It’s wild how so much in this universe is connected in ways we don’t understand…there’s something in quantum physics that Einstein called “spooky interaction at a distance”. Quantum theory says that you can have a particle-like, er, this one here—which is connected to another identical particle billions and billions of light-years away. And if I give this one a flick—boop!—I just booped its twin on the other side of the universe at the same time…change it here, and it changes there instantaneous...
Mar 05, 2025•39 min•Ep 392•Transcript available on Metacast If you’re a Boomer, a Gen Xer or an early millennial, this is going to hurt. If someone says “25 years ago,” now, they mean something that happened in the 1900s, not in the 21st century. Despite how it might feel, the 90s weren’t just 20 years ago…neither were the 80s…if you’re a certain age, you know exactly what I’m talking about. This hurts, too…at some point, you’re going to hear a kid talk about a song that came out “in the late 1900s”…ouch. We’re already a quarter of the way through the 21...
Feb 26, 2025•41 min•Ep 391•Transcript available on Metacast People love lists…magazines, broadcasters, and websites are always publishing them…the ones that seem to get the most attention are those that rank a specific thing from worst to best. And let’s be honest: most of these lists are designed to court controversy, to create arguments, and to get people talking about how things got ordered and why or why not someone or something should be at number one…i get it. But not all lists are created equal…some are just supposed to keep track of something…wha...
Feb 19, 2025•38 min•Ep 390•Transcript available on Metacast It’s a summer night in 1998. Vienna, Austria. And petty thief Daniel Blanchard is about to carry out the heist of a lifetime. Stealing a crown jewel. The last remaining diamond Sisi Star. His plan? A daring night-time parachute jump. Daniel is no ordinary thief. His heists are ingenious, meticulously planned; his escapes from the law defy belief. And Daniel knows that if he can get his hands on the star, it will launch him into the criminal big-leagues. Daniel’s exploits unleash a relentless gam...
Feb 15, 2025•36 min•Transcript available on Metacast Time has a way of getting away from us, especially at the speed at which news cycles travel…with a firehose of information coming at us from traditional media, online sources, social media, and just life in general, it’s really easy to forget where we’ve been and what we’ve done. The speed of 21st century life has either created our ultra-short attention spans or exacerbated what was already there. Me?... Sometimes it feels like I have the memory of a goldfish…somebody will mention something tha...
Feb 12, 2025•43 min•Ep 389•Transcript available on Metacast The great 20th century philosopher Ferris Bueller once said “life moves pretty fast…if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it”. I think of this wisdom a lot, especially when someone starts talking about, say, the music of the 1990s…my instinctive reaction is always the same… “yeah…the 90s…that was ten years ago, right?”. Obviously not…Nirvana’s “Nevermind” still lives and that record is over 30 years old…all the legendary grunge artists are in their 50s and 60s if not ...
Feb 05, 2025•39 min•Ep 388•Transcript available on Metacast So much can happen in 25 years…let’s go back to how the 20th century began…in just a quarter century, we got radio, airplanes, the Great War, the Russian revolution, the Soviet Union, and the rise of Communism. The Titanic sank…women were empowered to vote…Einstein came up with the theory of relativity…Henry Ford changed manufacturing forever with the use of the assembly line, not to mention the introduction of cars. We also go stainless steel, the first x-ray machine, the zipper, neon lighting,...
Jan 29, 2025•39 min•Ep 387•Transcript available on Metacast Keeping up to date with the news cycles is exhausting…so much comes at us from so many different directions that it’s impossible to know if we’re in the middle of something important or not…everything seems urgent, threatening, and life-changing…there’s precious little time for careful consideration, study, and analysis. Keeping up with technology and its effect on society is another big challenge…one moment everyone seems caught up with a particular gadget or app—but a month or even a week late...
Jan 22, 2025•39 min•Ep 386•Transcript available on Metacast A couple of years ago, it became obvious that we were entering an era where music fans were increasingly going to be sad…that’s because our musical heroes are shuffling off this mortal coil. It really hit hard in 2016—that was a bad year with the deaths of David Bowie and Prince—that really brought home the unfortunate reality that we will continue to lose people who have been making music for us for years, maybe decades. We didn’t necessarily know any of these people personally…but it was throu...
Jan 15, 2025•33 min•Ep 385•Transcript available on Metacast One of the byproducts of doing a show like this for as long as I’ve been doing it is that it’s really hard to shut off your brain. I’m always thinking about topic ideas, ways to connect facts and trivia, reading a lot of books, talking to a lot of people, and otherwise trying to come up with a constant stream of topics we can discuss. The result of all this research and thinking and writing are some ideas and perspectives on music, music history, how music is made, how it’s consumed and distribu...
Jan 08, 2025•40 min•Ep 384•Transcript available on Metacast Beauty is in the eye of the beholder—or in the case of music, the ear…what’s pleasant to one person is nothing but noise to someone else… This is where it’s good to have some patience…there are some forms of art whose beauty isn’t obvious at first…you need to stick with it…and after you’ve given it a chance and decided that it’s not for you, fine… But what about those times when something happens—suddenly or slowly and either on your own or with the prompting of someone else—and you realize that...
Jan 01, 2025•33 min•Ep 383•Transcript available on Metacast For a very long time—too long—women were locked in very defined roles when it came to rock’n’roll…girls were expected to look pretty and do little more than sing…okay, maybe shake a tambourine or something…but that was about it… And when it came to singing, “Just stick with conventional stuff, dear…don’t get any crazy ideas in your head…this is a woman’s role in rock, and you should stick to it…that’s a nice little lady”… But then along came punk rock in the 1970s…punk did many things for rock—i...
Dec 25, 2024•31 min•Ep 382•Transcript available on Metacast All right…I hope you’re ready because a lot of information—some of it important, some of it useless—is about to come your way in a rapid-fire way. Again, this is material collected over the last 12 months while I was looking for “ongoing history” ideas…some of this info doesn’t fit with the mandate of the program…some of it is orphaned from programs that never quite took shape…and some of these items were just too weird to gloss over, so I made a note…what you do with what you’re about to hear i...
Dec 18, 2024•45 min•Ep 381•Transcript available on Metacast The way I see it, there are three types of bands that stretch across a spectrum…first, there’s the extreme sort, a group that will do almost anything to attract attention…you’re probably thinking of some names right now. Next to them are the traditional sort, and they comprise the vast majority of bands out there…these are groups that go out there, do their thing earnestly and honestly, and hope that this will be enough for music lovers…they occupy a huge part of this spectrum. And then we have ...
Dec 11, 2024•43 min•Ep 380•Transcript available on Metacast If Rivers Cuomo of Weezer were to walk past you on the street, you probably wouldn’t notice him…if you did, you might think that this stranger kinda looked like Louis Tully, the nebbish accountant played by Rick Moranis in a couple of “Ghostbusters” movie. Chances are he’d be wearing skinny jeans, a t-shirt, a hoody, maybe a baseball cap, indistinguishable from a hundred other short, slight, guys with glasses that you encountered that day…and that’s just the way he likes it. But Rivers Cuomo is ...
Dec 04, 2024•37 min•Ep 379•Transcript available on Metacast We’re about to get all dreamy and floaty and all blissed out by taking a look at another specific genre…a post-punk genre called “dream pop”…it’s a thing unto itself but it’s also related to other genres where atmosphere, sonic textures, and (in some cases) sheer volume reign supreme…and from its origins in the early 80s, dream pop has had a profound effect on music that is felt even today. It touches on and overlaps with other alt-rock subgenres including shoegaze and anything resembling modern...
Nov 27, 2024•35 min•Ep 378•Transcript available on Metacast This is an episode all about bust-ups and break-ups, those times when tensions within a band get so high that things get weird and violent and—well, let’s just say “regrettable”. Some of these incidents resulted in nothing more than an airing of the grievances…steam was let off, people calmed down, and it was back to business as usual…other times, though, the damage of was irreparable and it marked the end of the group forever—or at least something close to it… You want stories?... You want dram...
Nov 20, 2024•37 min•Ep 376•Transcript available on Metacast We’ve all sat listening to music and though to ourselves “what does this song mean?...what’s the singer (or the band) trying to say?”. Sometimes it’s nothing…it’s just a bunch of words strung together in a way that sounds fun…other times, lyrics to a song may be just some kind of stream of consciousness thing that somehow made sense to the singer or the lyricist at the time…or maybe it didn’t…lots of songs are written in altered states. A song could be an oblique and opaque form of poetry that’s...
Nov 13, 2024•39 min•Ep 375•Transcript available on Metacast This is an episode about murder…call this a crossover episode with my true crime podcast, “Uncharted: Crime and Mayhem in the Music Industry”. For as long as rock music has existed, people have been blaming it for turning impressionable people to the dark side, inspiring them (if not outright encouraging them) to do evil things. My opinion is that an unstable mentally ill person is liable to be triggered by anything…and yes, sometimes that trigger might be a song…there are, however, not that man...
Nov 06, 2024•34 min•Ep 374•Transcript available on Metacast When Nadine Bailey was 7 years old she woke up terrified of dark figures looming at the end of her bed and an eerie presence all around her. From then on every night was the same, she was visited by phantom-like shadows and no matter where she went, the ghostly encounters followed her. Ever since that moment, hauntings, spirits and the unexplained have consumed her entire life and for the past 20 years she's been an award-winning guide with Edmonton Ghost Tours Along the way she has taken people...
