Urgent naps, with Sandra Reich
Georgia’s colleague Sandra Reich joins us to talk about the importance of sleep in a world where technology, culture, and stress conspire to keep us from it.
Georgia’s colleague Sandra Reich joins us to talk about the importance of sleep in a world where technology, culture, and stress conspire to keep us from it.
Georgia and Rene talk to AnnMaria De Mars—Wold Judo Championships gold medalist, PhD in Educational Psychology, CEO of 7 Generation Games, and mother of four phenomenal children, including UFC champion Ronda Rousey—about courage, motivation, education, and more!
Casey Liss joins Georgia, Guy, and Rene to talk about Apple TV, the developer lottery, making games, improving the App Store, 16 GB iPhones, and so much more!
Ashley Madison and content blocker follow up, Apple TV gaming and programming, round vs. square wearable displays, watch usage, and more! With Georgia, Guy, and Rene.
Ad blocker redux, the Creative Apocalypse, Don't be Apple, Samsung fridge hack, with James Thomson of PCalc, Georgia Dow, Dave Wiskus, and Rene Ritchie
Diving with sharks, Alphabet, NSA + AT&T, Amazon and startup culture, ad blocking ethics, Apple diversity, personal projects. With Georgia, Guy, Dave, Rene, and special guest Ashley Nelson-Hornstein. Show notes Alphabet The Alphabet of Google A and Google B Do you trust Larry Page? NSA Spying Relies on AT&T’s ‘Extreme Willingness to Help’ Inside Amazon: Wrestling Big Ideas in a Bruising Workplace Jeff Bezos response Ad blocking ethics Apple diversity report Airplane Mode Hosts Georgia Dow of...
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (trust us!), Ronda Rousey, keynotes, driving really fast, hacking cars, screen time for kids, and what makes Georgia Dow so lethal. Also with Rene Ritchie and special guest Matt Drance. Show notes Smash Gyms BJJ Ronda Rousey Rickson Gracie Matt Drance: What The Race Track Taught Me About Software Development Stay there, I just lost my starboard engine Car hacking risk may be broader than Fiat Chrysler: U.S. regulator In-Car Entertainment - Chevrolet Malibu 4G LTE WiFi TV Comm...
MPAA vs. Google, what went wrong with Google+, hacking our cars and homes, Prison Architects, Pluto, and Batman vs. Superman vs. Suicide Squad. With Georgia Dow, Guy English, Rene Ritchie, and special guest Tiffany Arment. Show notes ReplayKit MPAA Emails Reveal Plan To Run Anti-Google Smear Campaign Via Today Show And WSJ Google dropping Google+ login requirements Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway—With Me in It Pluto and New Horizons Prison Architect Batman vs. Superman Suicide Squad ...
Nintendo going mobile, Google Glass goofs no goofs, Android without Google, don't drink and Meerkat, Becoming Steve Jobs, and Facebook owning your news. With Georgia, Guy, and Rene.
Superfish follow up, ResearchKit, Facebook's new community standards, HBO Now, Creepy Barbie, and some TV talk! With Anthony, Georgia, Guy, and Rene.
Leonard Nimoy, Cindy Crawford photo redux, fraudulent Apple Pay fraud, Sony fallout and what it means for Spider-Man. With Georgia Dow, Guy English, and Rene Ritchie.
Listicles in school and education in the digital age, Apple car rumors, battery technology, and what Apple does, Cindy Crawford sans Photoshop, and reviews in verse. With Georgia Dow, Guy English, Rene Ritchie, and Dave Wiskus
Guy destroys Georgia’s dreams of a Holodeck, are you still using our iPads, would a stylus pen make a difference, Rene talks the realities of running an Apple blog (which are all doomed, apparently), and Dave goes to Hogwarts, leaving the Candians.
Microsoft has HoloLens, Google has Glass, Facebook has Oculus — what does Apple have or need? Also, AR/VR ads, YouTube alternatives, and the search for Guy. With Dave Wiskus, Georgia Dow, Rene Ritchie.
Dave reads 1-star reviews, Georgia reads 5-star reviews, Guy serenades, we talk Google Glass, Amazon and Woody Allen, and iTunes as an indie publisher or studio. Then Rene stops recording. (Note: Audio turned out weird this week. We're investigating. Sorry folks!)
Guy mutes us. Dave reads our reviews. Charlie Hebdo. Golden Globes. Tribalism. Comedy. David Cameron vs. Snapchat and WhatsApp. Selfie and belfie sticks. Georgia and Rene talk CES 2015. And then it gets weird. Show notes British Prime Minister suggests banning some online messaging apps Beyond NSA, FBI is assuming a larger surveillance role Charlie Hebdo shooting Golden Globes intro Tina Fey and Bill Cosby Belfie stick (Sorry!) A brief history of user interface Avengers: Age of Ultron Panel Geor...
