Kevin Kelly shares about how to create flexibility for students and ourselves on episode 406 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode People are used to using tags as a way to filter information. -Kevin Kelly Creating a checklist in advance creates a lower cognitive load for you as an instructor to remember all of these different tasks. -Kevin Kelly We can give prompts where students can be successful learners no matter what modality they are in. -Kevin Kelly The importance ...
Mar 24, 2022•42 min•Ep 406•Transcript available on Metacast Alan Levine and Bonni Stachowiak start a conversation about open education as a way of being on episode 405 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode You have to find and develop your personality. -Alan Levine I like to model being imperfect. -Alan Levine For me, openness has always been an attitude and a way of being. -Alan Levine Resources Mentioned Zencastr Zoom MIT - Open Courseware Initiative How to explain open educational resources to students, in terms of the value of...
Mar 17, 2022•38 min•Ep 405•Transcript available on Metacast Remi Kalir discusses his #Annotate22 project and the impact of annotation in the world on episode 404 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Annotation is all around us. -Remi Kalir Annotation is an everyday literacy practice and you are an annotator. -Remi Kalir Annotation provides information. -Remi Kalir This is an act of public pedagogy. -Remi Kalir Resources Annotation, by Remi Kalir & Antero Garcia Crowdsourcing Ungrading, by David Buck - produced by the #UNgrading V...
Mar 10, 2022•44 min•Ep 404•Transcript available on Metacast Rebecca Hogue talks about Demystifying Online Group Projects on episode 403 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Get rid of the competition and become a team player. -Rebecca Hogue Assume good intentions. -Rebecca Hogue Resources Preparing Online Teams for Success, by Rebecca Hogue Treehouse Village Ecohousing Consolidated Recommendations on Teaching in Higher Ed Demystifying Instructional Design Miro Trello Google Docs Google Slides Camtasia Microsoft Sway Google Sites ...
Mar 03, 2022•36 min•Ep 403•Transcript available on Metacast Rachelle O’Brien and Nicola Whitton talk about playful learning and virtual escape rooms on episode 402 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Be open to putting yourself in a position to try something that can potentially fail. -Rachelle O’Brien Have an idea that you can explain in a sentence. If it goes beyond that, it is probably too complex. -Rachelle O’Brien Resources PlayThinkLearn Eduscapes Episode 397 with Audrey Watters: Teaching Machines Episode 72 with Robert Bj...
Feb 24, 2022•45 min•Ep 402•Transcript available on Metacast Josh Eyler discusses the problem with grades on episode 401 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode The more we focus on grades, the less we focus on learning. -Josh Eyler The grades are not the end of the story. They are not even the bulk of your story. They are a chapter of your story. -Josh Eyler Resources Episode 65 with Josh Eyler: Teaching Lessons from Pixar Episode 231 with Josh Eyler: How Humans Learn How Humans Learn, by Josh Eyler The New Education, by Cathy David...
Feb 17, 2022•37 min•Ep 401•Transcript available on Metacast Jeff Hittenberger helps Bonni culminate her 400th episode by talking about the heart of a teacher on episode 400 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I had some assumptions coming into teaching -Bonni Stachowiak I never knew how much my textbooks cost. -Bonni Stachowiak I care about other people and that I like to make meaningful progress towards a goal, I try to celebrate those parts of me. -Bonni Stachowiak I think we are all just continually trying to figure stuff out...
Feb 10, 2022•47 min•Ep 400•Transcript available on Metacast Bonni Stachowiak shares some satire from McSweeney’s Internet Tendency on episode 399 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I hope that brought you a little bit of laugher in what I do know is a difficult time for so many. -Bonni Stachowiak Resources Mentioned How We Will Separate You From Any Lingering Hope and Other Important Topics of Today’s Faculty Meeting, by Julie Cadman-Kim: Shared with permission by McSweeney’s and the author Julie Cadman-Kim McSweeney’s Internet...
Feb 03, 2022•12 min•Ep 399•Transcript available on Metacast Christopher Schaberg talks about his book, Pedagogy of the Depressed, on episode 398 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Just talking to students once or twice a week is so important. -Christopher Schaberg Resources Satsuma mandarins Pedagogy of the Depressed @ass_deans on Twitter Robin DeRosa’s website The attention economy, by Jenny O’Dell The Book of Delights, by Ross Gay The Hundreds, by Lauren Berlant and Kathleen Stewart
Jan 27, 2022•40 min•Ep 398•Transcript available on Metacast Audrey Watters shares about her book, Teaching Machines, on episode 397 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode When people try to erase history, they do that to foreclose hope. -Audrey Watters If we have a better understanding of the history of educational technology, there is hope. -Audrey Watters I do not think that the future is already written. -Audrey Watters Resources Teaching Machines, by Audrey Waters B. F. Skinner The 100 Worst Ed-Tech Debacles of the Decade, by A...
