1. Guest: Paco Velez, President / CEO Feeding South Florida, http://www.feedingsouthflorida.org 2. Guest: Lisa Spadafina, Director of Miami Dade County RER division of DERM http://www.miamidade.gov/fertilizer 3. Guest: Kevin Littleton, Founder of non-profit Success We Achieve Together; charity 2 on 2 Father's Day weekend Basketball Tournament, http://www.swatteamwork.org
May 29, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast 1. Allison Grubbs, Director, Broward County Libraries - May & June events. http://www.broward.org/library. 2. Susan Holtzman, President / CEO NAMI Miami (National Alliance on Mental Illness) - Mental Health support services. http://www.namimiami.org
May 23, 2023•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast 1. Erik Salna, Associate Director at FIU Extreme Events Institute. Eye of the Storm Hurricane Prep Event 5/20 at MODS. http://www.mods.org 2. Susan Holtman, President / CEO NAMI Miami, NAMI Walks Miami, 5/20 at Loan Depot Park. http://www.namimiami.org
May 15, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Guest: Jessica Harvey / CEO Guy Harvey Foundation Marine Conservation & Education https://guyharveyfoundation.org
May 08, 2023•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast 1. Heather Geronemus, founder of Walk Like MADD & Madd Dash 5k Fort Lauderdale; 5k is on May 7th; http://www.walklikemadd.org/fortlauderdale 2. Joe Cox, President / CEO of Museum of Discovery & Science; 'Eye of the Storm' 5/20, https://mods.org/event/eye-of-the-storm/ 3. Mariah Grooms, Content Director of Heal the Planet, 100+ Ways; https://healtheplanet.com
May 01, 2023•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Seg.1 - Pride Center at Equality Park, President / CEO Robert Boo, Rainbow Run 5k 4/30. http://www.pridecenterfl.org Seg. 2 - YMCA South Florida, Assoc. VP Event Ops & Mktg Tongelia Milton, Healthy Kids Day 4/29 & 1 Yr. Anniversary of L.A. Lee YMCA http://www.ymcasouthflorida.org Seg. 3 - Job News USA GM Tiffany Price, Job Fair 4/27, http://www.jobnewsusa.com
Apr 25, 2023•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Seg 1: Guest, Steve Hudson, Huizenga Park Foundation http://www.huizengapark.org. Segment 2: Guests, Miami Beach PD and P.A.L.: Deborah Martineau, Arthur Martineau, Officer Eliut Hazzi. http://www.beachpal.org, https://tinyurl.com/jux27rs3. Seg 3: Hometown Hero, Nelson Andreu, Miami Dade Police Department.
Apr 17, 2023•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Wahoo Bay President / CEO Rob Wyre. Seahive installation to protect the Coast. http://www.wahoobay.org Segment 2: Fathers MIA Co-Founders Gernald Hawkins, Sr. & Robert L. Jackson III. Father-Daughter Dance. http://www.fathersmia.org
Apr 10, 2023•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Mariah Grooms, Content Director, Heal the Planet Day 4/30. http://www.healtheplanet.com. Segment 2. Lisa Spadafina, Director, Miami-Dade County DERM. Baynanza 4/15. http://www.miamidade.gov/baynanza
Apr 03, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: President / CEO, YWCA of South Florida, Kerry Ann Royes. http://www.ywcasouthflorida.org Segment 2: Sheryl Maher Pres. & Alyse Lemstrom, VP of PAWS (Pets Are Worth Saving). PAWS Enchanted Masquerade Ball 4/22. http://www.pawsbroward.com
Mar 29, 2023•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine Cava. Baynanza 4/15. http://www.miamidade.gov/baynanza. Segment 2: Stephanie Fenstersheib. Tell Robert Foundation. https://tellrobertfoundation.com/tellrobert-3rd-annual-5k-april-2023/
Mar 20, 2023•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Feeding South Florida President / CEO, Paco Velez. Outrun Hunger 5k, April 8th. http://www.feedingsouthflorida.org Segment 2: Sheryl Woods, President / CEO of YMCA of South Florida. Free swim classes, March 20th - 24th. http://www.ymcasouthflorida.org
Mar 13, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, Chandra Roberson, Sr. Development Director, Miami/ Fort Lauderdale Chapter of American Heart Association; Broward Heart Walk, March 12th. http://www.browardheartwalk.org Segment 2: Guest, Dr. Brenda Jimenez Cantisano, Colorectal Oncologist at Cleveland Clinic Weston Hospital; March is colon cancer awareness month.https://tinyurl.com/5n8xcz48
Mar 07, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Guest: Alex Perez, President of Kiwanis Club of Little Havana. Carnaval Miami events. http://www.carnavalmiami.com http://www.kiwanislittlehavanafoundation.org
Feb 27, 2023•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Cardiologist, Dr. David Baran, Cleveland Clinic Weston's Heart and Vascular Center. February is National Heart Month http://www.clevelandclinic.org. Segment 2: Guest, Emily Janas, Education and Prevention Manager at Women in Distress. Teen Dating Violence Awareness. http://www.womenindistress.org Crisis Hotline: 954-761-1133
Feb 20, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, Ray Baker, Director of Miami Dade Public Library System. Black History Month. http://www.mdpls.org; 305-375-BOOK; Segment 2 - Guest, JobNews USA General Manager, Tiffany Price. Job Fair 2/23. http://www.jobnewsusa.com
Feb 13, 2023•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, President / CEO of Be Strong International, Michelle Shirley. http://www.bestrongintl.org Segment 2: Guest, Dr. Linda Parker, President / CEO of Women in Distress. Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month. http://www.womenindistress.org.
