Megan Hellerer is the founder of Coaching for Underfulfilled Overachievers. Inside the career coaching program AOC used to help her go from bartender to Congress DIRECTIONAL THINKING WITH MEGAN HELLERER To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Today's episode was edited by Ronia Cabansag Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 30, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ji Hye Kim is the chef and owner of MISS KIM in Ann Arbor, Michigan To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Salting with Shira Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 27, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Megan Hellerer is the founder of Coaching for Underfulfilled Overachievers. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Today's episode was edited by Ronia Cabansag Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 25, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Josh Gwynn is the producer and co-host of Back Issue To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 23, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Diego Perez is the writer behind the pen name Yung Pueblo. His new book is Clarity and Connection. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 20, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Diego Perez is the writer behind the pen name Yung Pueblo. His new book is Clarity and Connection. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 18, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Diego Perez is the writer behind the pen name Yung Pueblo. His new book is Clarity and Connection. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 16, 2021•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Hugh Amano is a chef and co-author of, most recently, Let's Make Dumplings. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 13, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ian Coss is the creator and host of the new podcast, Forever is a Long Time. If you have some advice for me, give me a call on the hotline at 844-935-BEST. And if you can think of someone in your life who might benefit from this episode, consider sending them this episode. Thanks so much. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 11, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Brenden Murphy is an engineer living in Michigan. He gave invaluable plumbing advice last time he was on the show. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Understanding Time Horizons with Justin Waring. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 09, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Jamie Feldmar is a food writer, editor, and cookbook author, mostly working on things related to food. Stupid Taxing with Jordan To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 06, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast April Baer is the host of Stateside on Michigan Radio The Fog of War To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 04, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Janine Rubenstein is Editor-at-Large of People Magazine and host of the People Every Day podcast To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Aug 02, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Beth Nichols is an amateur baker, professional editor and excellent gift giver. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Paul Hollywood's Fortune Cookies Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 30, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Andy Eninger is an improviser, writer, facilitator and dog dad. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: Is there a principal that you could share? Something for those of us who haven't taken an improv class but something we might try in our everyday life, taken from improv? ANDY: The improv philosophy that is serving me the most right now is this sense of following the follower. This sense of looking up and looking out and seeing what somebody else is doing whether tha...
Jul 28, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Caveh Zahedi is a filmmaker and creator of The Show About the Show and 365 Stories I Want To Tell You Before We Both Die To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 26, 2021•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Andrew Zerbo is the chef and creator behind Fermental State More fermenting advice from the archives! To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 23, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Kat Harris (@therefinedwoman) is an author, coach and host of The Refined Collective Podcast. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST Kat's last episode from the show is ESSENTIAL! - listen. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 21, 2021•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Chelsea Ursin is the creator and host of the podcast, Dear Young Rocker To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST SELF-TALK ADVICE FROM THE ARCHIVES Self-Talking with Steven Handel Expecting the Opposite with Sarah May B. Talking To Your Best Friend with Lauren Evolving Self-Talk with Kelly Travis Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 19, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Maddie Pasquariello is a nutritionist. She runs @eastcoasthealth If you have some advice for me, call the hotline at 844-935-BEST. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jul 16, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Joe Keohane, a veteran journalist who has held high-level editing positions at Medium, Esquire, Entrepreneur, and Hemispheres is the author of The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting In a Suspicious World. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: JOE: My name's Joe Keohane. I'm the author of the new book, The Power of Strangers: The Benefits of Connecting In a Suspicious World. ZAK: We've all gotten rusty talking to strangers because of COVID but also because of o...
Jul 14, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Haley Nahman runs a weekly newsletter and podcast called Maybe Baby, which was recently written up in The New Yorker To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: Welcome back to the Best Advice Show and today, we're gonna get meta. We're gonna talk about advice about advice. Back in episode #48, Julia Putnam touched on this.. JULIA: You should never give unsolicited advice... ZAK: Today's advice-giver is Haley Nahman. She is a writer and proprietor of the excellent newslett...