Jan 20, 2022•48 min•Ep 397•Transcript available on Metacast Amy Lynch-Biniek discusses the ways in which contingency can impact pedagogy on episode 396 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode To be a teacher in the 21st century, you also have to be a bit of an activist. -Amy Lynch-Biniek As teachers we have to find ways to advocate for ourselves, for our students, for our campuses, and for our classrooms. -Amy Lynch-Biniek We have to remind ourselves to speak with, not for, others. -Amy Lynch-Biniek Begin advocacy by listening. -Amy...
Jan 13, 2022•35 min•Ep 396•Transcript available on Metacast Jonathan Malesic shares about his book, The End of Burnout, on episode 395 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode The data seems to suggest that around half of workers are somewhere on the burnout spectrum. -Jonathan Malesic In our culture we put a lot of expectations on work to fufill us. -Jonathan Malesic We need to see work as the support to whatever is at the center of our lives. -Jonathan Malesic Resources The End of Burnout: Why Work Drains Us and How to Build Better...
Jan 06, 2022•38 min•Ep 395•Transcript available on Metacast Tracie Addy talks about what inclusive instructors do on episode 394 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Inclusive teaching is being responsive to the diversity of our class and designing learning environments that include all of our students. -Tracie Addy Inclusive teaching allows students to be engaged in an equitable learning environment and feel a sense of belonging. -Tracie Addy We can think about our students in terms of the different strengths they bring to the c...
Dec 30, 2021•46 min•Ep 394•Transcript available on Metacast Ann Gagnè talks about how to align our values through accessibility on episode 393 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Alt text allows you to put a description of what you are tweeting in terms of the image, gif, or infographics. -Ann Gagné On a foundational level alt text is there to help increase information to the most amount of people as possible. -Ann Gagné Resources The Tale of the Starfish Connor Scott Gardner’s Twitter thread Alt Text info from Digital Accessibi...
Dec 23, 2021•42 min•Ep 393•Transcript available on Metacast Norlan Hernández shares about identity, belonging, and Latin American culture on episode 392 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Are we being intentional in thinking about how we are nurturing their sense of identity and belonging? -Norlan Hernández Resources Hispanic/Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective, by Jose J. E. Gracia A Conversation with Latinos on Race, from The New York Times Latino, Hispanic, Latinx, Chicano: The History Behind the Terms, by Tara Simó...
Dec 16, 2021•42 min•Ep 392•Transcript available on Metacast Caralyn Zehnder, Cynthia Alby, JuliA Metzker, Karynne Kleine talk about their book, Learning That Matters, on episode 391 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I ask myself, what matters to me and why? And am I living that in my teaching? -JuliA Metzker Resources Mentioned Learning That Matters website Cynthia’s letter to students re: upsides to flipping Learning That Matters Resources John Dewey Hidden Brain: Work 2.0 - The Obstacles You Don’t See...
Dec 09, 2021•47 min•Ep 391•Transcript available on Metacast joshuah whittinghill discusses his research on the relationships with music, academic, social, and emotional learning on episode 385 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I just jumped in. And it saved my life. -joshuah whittinghill It doesn’t seem like a lot of our courses in higher education have a lot of social or emotional curriculum built in to help students on their journey as they are growing. -joshuah whittinghill Students aren’t the only people. We also have coll...
Dec 02, 2021•43 min•Ep 390•Transcript available on Metacast Bonni Stachowiak shares her gratitude for past podcast conversations on episode 389 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I’m feeling grateful for podcasts. -Bonni Stachowiak I am feeling even more grateful for this community of people who care about teaching and learning. -Bonni Stachowiak Resources Mentioned 2021 Podcast Favorites 21 Top Teaching in Higher Ed Podcast Episodes EdSurge’s Bootstraps podcast series Bootstraps - Episode 4: The Tyranny of Letter Grades How to...
Nov 24, 2021•22 min•Ep 389•Transcript available on Metacast Angel Herring and KaSondra Toney discuss how to foster a sense of belonging on episode 388 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode I see everyone as a contributor in the education process. As a student, you have as much of a say as I do as your instructor. -Angel Herring Once I started focusing on my education more, I realized that my opportunities were endless. -KaSondra Toney Resources Video excerpt of Dr. Herring Profile of KaSondra Toney: 2020 Bishop Award Recipient to ...
Nov 18, 2021•38 min•Ep 388•Transcript available on Metacast Dave and Bonni Stachowiak talks about translating intention into action on episode 387 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Be mindful about what things you are trying to hold in your brain. -Dave Stachowiak Pick one thing, try it, and see what happens. -Dave Stachowiak Resources The Productive Online and Offline Professor: A Practical Guide, by Bonni Stachowiak Aikido Zettelkasten - note-taking method Extending the Mind – Finite Eyes James M. Lang Drafts App The Checkli...
