Join Amir for a Middle East Update live from Southern California, where he will discuss the War in the Arabian Peninsula.
Join Amir for a Middle East Update live from Southern California, where he will discuss the War in the Arabian Peninsula.
Upon its inception as a nation via Abraham and his descendants thousands of years ago, God vowed to use Israel as a source of blessing to the world – the vessel through which He would make Himself known. In his new message, Amir is joined by special guest Eyal Dror on the Golan Heights to discuss one of Israel’s greatest humanitarian operations in its history, revealing how God continues to use His chosen people as an example of how to be a blessing, love your neighbor, and Be a Light Unto...
Fake news, bad science, corrupt governments, divided Christians – deception is rampant in our times and is wreaking havoc on our nations and in our churches. Beginning with the serpent in the garden, Satan has earned his reputation as the Father of All Lies. But he doesn’t have to work hard because the world, including many in the church, has willing ears to hear what he has to say. Amir Tsarfati, in his new teaching “The Days of Deception,” reveals the origins of the deceit that is so prevalent...
Throughout history, empires have come and gone. What at one time seemed all-powerful eventually collapsed on itself. With each cycle of super-powers, it was possible to see the deterioration that eventually led to its demise. Amir Tsarfati, in his new teaching, The Decline of an Empire, walks through what these indicators are, and compares them to what we are seeing today in America. Because the key to all Bible prophecy is the Jew, Amir takes time to explain how the health of an empire depends ...
When Paul wrote his epistle to the church in Rome, he spent much of it talking about the Jews. Why? Because understanding God’s dealings with Israel is essential to understanding God Himself. In his new teaching, The Mystery of the Blindness, Amir Tsarfati talks about the blindness that is currently keeping Israel from understanding their need for the Messiah. But Israel’s unfaithfulness does not change God’s faithfulness. Amir reminds the viewer that the blindness is for a reason and only for a...
Jihad continues to escalate and expand. The goal? To spread Islam and make Allah’s word superior, while making the infidels’ gods inferior. Radical Islamists will use whatever means available to them - immigration, education, media, and, especially, the sword. Where is Islam in the end times? Is it possible that the antichrist will be a Muslim? In his new video, The Final Jihad, Amir Tsarfati processes history and today’s headlines through the lens of prophetic Scripture to see where Islam fits ...
“Come!” One word, called out by the Spirit and the bride in Revelation 22:17, born out of a desire for Jesus Christ to return for His church. But who are the Spirit and the bride, and what are their roles in this time of the Lord’s tarrying? In his video, The Spirit and the Bride Say, “Come!”, Amir Tsarfati not only answers these questions, but he addresses the great dilemma of balancing our hope for the Lord’s return against the desire for His delay so that more souls can be...
As we look at this world, it seems that much of it is falling apart. However, sometimes the bad times are not as bad as we think they are. We simply need a biblical perspective. That is the viewpoint that Amir Tsarfati provides in his teaching, The Days of Ezekiel. What looks like global insanity actually fits exactly into what was prophesied 2500 years ago. The miraculous restorations of the land and the people of Israel tell us that the time of the Lord’s return is likely short. It also remind...
“When the Lord brought back the captivity of Zion, we were like those who dream.” (Psalm 126:1) God uses dreams, sometimes to speak, to warn, or even to encourage. But there are also times when being like someone who dreams means you simply can’t believe the incredible events that you are witnessing. In his teaching, “Like Those Who Dream”, Amir Tsarfati sees in this verse the miraculous nature of the return of Israel to the land. As the number of Jews moving to their homeland continues to incre...
Sensationalism, speculation, and a lack of biblical understanding – these are the factors that contribute to the confusion surrounding the coming Tribulation. In these times of pandemic and societal upheavals, we must remember that trouble does not equal tribulation, and tribulation does not equal the Tribulation. In his new teaching, “Has the Tribulation Begun?”, Amir Tsarfati places the seven years of God’s wrath back onto the firm foundation of Scripture and reassures the church that when the...
There are many promises that Jesus has made to His followers. He will give them life, acceptance, reward, revelation, friendship with God, and joy. Furthermore, He also promised that they would experience trials. All these the church readily accepts and rejoices in. But there is one promise that is often ignored, ridiculed, and even mocked, and that is when Jesus says to His church, “I will come and receive you into Myself, so where I am you will be also.” It’s been 2000 years since Jesus uttere...
A new religion is emerging and it is spreading fast. Unlike religious takeovers of the past, there is no fight taking place. In fact, the followers of many other belief systems have been quick to embrace it and incorporate it into their doctrine. It is a non-judgmental, feel-good religion of ecumenism and inclusion and acceptance of all people and all lifestyles. There is only one group of people who are rejected from this new global religion – the followers of Jesus Christ. Join Amir Tsarfati f...
God disciplines those He loves. For the nation of Israel, this time of correction is called Jacob's Trouble, or the Tribulation. In Israel and the Tribulation, Amir Tsarfati looks at Israel's rebellion against God before the period of correction begins, the peace and the horror the nation will experience during that time, and the spiritual restoration that will take place when the seven years conclude. Israel abandoned the relationship that God loved for religion which He hates. It is the remnan...
Listen to Amir when he joined Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills to discuss current events in light of Bible Prophecy.
From the time of Abraham until now and into the future, God has had, does have, and will continue to have His eyes on Israel. In His wisdom and grace, He has chosen this small nation to be the center of His plans for this world. Because God’s eyes are on Israel for its good, the Enemy’s eyes also have been, are, and will be on Israel for its harm. In fact, this same Israel focus can be seen in the gazes of the world, the church, and even the Jews themselves. In his new message, All Eyes on Israe...
Listen to Amir's message "Daniel's 70 Weeks" on the 70 weeks vision from Daniel 9:20 -27.
We are surrounded by icons, those who set a standard toward which we strive. Maybe it is a singer or a dancer or a teacher or a sports star – these icons make you think about something, do something, react to something. With so many lifted by this world onto pedestals, it is essential that the icon that we strive to be like is the One whom God desires for us to emulate - Jesus. Join Amir Tsarfati for his new teaching in which he asks the essential question Who is Your Icon?
Death surrounds us every day causing worry and fear for most people. However, death is not what you think it is. When people's lives end, it is their bodies that die, not their souls. What happens to our disembodied souls? Did Jesus' resurrection have any impact on their destination? What is the spiritual world and how do angels, both faithful and fallen, fit into this unseen realm? The answers to these questions and more in Amir's new teaching, The Dead See!
Join Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner for a LIVE Q & A.
Join Amir Tsarfati and Pastor Barry Stagner for a LIVE Q & A.
Join Amir Tsarfati, Jan Markell and Barry Stagner for a Prophecy Roundtable on Sensationalism and the church in the last days!
This week, Amir provides a special update on the stampede that occurred at Mt. Meron, Israel on April 30, 2021. Then Pastor Barry Stagner and Jan Markell join the broadcast to discuss "Antisemitism and the Church of the Last Days.
Israel Unveiled Volume 2 is a journey through 4 different sites in the land of the Bible with Amir Tsarfati.