BCR 206: Paul Desjardins, Longtime Birder
Paul Desjardins, the life-long times of a serious Connecticut birder, a meticulous record keeper of the birds seen worldwide joins us for a in-depth conversation of his 60 years.
Paul Desjardins, the life-long times of a serious Connecticut birder, a meticulous record keeper of the birds seen worldwide joins us for a in-depth conversation of his 60 years.
Bruce Beehler, Ph.D., Ornithologist, Author and Tim Laman Ph.D., an Award-winning National Geographic Photographer, on their new book, New Guinea, Nature and Culture of Earth's Grandest Island; sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this publication date interview on things New Guinea.
Jeffrey Ward, Science Communicator and NYC Birder fly’s by to talk birds, education & kids, birding and their habitats.
Lynn E. Barber, Ph.D., J.D. & Author of her latest book, “BIG YEARS, BIGGEST STATES Birding in Texas and Alaska”, sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive publication date talk on all things birding in Texas and Alaska.
Dr. Lauren McGough, A licensed and practicing falconer of the ancient tradition since age 14 and is one of the very few American women to do so. Her love of falconry has taken her all the way to Mongolia, where she studied with Kazakh eagle hunters.
Dr. Eleanor Jones Harvey, Senior Curator at the Smithsonian American Art Museum and the author of the newly anticipated book “Alexander von Humboldt and the United States Art, Nature, and Culture”, sits down with Mardi Dickinson for an in-deth conversation.
Dr. John W. Fitzpatrick, Louis Agassiz Fuertes Executive Director of Cornell Lab of Ornithology and our 10th guest in our featured series called “For The Record, Legacy Interviews” and BCR’s 200th Show joins us today.
Christopher Leahy, Naturalist, conservationist and author stops by to talk about his latest book Birds of Mongolia.
Bruce Beehler, Ph.D., Ornithologist, ecologist, conservationist and author of Natural Encounters; stops by to talk with Mardi Dickinson on biking, hiking and birding through the Seasons.
Wenfei Tong, Ph.D., Biologist and Author of Bird Love, The Family Life Of Birds; flies by to talk with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Bird Love.
Richard Allen, Wildlife Artist and Illustrator of the recently published book, Birds Of Paradise and Bowerbirds sits down with Mardi Dickinson for an exclusive talk about this book and his illustrations.
Don Kroodsma, Author of his latest book Birdsong for the Curious Naturalist, sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Birdsongs.
Phil Gregory, Author of the recently published book, Birds of Paradise and Bowerbirds sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive talk about his book and birding in Australia.
Marky Mutchler, LSU Biology Student and BCR's 3rd guest in our series called Pay It Forward™ swoops and talks with Mardi Dickinson about LSU, Brazillian Expedition and her life and interests.
Bernd Heinrich, the author of the newly anticipated book, White Feathers, The Nesting Lives of Tree Swallows sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Tree Swallows.
Tom Wood, Co-Founder of the Southeastern Arizona Bird Observatory, buzzes by to update us on all things Arizona.
Ted Gilman, Senior Naturalist and Education Specialist for Greenwich Audubon and BCR's 9th guest in our featured series called “For The Record, Legacy Interviews."
Tricia Miller, Ph.D , Executive Director, Senior Research Wildlife Biologist for Conservation Science Global, soars by to talk with Mardi Dickinson about tracking and studying Golden Eagles for over a decade!
fly’s by to talk exclusively with Mardi Dickinson about San Blas, Nayarit, Mexico and it’s spectacular birding areas.
An Internationally acclaimed birder, photographer and author fly’s by to talk exclusively with Mardi Dickinson about his past projects and his NEW venture, The ID Boot Camp.
BirdCallsRadio NEWS REEL reflects on our endeavors for 2019 and looks at what’s ahead for an exciting 2020 year!
Holly Merker, Environmental Educator sits down with Mardi Dickinson and talks about birds and nature with kids; Frontiers in Ornithology; her roll with eBird and a new venture called ID Boot Camp.
Geoff LeBaron, Director of National Audubon's Christmas Bird Count, a position Geoff has held since 1987; fly’s by to talk with Mardi Dickinson about the Christmas Bird Count.
Roger F. Pasquier , a lifelong birder and author stops by to talk with Mardi Dickinson about his latest book, “ Birds In Winter, Surviving the Most Challenging Season ” with the inter-connection to art and conservation.
Keith Mueller, Avian Artist and Bird Sculptor for forty years and author of his latest book just published called, "Half-Sized Great Horned Owl", sits down with Mardi Dickinson to talk about his love of both the art and the carving world.
Michael Lanzone, CEO; Casey Halverson COO; and David LaPuma, Ph.D., Director of Global Market Development from Cellular Tracking Technologies sits down with BirdCallsRadio and gives a deep dive into the world of wildlife Telemetry.
Tom Reed is one of few birders who truly calls Cape May County, NJ home. He discovered birds at a young age and was immediately captivated by the spectacle of migration visible from his Reed’s Beach backyard. Tom sits down with Mardi Dickinson and talks all things visible migration!
Nick Bonomo is a self-taught, and has been since his teens an amateur birder who resides in Connecticut. Your day job is an orthopedic surgery physician assistant, and when you are not working, you spend your free time in outdoor pursuits.
Julie Zickefoose, author of the newly anticipated book, Saving Jemima Life and Love with a Hard-Luck Jay sits down with Mardi Dickinson for this exclusive publication date talk on all things Blue Jay, and a chance to win a copy of her newest book!
Paul Singer, co-author of the book " Arthur Singer, The Wildlife Art of an American Master" sits down with Mardi Dickinson to talk about his father’s wildlife art.