There are a lot of things we can do to impact our financial life, but one of the most powerful (but overlooked) methods is to get organized. Today I'm sharing 5 ways that getting organized can help us to be more financially stable. Come listen--and share your suggestions, as well! Show Notes can be found at
Aug 13, 2024•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast As humans, we love customizing things--stickers, license plates, and so much more. But do we know how powerful it can be to customize the way we organize? Today we're talking about the Context-Based Next Actions List--and how you can create specific contexts that work for your unique life! Show Notes can be found at
Aug 06, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever try to estimate how long your tasks and projects will take, only to feel frustrated at the end of the day because everything took way longer than you thought? Today we're sharing some principles that will help--along with specific examples that will hopefully inspire you to move forward on the things in your life that matter most! Show Notes can be found at
Jul 30, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast I received a beautiful letter from a mother who asked me how to pursue her personal purpose while also strengthening her family. And whatever your background or current family situation, if you would love to experience a personal transformation, today I'm sharing what I did for my personal "Butterfly Project" and offering some ideas for how you could create your own! Show Notes are at
Jul 23, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast We all know what it's like to start a project and think it's manageable--but then it grows and grows and becomes SO much more than we expected. What do we do at that point? How do we move forward and get things done when we don't have the bandwidth to do all that is required? Join us in today's episode! Show Notes are at
Jul 15, 2024•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Earlier this month, we announced our new, 60-day free trial of the ARISE membership! And as a special bonus--for every active ARISEr in the month of July, LearnDoBecome is donating the monthly membership payment (or its equivalent, if you are part of a free 60-day ARISE trial) to Village Impact to help them to build and sustain schools for children in Kenya. It's a win-win! (2 free months in the membership with no strings attached AND a donation made in your honor!) You won't want to miss this m...
Jul 13, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Over the past year, I've been changing my brain and reducing my anxiety, and there have been several specific things that have made SUCH a difference. I'm sharing them today on the podcast! Show Notes can be found at
Jul 09, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever feel like you end up with a long lists of tasks that aren't related to projects, don't have a deadline, can't be done in two minutes or less, and end up sitting around forever--piling higher and higher and higher? Come listen to this week's episode where we share four different solutions for these kinds of things. :) Show Notes can be found at
Jul 02, 2024•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you feel like time to rest, replenish, and simply enjoy your relationships is "impossible" because you have SO much to do, or if you find that you are always pushing yourself to do just a little bit more, today's podcast is for you! I'm sharing 5 key lessons I've learned (somewhat painfully), and my hope is that you can avoid making the same mistakes. So glad you are here! For Show Notes, please visit
Jun 25, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast I didn't grow up with home systems. It was more like "leave everything in a pile and pull from that pile as necessary." If you've been living like that and you want to make a change, today's podcast will hopefully give you some ideas you can customize! Show Notes can be found at
Jun 18, 2024•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast When I picked this book up at a local bookstore a few months ago, I had no idea what a profound affect it would have on me. Today I'm sharing 5 very specific ways this books helped calmed my mind, and I hope it will give you a lift, as well! Show Notes can be found at
Jun 11, 2024•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Most people have piles and piles and piles of "stuff" on every flat surface of their home and office, and then they either ignore the piles or dig through them frantically. We believe it's time to solve that for good. :) Show Notes can be found at
Jun 04, 2024•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever work on something really hard and then feel let down by the results? Maybe you put a lot of time, money, or resources into something, but then it either falls flat or doesn't turn out the way you hoped? We've been there, and members of the LearnDoBecome Community have been there, and today we're offering some perspectives to give you a lift! Show Notes can be found at
May 28, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are "things" we all want to do, right? Maybe it's a work project, a room remodel, a special activity, or a new routine you want to establish. There are lots of great ideas out there to help us feel motivated, but these are the three criteria that typically work for me, and I'm excited to share! For Show Notes with all related links, photos, and a written version, please visit .
