12/12/05 - Show #57: "JETS GAME POSTMORTEM"
Show #57 - Today's Topics: JETS GAME POSTMORTEM .... Shouts Out to Robert in Japan, Raider Dave, and Raider Tommy from NYC .... Haiku from Sean (RaiderTake.com) .... Jets Postgame Report
Show #57 - Today's Topics: JETS GAME POSTMORTEM .... Shouts Out to Robert in Japan, Raider Dave, and Raider Tommy from NYC .... Haiku from Sean (RaiderTake.com) .... Jets Postgame Report
Show #56 - Today's Topics: JETS PREGAME - "COOL THE JETS" .... Check Out Frappr - Pin Yourself .... "Shouts Out" to Roby and Jean for comments .... "Charger Chris" - You Are A Punk .... The "Collins Factor", What He Says - What They Say - What I Say!!
Show #55 - Today's Topics: CHARGERS POSTGAME .... Special Thanks To Zac Emmons (Raiders Public Relations) .... Thanks Sean From RaiderTake.Com .... A-hole Of The Month (Ray Ratto) Chump! .... QB #2 (Tui) Can He Do It? He Did In Washington .... QB #3 (Walter) Great Young Prospect - Raiders Future?
Show #54 - Today's Topics: CHARGERS PREGAME - "SCREW THE BOLTS" .... Collins Shouts Out As Leader - A Bit Late? .... Lenny Walls Claimed Off Waivers - Will He Play? .... Tui Speaks Up - First Time In 5 Years - "Let Me Play!"
Show #52 - Today's Topics: POSTGAME FOR THE "DOL-FISH" .... Special Thanks To "Nillbilly Boy" and Sean of RaiderTake .... On The Bright Side (Yes, there is one!) .... Who Will Be King? (Next Coach) .... Rob Ryan - I'm Sorry!!
Show #51 - Today's Topics: PREGAME FOR THE "DOL-FISH" .... Shouts Out To Randy Olson, The Man! .... Happy Thanksgiving to all the Raider Nation .... Moss and the Media .... Looking for Jets tickets for returning Iraq Warrior .... Nick Sabin on the "Hot Seat" - For Sure! .... Hall of Fame Candidates - Madden, Stabler, Guy, Hayes ......All Deserve It!
Show #50 - Today's Topics: POSTGAME FOR THE "SKINNED SKINS" .... Shouts Out To Our Troups In Iraq - Raider Nation WorldWide .... "A-hole of the Month", Ira Miller-SF Chronicle .... Moss and the Media .... We skinned the Skins - Victory on the edge of your seat!
Show #49 - Today's Topics: REDSKINS PREGAME - AND The failed "Jeff George #2 Experiment" (Collins) .... Moss opens up - "6" seconds of silence .... And the next coach of the Raiders is? .... Skins Pre-Game - We can beat the Skins and you know it - Does Norv?
Show #48 - Today's Topics: DENVER BRONCOS POSTGAME - And the award for Worst Coaching In The AFC goes to.....Norv "We're Building On What We Do Best" Turner.....and Jimmy "I Can't See The Field From Here" Ray ----YOU'RE FIRED!
Show #47 - Today's Topics: DENVER BRONCOS PREGAME -- GOIN' DOWN! .... Plummer sounds off on Raider fans - Have a beer, Jake .... Shanahan - Need some batteries for that hearing aid? .... Doncos comin' in high on the hog - Let's send 'em home baked, wrapped in foil for Thanksgiving!
Show #46 - Today's Topics: CHIEFS POST-MORTEM DEPRESSION .... Raiders fall to hated Chiefs and the "Pajama Party", 27-23 .... Norv and Collins must go!