Feb 05, 2023•34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Guest: Tony Montalto, President of Stand With Parkland (The National Association of Families for Safe Schools), and Vice President of the Parkland 17 Memorial Foundation. http://www.standwithparkland.org http://www.parkland17.org
Jan 30, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Guests Melinda Glasco, Marketing Director for GSSEF; and Girl Scout Ronica . 2023 Girl Scout Cookie Sales. 2/1 - 3/5. http://www.gssef.org
Jan 23, 2023•27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guests Thamara LaBrousse, Director of 'Live Healthy Miami Gardens' & Miami Gardens Councilman Robert Stephens III. Healthy Living Challenge. http://www.livehealthymiamigardens.com. Segment 2: Guest,Shari Gherman, co-Founder The American Fine Wine Competition. 3. Guest: Jennifer Pugh, Barry University;s VP for University Admin. Barry University's 'Nun Run' 1/21. https://tinyurl.com/yckh7845
Jan 16, 2023•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, Carolyn Mann, Scholarship Committee Chair for Unity in the Community. Family Fun Day 1/28. http://www.uicpompano.org ; Segment 2: Guest, Vickie Frazier-Williams, Economic Development Chair for Delta Sigma Theta Sorority; Service project for Broward Outreach Center, 'The Caring Place', for homeless families. 1/16/23. http://www.browardoutreachcenter.org, http://www.dts.southbroward.org, 954-228-5160
Jan 09, 2023•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, Phil Marro, talks about working with Visit Lauderdale on the annual Food & Wine Festival to benefit Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital. More than a dozen multi-cultural culinary events are scheduled January 9th - 15th. http://www.vlwinefood.com; Segment 2: Allison Grubbs, Director of Broward County Public Libraries, talks about the diverse book selections for the NEA's 'Big Read' in January & February. She also discusses events scheduled in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. h...
Jan 02, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast VP of Marketing for Brightstar Credit Union, Dustin Jacobs talks about the top money resolutions people make and discusses ways to meet your goals. Topics include saving more money, home-buying, getting out of debt and the pros and cons of rising interest rates.. Brightstar is a non-profit, member-owned Credit Union, open to anyone in the Community. http://www.bscu.org
Dec 26, 2022•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Psychiatrist Dr. Delvena Thomas of DRT Behavioral Services talks about the connections between social media use, cyberbullying and youth suicide - now the #2 killer of young people age 10 - 24. She offers guidelines for recognizing when a child needs help. She also provides coping techniques fro people suffering from the 'holiday blues'. http://www.drdelvenahelp.com, 305-981-1700
Dec 19, 2022•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, JeanMarie Massa, Recycling Manager, Miami Dade County Department of Solid Waste. In anticipation of the increased amount of recycling material during the holiday season, JeanMarie provides tips on what can & can't be recycled and explains who the system works. http://www.miamidade.gov/recycle Segment 2: Guest, Kimberly T. Henderson, President / CEO of Neighborhood Housing Services of South Florida. Henderson talks about the services NHSSF provides in helping first-time home buy...
Dec 12, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Marisol Sierra, Vice President of Development for the American Heart Association Greater Miami / Fort Lauderdale Chapter, talks about the Miami-Dade Heart Walk set for December 10th. She discusses the progress in treatments due to research funded by the Heart Association and the importance of the Walk as a fundraiser for research. She also offers tips to stay Heart-Healthy during the Holiday season. http://www.miamidadeheartwalk.org Segment 2: Connie Davis, Programs & Events Manager f...
Dec 06, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Founder / CEO Velma Lawrence talks about the work that Embrace Girls Foundation does with elementary school girls to mentor them, provide homework assistance and teach them etiquette and life skills. Embrace Girls Foundation has changed the course of their lives by providing structure and discipline, as well as self-esteem, enabling them to avoid being drawn into groups that could take them down a dangerous path. Lawrence shares their experience with Community Service and feeding the Homeless. J...
Nov 28, 2022•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Miami-Dade County Government Consumer Advocate, Holly Beth Billington provides tips for avoiding credit card fraud and identity theft during the Holiday shopping season. http://www.miamidade.gov/consumerprotection Segment 2: Farmshare's Marketing Director, Gil Pedraza explains how Farmshare's partnerships with local farmers and supermarkets enable them to provide free food for millions of Florida families. They have multiple Holiday food distributions on the calendar over the next cou...
Nov 21, 2022•31 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Guest, Miami Foundation President / CEO, Rebecca Fishman Lipsey provides an update on 'Give Miami Day', 24 hours of digital giving, set for November 17th. People can choose from more than 1000 non-profits to support. http://www.givemiamiday.org http://www.miamifoundation.org. Segment 2: Guest, Broward County Library Director Allison Grubbs, announces a new initiative. In conjunction with the Broward County Board of Commissioners, the Library will no longer charge overdue fees. She als...
Nov 14, 2022•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Segment 1: Vice President of the Broward Veterans Coalition, Joy Allington, talks about the multitude of services BVC provides as an 'umbrella' organization, helping connect Veterans to the organizations that best suit their needs. She also shares the different challenges female Veterans face, both in service and back in civilian life. http://www.browardveteranscoalition.org Segment 2: Marcia Monserrat, Director of External Affairs for the City of Miami Beach, talks about everything the City has...
Nov 07, 2022•28 min•Transcript available on Metacast