May 22, 2024•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you feel like you're ALWAYS cleaning? Or do you feel like your mind can never just "rest" because you're living in clutter and/or jumping from one task to the next? Today I'm sharing 7 things that have truly helped me feel like I live in a self-cleaning home. For the Show Notes, please visit
May 15, 2024•18 min•Transcript available on Metacast Before you build a brand new structure, you need to clear a space, right? Because you wouldn't build your dream house on top of your current house and expect it to all work out. :) Today's podcast is designed to show you how SIMPLE it is to clear a space for your STEP Command Central! And then we'll show you what to do next! Show Notes (and links to sign up for the free "Clear the Space LIVE" event and/or the. STEP program) can be found at
May 09, 2024•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you're working from home and/or balancing personal and professional work--or simply looking for a few ideas to help you create systems to help you in your work life, today's podcast is sharing a few habits that have made a difference for me as I've worked from home for the last 20 years. Show Notes can be found at
Apr 30, 2024•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes we THINK we need to "get everything done" in order to feel calm and relaxed, but we can actually feel that peace by renegotiating the expectations we have for ourselves. This 3-minute technique has personally helped me over and over again, and I'm excited to share it with you! Show Notes can be found at
Apr 22, 2024•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Growing up, I rarely cleaned anything. I liked how it felt to have things clean, but I didn't know how to do it, I didn't know how to maintain it, and so I basically lived in piles, cleaning occasionally when I had to. Now "cleaning" is one of my favorite things to do--because it lifts and replenishes me--and there are 5 principles I believe will help you transform your relationship with cleaning, as well! Hope you enjoy today's podcast! Show Notes can be found at
Apr 15, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast There's an amazing phenomenon happening here at LearnDoBecome, and we want you to experience it for yourself! Community members are telling us every day how, even though they have a lot to do, their minds are calm. Come learn how to make this your reality, as well! Show Notes can be found at And to join our special events happening in April to help you get organized quickly and effectively, please visit
Apr 09, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today I want you to hear three beautiful stories from members of our community who built their STEP Command Centrals. The reason this is so important is because this is more than just "getting organized." It's creating long-term clarity and peace so you can take care of yourself, strengthen your family, and pursue your purpose without all the overwhelm. Can't wait for you to listen! Show Notes can be found at
Apr 02, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast A STEP Command Central is a seamless system that holds all the "stuff" in your life--projects, tasks, routines, messages, goals, ideas, papers, files, and everything in between. Here are three characteristics of systems that WORK, and we hope this gives you a chance to assess your current system and know that we are here to support you! For Show Notes, please visit
Mar 26, 2024•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Any time we make a big change in our lives, it's normal to "struggle." Today we're sharing some wonderful wisdom from 5 members of our STEP/organization program. Their love and encouragement is obvious, and we hope this gives you a boost! For Show Notes, please visit
Mar 19, 2024•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Last week's episode was all about the IMPORTANCE of shifting our motivation from "fear or duty" to love. But some of our community members asked HOW to do that. I don't have all the answers, but I'm sharing 24 questions I personally consider so I can move away from burnout and towards my architected life. Hope this is helpful! For Show Notes (with all the related links!), please visit
Mar 14, 2024•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast My motivation behind my professional work has gone through a huge 3-part transformation, and as you're looking to transform YOUR life, as well, I'm hopeful that this podcast will be of value. Show Notes can be found at
Mar 06, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast I recently broke my shoulder while skiing, and so I've had to slow down--even though I had a lot on my plate that I wanted to get done. Today I'm sharing what I did to adjust my lists and relieve my mind, so I can still get the most important things done, but I can rest and recover without stress. I hope this helps you if (when) you experience a bump in the road, as well! For Links and Show Notes, please visit
Feb 13, 2024•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast When you're preparing for a big move, job transition, or other life change, things can start to pile up and feel stressful. We've all been there! In this episode, we (Alia and Josh) share how when we look at the mountain of "to-dos" through the lens of projects, routines, and one-time tasks, we can trust that our STEP system will calm our minds and help us make substantial progress. For related links and a written version, please visit
Feb 07, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast When we're in the middle of something hard, it's tempting to let our minds jump to the worst-case scenario. "I'll never get this right. Why should I even try?" But I think that changing our expectations is the key. In order to actually live a life that reflects our values and goals, there has to be a time and a place for building. For related links and a written version, please visit
Jan 23, 2024•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Do you have a loved one who would really benefit from getting organized, but you don't want to do it all for them or hurt the relationship along the way? Here are 5 ideas that will hopefully offer some support! For related links, photos, and a written version, please visit
Dec 05, 2023•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast We have a treat today! Real experiences and direct quotes from our fellow community members here at LearnDoBecome–showing us what it actually looks like to live according to our values and make steady progress toward the things that matter most. Enjoy! For Show Notes and related links, please visit
Nov 29, 2023•37 min•Transcript available on Metacast