SGU 5x5 #83 - Dec 20 2009
Irreducible Complexity
Irreducible Complexity
Psychic Surgery
The Lunar Effect
Crop Circles
The Double-Blind Protocol in Science
The Argument from Design
The Coriolis Effect
Perpetual Motion Machines
The Age of the Earth
Randi Million Dollar Psychic Challenge and Connie Sonne
The Roswell UFO Mythology
New Element Discovered
Einstein's Eclipse and General Relativity
Near Death Experiences
Skepticism 101 - Special Pleading
Plausibility in Science
Skepticism 101 - Scientific Theory
The Clever Hans Effect
Possession and Exorcism
Skepticism 101 - How to Argue
Friday 13th Superstition
Sprites and other atmospheric phenomena mistaken for UFOs
The Self-Corrective Nature of Science
Skepticism 101 - Moving the Goalpost
Skepticism 101 - Poisoning the Well
Skepticism 101 - False Dichotomy