Jul 12, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mark Bittman is an American food journalist, author, and former columnist for The New York Times. Knife Skills Are Bulls*it from THE BITTMAN PROJECT To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: It's The Best Advice Show where every episode I give you one discrete morsel of advice. Today, I'm pleased to welcome back, Mark Bittman, the famous food writer and cookbook author. You know Mark is? He's like your uncle who reminds you, it's fine. Just relax. For example, sometimes ...
Jul 09, 2021•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Emily Naylor is a audio producer and presenter in London To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: I was gonna talk to Emily about a few Spanish comprehension strategies she's devised. But then I realized, she and I had something in common. ZAK: Is that a phrase over there, people-pleasing? EMILY: Yeah, it might as well be my middle name to be honest with you, Zak. (Laughter) ZAK: Emily People-Pleasing Naylor. I am Zak People-Pleasing Rosen. It's nice to meet you. (Laugh...
Jul 07, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Debra Allison is a seasoned Spanish teacher in California. To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: DEBRA: So, my best advice to acquire another language is repetition, repetition, repetition. I'll repeat that again, repetition, repetition, repetition. I'm gonna give you a little tidbit of information about the ways we acquire language and then I'm gonna tell you the two best ways to actually acquire language. The tidbit of information is this. Some people say that they are ...
Jul 05, 2021•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST STOCKING UP WITH VALERIYA TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: It's Food Friday on The Best Advice Show and as always, I'm really hoping you'll call the hotline and give me your piece of advice. It's 844-935-BEST. Valeriya called the hotline and offered this... VALERIYA: I feel like often people are really willing to share food with someone when that someone is going through a really big thing. Like grieving the loss of someone dear to them or weathering the exhaust...
Jul 02, 2021•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Gretchen Rubin (@gretchenrubin) is the co-host of the Happier podcast and wrote New York Times bestsellers Outer Order, Inner Calm, The Four Tendencies, Better Than Before, and The Happiness Project. - QUIZ - ARE YOU DRIFTING To offer your own advice, call Zak @ 844-935-BEST TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: Gretchen Rubin is back with another absolute gem on drift. GRETCHEN: So, drift is the decision that we make by not deciding or by making the decision that is just the easiest and causes the least friction. Y...
Jun 30, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast CNN "Reliable Sources" Interview with Rose and Bud Fenster They Call It ‘Insane’: Where Myanmar Sends Political Prisoners ‘The darkest days are coming’: Myanmar’s journalists suffer at hands of junta TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: 36 days ago, Danny Fenster was detained and thrown in jail in Myanmar without a charge, without access to lawyer and without a phone call to his family. He has subsequently been charged under penal code 505 a which essentially makes it a crime to practice independent journalism. Dan...
Jun 28, 2021•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Mark Bittman is an American food journalist, author, and former columnist for The New York Times. TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: Guess who's back. Back again. Bittman's back. Tell your friends. Bittman's back. Bittman's back. Mark Bittman is back to talk about protein. MARK: We do have an obsession with protein and the fact is that the official recommendation for our protein intake is about double what most people need. So, if you're following labels or MyPlate or whatever you're probably eating twice as much...
Jun 25, 2021•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Lainey and Brody thank and plank from Metro-Detroit. WORKING HARD w/Lainey TRUTH-TELLING w/Lainey GENERATING ENERGY w/Lainey MINIMIZING w/Brody TRANSCRIPT: ZAK: You know me. I'm a sucker for a good morning routine and also the sound of children's voices. So today is a perfect storm of an episode. BRODY: I'm Brody and I'm 10 years-old. LAINEY: I'm Lainey and I'm 7 years-old. ZAK: And my niece and nephew, Lainey and Brody whom you've heard on the show before have this excellent morning routine. It...
Jun 23, 2021•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast