24. The 6 Most Incredible Last Stands in History
Five of the most incredible awe inspiring last stand stories from history. Warning, there is a little bit of myth in these
Five of the most incredible awe inspiring last stand stories from history. Warning, there is a little bit of myth in these
What if I told you we were living in one of the great dark ages of history? And how we lived and who we are will become one of the great mysteries of history?
Eliot Ness and the Untouchable are famous as the men who over 1930 and 1931 took down Al Scarface Capone the most feared gangster in America. Or did they? No, not really.
Cave men died in their 30's and Serfs in their 40's right? No. No they didn't
Did two Scottish serial killer help birth modern medical education? Yeah pretty much.
You've probably been taught at some point that more people speak Mandarin than English. But is it true? Yes, no, kindof. The mandarin characters I mention in the episode are: 舍 - House 川 - River 稻田 - Rice paddy The character for house is not the common one but it is the best demonstration of the logographic elements of Mandarin
History is full of propaganda and one generations hero can quickly become the next generations arch villain
Henry David Thoreau, is the archetypal survivalist, naturalist, and self sufficiency expert. But how much of his story is true?
The One China Policy is rarely reported on accurately... but there is a reason for that
Dollars today are used in twenty countries and territories around the world. But why did the word dollar takeoff?
5 horrific facts, factoids, events and inventions which will make you wish medicine never existed and you were never born... it's fun I promise!
The Lions of the Panjshir as of recording hold on as the last of the anti Taliban resistance in Afghanistan. But who are they? As the events in Afghanistan continue to unfold. I am making some special episodes out of synce with my normal releases to combat the many many myths around the nation and it's history. PS I forgot to mention in the episode Massoud was Ahmad Shah's war name and means fortunate or happy.
Despite 20 years of war, many myths about Afghanistan and the Taliban abound
Meet Countess Elizabeth Bathory the Most prolific serial killer in history... or was she?
From games to movies Nuclear Winter is seen as the inevitable catastrophic outcome of any nuclear war. But why? What is it and what cause it? Find out in this weeks episode!
If all life as we know it ended tomorrow, would the IRS be prepared? You bet your ass they would be.
This week we are taking a short dive into the most 5 ridiculously un-killable maniacs of World War 2. From Kings and Presidents to random mechanics. If your favourite didn't make the list send a message to @manichistory on twitter!
No. But if you want to find out more listen to this weeks episode!
How far has medicine come from the days of cutting holes in peoples heads and pouring maggots into their wounds? Not much.
From the first holes carved into our heads 8000 years ago, to today. Come explore the enigmatic history of brain surgery
After the heady days of orphan torture, modern medicine moved onwards to the magical world of drugs! And yet the one of the fathers of drugs has been discreetly shoved into a corner and forgotten to protect the reputation of everything before and since. Why not find out more and listen right now to the magical modern medical world of Drugs!
Modern medecine today is our gleaming city on a hill, no more constrained by the dark days of leeches as panacea's. But how did we move from the world of leeches and maggots to our modern understandings of the human body? Over a pile of corpses.
Did you know that Pop Culture has a problem with History? Because history is often, stupid. Full of slap stick shenanigans and silly styles. In this weeks episode we are exploring parts of history that are simply to silly to ever properly be replicated in pop culture, from Abraham Lincolns voice to the Spanish inquisition, and the ultra masculine Spartans and Vikings. Find out about histories silly side
From Washingtons teeth to the freedom of speech, come tear down the beautiful fascades of popular American history and learn about how everyone you ever admired was a jerk and every idea you hold sacrosanct is based on lies.
Welcome to the wacky world of history where everything you thought was true is actually a magnificent lie, and all your heroes turn out to be horrible monsters. Welcome to the world of Historical Hysteria.