Nov 11, 2021•45 min•Ep 387•Transcript available on Metacast I share the second in a two-part series about my participation in the Tools4Learning annual survey on episode 386 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode It really helps me to take a step back and reflect on the tools that I value and that I might be able to get more benefit from. -Bonni Stachowiak Resources Mentioned Jane Hart’s Top Tools for Learning 2021 Top Tools for Personal Learning Top Tools for Workplace Learning Top Tools for Education Zoom | Education | Web confer...
Nov 04, 2021•16 min•Ep 386•Transcript available on Metacast I share the first in a two-part series about my participation in the Tools4Learning annual survey on episode 385 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Who we follow on social media can help us in our ongoing quest to learn. -Bonni Stachowiak Resources Mentioned 2021 Top Tools for Learning: My Votes Jane Hart’s Top Tools for Learning 2021 Top Tools for Personal Learning Top Tools for Workplace Learning Top Tools for Education | Personal Learning | Digital bookm...
Oct 28, 2021•15 min•Ep 385•Transcript available on Metacast Karen Costa discusses how to support ADHD learners on episode 384 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode UDL is not a magic cure for all of our ills. -Karen Costa Individual accommodations can provide more personalized, specific, structured, and robust support. -Karen Costa We need to hear the voices of ADHD learners. -Karen Costa Resources Mentioned Russell Barkley Women with Attention Deficit Disorder 2nd Edition, by Sari Solden* Universal Design for Learning (UDL) OneFo...
Oct 21, 2021•46 min•Ep 384•Transcript available on Metacast Jennifer Imazeki talks about implicit bias in our teaching on episode 383 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode It is not about changing the bias or stopping the bias. It is about getting in between your internal reaction and your external reaction. -Jennifer Imazeki There is so much going on with our students that we can’t possibly know. -Jennifer Imazeki Resources Dr. Jennifer Imazeki’s Home Page Econ for Teachers Blog SDSU Center for Inclusive Excellence ACUE Implicit ...
Oct 14, 2021•43 min•Ep 383•Transcript available on Metacast José Bowen shares about his new book, Teaching Change, on episode 382 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode College students are aware of the fact that they change. -José Bowen What are the important questions that our discipline answers? -José Bowen Diverse groups do better work and outperform groups of highly competent homogenous groups. They also take longer because they have more conflict because they question assumptions. -José Bowen It is a hard position to be the p...
Oct 07, 2021•44 min•Ep 382•Transcript available on Metacast Barbi Honeycutt and Bonni Stachowiak talk about how to use podcasts in teaching on episode 381 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode Ask yourself, “how does this support my learning outcomes and help my students be successful in this course and beyond?” -Barbi Honeycutt Audio is a powerful medium. -Barbi Honeycutt Find podcasts that are already out there that integrate with your course learning outcomes, course goals, and course topics and leverage those. -Barbi Honeycutt...
Sep 30, 2021•48 min•Ep 381•Transcript available on Metacast Marcus Croom shares about How to Discuss Race, Racism, and Politics in Education on episode 380 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode It is vital to know the difference between concluding a real talk and resolving a public issue. Those are not the same thing. -Marcus Croom Educators who take up this challenge will need to listen and learn and unlearn and relearn as human beings in addition to who they may be as professionals. -Marcus Croom You are going to listen and lear...
Sep 23, 2021•43 min•Ep 380•Transcript available on Metacast Shawna Rodabaugh and Ian Wolf talk about reducing fear in learning context on episode 379 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode You have absolutely no idea what people are capable of until you put them in a situation where they can flourish. -Shawna Rodabaugh The true measure of whether I can teach or not is if I can bring it down to the level where someone who has never seen it before will understand it. -Shawna Rodabaugh Resources Center for Faculty Development at Fayet...
Sep 16, 2021•40 min•Ep 379•Transcript available on Metacast Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton talks about the common ground on episode 378 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode It was the big questions that gripped me. -Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton When you give them something interesting that they want to know about, they will do the reading. -Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton We need to recognize that the hard questions are usually philosophical at their root. -Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton We are all philosophers. -Kelly Fitzsimmons Burton Resources Retr...
Sep 09, 2021•42 min•Ep 378•Transcript available on Metacast Lauren Bellaera discusses critical thinking in theory and practice on episode 377 of the Teaching in Higher Ed podcast. Quotes from the episode When you’re teaching students, you have limited time. So all of the time you’re making particular pedagogical choices about where to focus. -Lauren Bellaera When teaching, we tend to like to put things in a dichotomy. -Lauren Bellaera Critical thinking is a really important life skill. -Lauren Bellaera The bridging between research and practice is very i...
Sep 02, 2021•37 min•Ep 377•Transcript available on Metacast