What Would Jeff Do? #980 dog training q & a
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Real dog training for the real world. Jeff Gellman hosts dog training Q&A to help dog owners have a better relationship with their dogs. You will laugh, cry and fall in love with Jeff and his no-nonsense approach to dog training. Learn how to awaken the true spirit in your dog, gain a greater understanding of how to communicate with your dog, and have some fun while doing it! In the show, Jeff covers dog training, life & business questions from viewers. Want to get your question in? Subscribe on YouTube or Like & Follow Solid K9 Training on Facebook and be alerted when Jeff does his LIVE Q&A!
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yesterday during our live for chaotic to control we showed so many important things that make such a big difference but they don\'t look like much.
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on yesterdays live, day one of the leash reactive course, you saw live and unedited how effective Bonkers are as a great step one
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I put up a post yesterday and the amount of nonsense and uneducated comments just reveals a deeper issue we have with aggression with dogs as well as folks not being able to understand basic parenting
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We have 2 great courses coming up Leash reactivity course and e-collar training course, 2 issues that when fully understood and resolved llis so effective its life-changing
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so many folks parrot the same false information on aggression rehab it is both comical and sad, let me break down one simple issue for everyone that has proven results.
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The number of vets, behaviorists, and trainers who don\'t know how to stop behaviors, recommending drugs for our dogs is ever increasing and looks like big pharm is getting more and more into the pet dog industry
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lots of folks are creating aggressive dogs and not on purpose, ill let you in on a couple of strategies that can dramatically help you
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Discussion of an Interesting comment we got online on one of our posts that looks real on the surface but it\'s just a planted troll. Folks should understand how this all works.
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so many folks are jumping into the reward only, always say YES, gentle, kind training, all sounds good, and thats what we do...but that is only a part of it, we also do what is needed to keep the dog alive, YES can\'t do that.
So many other folks just can’t say NO for some reason. Why?
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there is so much fighting in this industry its incredible, doesn\'t everyone want dogs to be trained and owners happy? maybe, maybe not
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we didn\'t plan on this to be a social experiment but it has been, and proves a point I make a lot, don\'t get me wrong I am appreciative of every single interaction that folks have made on our page, just find it interesting what the marketplace wants and engages them.
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the phrase of \"if a dog has to where tools when it goes home you didn\'t train the dog\" or if the owner needs to use tools you did a bad job of training the owner is the most ridiculous statements out there for a trainer to say
so many folks are getting power breed dogs or dogs that are very challenging and they themselves are soft owners, I am sorry but it is not going to work, they are going to walk all over you. It is not difficult to flip that around though
so much emphasis of dog training is about the dog, what about the human, those are the ones whose lives are in pain because of the dogs behavior
It really seems that the industry just does not want owners to be successful, is that not abuse? not stopping a dog\'s unwanted behavior, not allowing a dog to be properly rehabbed. Having a dangerous dog in a home, causes physical and mental harm to the dog\'s owners.
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