It's a Vector New Year's spectacular — Guy English has gone missing, Rene Ritchie's off at a fundraiser, and so Georgia Dow and Dave Wiskus call in Joe Cieplinski to help them discuss all the controversial social technology stories of 2014.
Tech is screwing with our sleep cycles, so how do we stop it? What happens when your Facebook friend says something racist or sexist? Muting vs. unfollowing on Twitter. And Secret… why?! With Georgia Dow, Dave Wiskus, Rene Ritchie, and Manoush Zomorodi of New Tech City.
The Sony Studios hack: Can they survive and how will employees handle personal information leaks? Apple and eBooks: Was it anti-trust or a kangaroo court? Extension rejections: What's going on with the App Store? With Anthony Casella, Georgia Dow, Rene Ritchie, Christina Warren
Voices in our heads, who owns our stuff, conference compensation, the right to be forgotten, and assault during art. With Joe Cieplinsk, Georgia Dow, Guy English, and Dave Wiskus
Art vs. artist follow up in light of Bill Cosby, Uber and Sarah Lacey, should Google be split up?, and the App Store goes (RED). With Georgia Dow, Guy English, Dave Wiskus, and Rene Ritchie.
(This version fixes audio issues.) Dave wants to stage a podcast intervention, Guy wants nothing to do with Snapcash, and Rene wonders if Taylor Swift would worry about the devaluation of apps. Georgia rolls with it.
Tim Cook is proud to be gay, Obama wants Net Neutrality, the next great divide, the importance of role-models, diversity vs. inclusivity, and looking back 100 years from now. With Guy English, Rene Ritchie, Dave Wiskus, and Soroush Khanlou. Show notes Tim Cook speaks up Thank you, Tim Cook Net Neutrality: President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet Do you want net neutrality or not, John Legere? Gamergate and the politicization of absolutely everything The Colbert Report: Gamergate - Ani...
Are reviews valuable? CurrentC gets hacked. Turning notifications off. Checking into hotels with your iPhone. Can you like art even if you don’t like the artist? With Georgia Dow, Dave Wiskus, Rene Ritchie, and special guest Marco Arment. Show notes In-depth look at CurrentC privacy CurrentC email address breach Starwood iPhone key cards Cops can force you to unlock your phone with fingerprint ruling Panel Marco Arment of Marco.org Georgia Dow of Isometric Dave Wiskus of Better Elevation Rene Ri...
Making more debt than money, Apple Pay vs. CurrentC, software as art, #GamerGate, and paintball mishaps. With Georgia Dow, Guy English, Dave Wiskus, Rene Ritchie.
Georgia talks Satya Nadella's videos, Guy talks 5K iMac vs. new Mac Pro, and Dave and Rene come to the defense of iPad photographers.
Live from Çingleton, Rene talks Satya Nadella and the pay gap, Georgia talks online bullying, Guy talks iOS 8 adoption rates, Dave talks conference conversation. With special guest Vicki Murley, former Safari evangelist at Apple. Show notes Çingleton Microsoft CEO Suggests Women Not Ask for Raises, Trust in 'Karma' @satyanadella on Twitter Satya Nadella email to employees: RE: Grace Hopper Conference 47% of devices are using iOS 8. iOS 8 Adoption Stagnates Just Two and a Half Weeks After Launch ...
Guy’s big iPhone is too big, Christina’s clutch is too small, Georgia explains the psychology of kids and gaming, the Kardashian game is inclusively, nudely, bananas, someone shot JR, Rene’s smart TV interface sucks, and Dave’s still away. With Georgia Dow, Guy English, Rene Ritchie, and special guest Christina Warren of Mashable. Sponsored by : Go to www.thinkful.com/vector to save 10%. Go to www.drobostore.com and use offer code vector50 to save $50. Panel Georgia Dow of Isometric Guy English ...
Jessie Char couldn't get an iPhone 6, but she did join us to talk about Bendgate, iOS 8.0.1 and the coverage thereof, the realities of running an indie dev company, and more! With Georgia Dow, Guy English, Rene Ritchie
Vector is a news and analysis show focusing on the biggest stories, hottest trends, and most important issues in technology and popular culture. On this week's show, we talk about how we chose our new iPhones — except for Guy who just downloaded iOS 8 — and what we think of them, iPhone scalpers and questions of racism, U2's supposed plans to bring back albums and fight piracy, Apple's new security and privacy policies and possible government backlash, and which of us secretly wants a gold Retin...