Nov 01, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Anyone with a passing knowledge of rock is aware of its origins back in the late 40s and early 50s when blues, rhythm and blues, western, country, folk, and hillbilly traditions began to mix and match, eventually coalescing into what became known as “rock’n’roll”. If you’re an alt-rock fan, you’ve heard the story of how all this began with the garage bands of the late 60s and the punk rock explosion of the mid-70s. The birth of modern electronic music?... It has a rich and complicated origin sto...
Oct 30, 2024•30 min•Ep 373•Transcript available on Metacast If you’re a musical artist and you start to do well, the point will come when you need a manager. The manager is the person who looks after all the business stuff so the musician can get on with the business of making music…managers deal with booking gigs, marketing, promotions, promoters, publicity, support staff and road crews. They collect the money and pay the bills…and the oversee all the infrastructure of your career: lawyers, accountants, and all the other people involved in running the b...
Oct 23, 2024•44 min•Ep 372•Transcript available on Metacast For some people, history is dry and boring…it’s all dates and wars and dusty facts about things that don’t have anything to do with life today…and yes, that can be true…but history also helps us understand why things are the way they are…study the past, understand the present, and maybe predict the future—at least to some extent. But history can also be stupid…and when it is, it can be fun to learn about these things…and in addition to all the dates and wars and famous people, i think we need to...
Oct 16, 2024•41 min•Ep 371•Transcript available on Metacast By the time this episode is over, you will learn things about your fellow music fans (and music in general) that you can use to astound your friends…and when they say “go on, that’s not true,” you can simply point them to the research. Some are the result of serious, empyreal scientific work at universities and labs…other were conducted by professional pollsters and survey-takers…and then there’s the category of survey where a piece of research is really just a masquerade for an advertisement. E...
Oct 09, 2024•39 min•Ep 370•Transcript available on Metacast After years and years or rumour and speculation, we now have an Oasis reunion. The brother Gallagher have agreed to reunite…and possibly burry the hatchet. This for a series of shows next summer in the UK, Ireland, Canada, the USA, Mexico, and beyond. A lot of this coincides nicely with the anniversaries of their first two albums….1994’s Definitely Maybe, and What’s the Story Morning Glory from 1995. We really don’t know how we arrived here with a reunion, I mean…this is Noel and Liam after all…...
Oct 06, 2024•28 min•Ep 369•Transcript available on Metacast We don’t like to think about our favourite musicians as being mortal…because let’s face it, we believe that they do extraordinary things and make us feel in ways we otherwise wouldn’t. Rock stars are special, superhuman, because they can do what we can’t and live a lifestyle that we can only dream about. Yet they are just as human as you and, fallible to temptations, in danger of accidents, and vulnerable to all the failings that may plague the body and brain. When one of our favourites die, it’...
Oct 02, 2024•41 min•Ep 368•Transcript available on Metacast After years and years or rumour and speculation, we now have an Oasis reunion. The brother Gallagher have agreed to reunite…and possibly burry the hatchet. This for a series of shows next summer in the UK, Ireland and beyond. A lot of this coincides nicely with the anniversaries of their first two albums….1994’s Definitely Maybe, and What’s the Story Morning Glory from 1995. We really don’t know how we arrived here with a reunion, I mean…this is Noel and Liam after all…but anyway, it's
Sep 29, 2024•27 min•Ep 367•Transcript available on Metacast It may not seem like it, but everything in this universe is connected in all kinds of unseen ways. Humans have always known that chaos is a capricious and fickle thing, something that can show up when you least expect it…i find this aspect of history fascinating. There’s the butterfly effect, the concept that a butterfly flapping its wings in China will set off a complex domino effect in the atmosphere that somehow results in a low-pressure wave blasting from Africa across the Atlantic causing a...
Sep 25, 2024•47 min•Ep 366•Transcript available on Metacast Tell me if this sounds familiar…you’re sitting around with a bunch of friends talking about music when someone says “what’s that song with the thing at the beginning and the boom-boom sound effects?’s got that guitar—or maybe it it’s not… you know the one!”…and then the friend gets frustrated when he gets a bunch of blank stares. If you’ve ever worked in a record store, you know the stare because you’ve done it with the customer who wants you to identify the artist, song, and album from he...
Sep 18, 2024•43 min•Ep 365•Transcript available on Metacast There’s a scene in the 2000 movie “High Fidelity” that introduced a lot of people to the name Belle and Sebastian. Rob, the owner of a record store, and his employee, Dick, are enjoying a new arrival. Then Barry, another employee played by Jack Black, bursts through the door. This goes on for a while before Rob has enough and rips the cassette out of the machine. I have a couple of issues with that scene…first, I have a hard time believing that an obnoxious snobby indie record store clerk would ...
Sep 11, 2024•32 min•Ep 364•Transcript available on Metacast