Show #45 - Today's Topics: CHIEFS PREGAME (KC Fans, What a joke! Clowns in Red) - PSL is dead .... Hi Ho the PSL is dead (and so is the OFMA) ....Moss, In or Out (I think he is in, baby!) .... "Sack Master" Derrick Burgess, "D" Player for October .... Who will cover Gonzo? .... Chris Carr off to the races, "Return King"
Show #44 - Today's Topics: TITANS POST-GAME -- VICTORY IS OURS! .... Raiders toss Titans and head to the Chiefs .... A win, but a nail biter - until Porter shows up
Show #43 - Today's Topics: TITANS PRE-GAME .... Let's Scare McNair And Get Our First Road Win .... There's A Hole In The Bucket Dear Travis Henry - Let Me Introduce You To Sapp And Ted .... Let's win on the road, this will be Clash Of The Raiders!
Show #42 - Today's Topics: BILLS POST-GAME SHOW - Thanks to British Raider fans Dave, Keith, and Richard .... LaMont Jordan - AFC Player of the Week - 122 Yards, 3 TD's, No Doubts .... Leo and Sal of "Bill's Podcast" - Silent after the Beat Down .... Woodson and Gibson - Gone but not forgotten .... Thanks to Sean of Raider Take (Raidertake.com)
Raider Greg cruises the parking lots of the Oakland Coliseum prior to the Bills game. He meets up with three fans who traveled all the way from London, England for the game. Keith, Dave, and Richard had a great time. We also visit with other tailgating fans.
Show #40 - Today's Topics: BILLS PREGAME PUMP-UP! .... The Bills are expecting a win in OakTown...let's tear the wings off those Buffalos .... The Bills Podcast calls the coliseum a "dump" and "watch your back" at tailgate..."Bull S--t! .... To let the Bills Podcast know how you feel about their comments, just call them at 585-258-2555...THEY WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM THE RAIDER NATION!
Show #39 - Today's Topics: BILLS PREGAME SHOW .... We NEED, No we HAVE TO, We " MUST" Win this game! .... The match up with the 3-3 Bills....We can beat these BUFFALO WINGS!
Show #38 - Today's Topics: Jeff George, no I mean Mark Wilson, no it's Jeff Hostetler, no I mean Kerry Collins....YEAH....CUT FROM THE SAME MOLD! - Raider Greg reads Lowell Cohn's article in The Press Democrat...
Show #37 - Today's Topics: Raiders match up to the "Bolts" - No "powder blues" (baby blues) in OakTown!! - Chargers might be moving to L.A. - PERFECT!! - Bolts already counting on 3-3 record...a bit early!
Show #35 - Today's Topics: Bolt Talk .COM has inched ahead of Raider Ration Podcast! -VOTE ! VOTE ! VOTE ! VOTE ! PODCAST ALLEY FOR RAIDERNATIONPODCAST.COM - DON'T LET THE BOLTS PUNK THE RAIDER NATION!!!!!!
Show #34 - Today's Topics: Adam Treu takes the snaps as Grove rehabs - Collins in heaven over lack of interceptions...Make Some Passes Will Ya?! - Norv has this season or bust with cap at 120 Mil.
Show #33 - Today's Topics: A nail-biter, on the edge of your seat victory. BUT a "W" is a "W" and we'll take it. Defense saves the Day!
Show #32 - Today's Topics: SMARTEST TEAM TO COME TO OAKLAND - THAT'S NOT TOO SMART! - Raiders primed for victory ... This is our time!!! ... Let's brand the boys with a loss!
Show #31 - Today's Topics: 0-3 ONLY SIX TIMES IN FRANCHISE HISTORY -- What's Up Norv? -- Coaching, Coaching .... A Little Better Ain't Makin' It!
Show #30 - Today's Topics: Give it up for our RAIDERS!!! .... THEY CAN DO IT!!!!!! .... THEY NEED US NOW MORE THEN EVER!
Show #29 - Today's Topics: Prayers to Ronald Curry for a speedy recovery, You WILL be missed! Shouts to all RAIDERNATION PodCast listeners, thanks for your takes, we will be reading your e-mails on the next show. Check out the Video Gallery, Raider Randy ROCKS!!! GO RAIDERS!!! Beat the Birds!
Show #28 - Today's Topics: and a look at the officials...THEY SUCK!
Show #27 - Today's Topics: and I quote,"it's time to take K.C. to the woodshed and apply the beatdown!