallmark of ADHD. How does it affect an ADHD adult? Let's learn abo...
Oct 08, 2020•16 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast Is your version of an alarm clock your child peering over the bed claiming starvation? Are you flying out the door, rushing everyone along in mild panic and high stress? Do you spend more than five minutes looking for shoes, keys, or coats? More than 10 minutes? Are you still in your pajamas at lunch time more days than not? Does your morning look like what you want it to look like? Getting multiple people ready and exiting the house on time requires epic-level executive function ninja skills. I...
Oct 01, 2020•11 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast Are you a planner? Or are you more of a "maybe should have made a plan before I tore out that wall in my kitchen" kind of person? I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. One area of EF is Planning. Or the lack thereof, being the hallmark ...
Sep 24, 2020•15 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make. Episode 53 covers the basics of EF and now we will dive into prioritizing. Or the lack thereof, being the hallmark of ADHD. How does it affect an ADHD adult? Let's learn about our ADHD brains. Find the info & items mentioned in my podcast here: ht...
Sep 17, 2020•15 min•Ep 63•Transcript available on Metacast I can not explain what ADHD is without discussing Executive Function, because executive functioning is the CEO of our brain. You use it to run your life: your productivity, efficiency, family, work, friendship, including every single decision you make, from career choices to when to brush your teeth. Episode 53 covers the basics of EF and now we will focus on Task Initiation. Or the lack thereof, being the hallmark of ADHD. How does it affect an ADHD adult? Let's learn about our ADHD brains. Fin...
Sep 10, 2020•18 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast Stinky pandemic school options + Explosive nature of ADHD = The Dumpster Fire version of the first day of school. Despite all of my preparation, Virtual School was even more taxing than I had imagined: executive dysfunction + sensory overload + transitions nightmare + juggling siblings + tech issues. Did I mention my 5YO doesn't even know how to use a computer? *cue frustration* I'm sharing my remote learning struggle in hopes that you don't feel alone, and do feel more prepared as we step out o...
Sep 03, 2020•36 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast How do we get ourselves and our children ready for school among the chaos and stress of the pandemic? We can prepare for a good portion of the craziness by making a plan and helping our kids (and ourselves) know what differences to expect this year. Listen as I share what you can do at home to be ready for both walking back into the school building, as well as setting up at home for virtual learning (24:50)! Grab your checklist for free! bit.ly/pandemic-school-checklist Find the info & items men...
Aug 27, 2020•36 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast Are you freaking the heck out about Back to School? What are you going to do!?! This pandemic is bringing an extra layer of stress to school starting and the first thing we can do is set up a healthy mindset on how to approach the giant ball of what-ifs. What every parent needs to hear about setting priorities and communicating well to increase your peace, whether you are doing in-person, virtual, or hybrid school this fall. http://bit.ly/pandemic-school-checklist Find the info & items mentioned...
Aug 20, 2020•20 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast When you are ready to make some positive changes in your life, this is the book I want you to grab. James Clear has created the 4 laws to build habits in a simple and doable fashion, perfect for the disorganized, scattered person who struggles with consistency and building momentum. I'll walk you through how I built my plan for going to bed earlier using his 4 laws. You can use the 4 laws to build good habits into your life and make your goals easier to achieve, too. If I can get my sleep disord...
Aug 13, 2020•21 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast