Good news from D.C. - Phantom Nation
It's a new world in Washington Phantom Nation 05FEB2025 - PODCAST
It's a new world in Washington Phantom Nation 05FEB2025 - PODCAST for links to Tanach Classes and Kahane books... The Jewish Truth Bomb 03FEB2025 - PODCAST
On this show, Tamar has two guests who fill us in on some of the latest happenings in Israel and around the world. Topics discussed: * Will the Arabs in Gaza leave for a better and safer future? * Israel has a new IDF Chief of Staff. Is he from the 'Conceptzia' mentality group-think? * Will U.S. President Trump and PM Netanyahu re-draw the map in the Middle East to ensure more security and safety and possibly help prevent future wars? * Also, BRICS, the dollar, and will the new U.S. administrati...
Antisemitism continues to grow alarmingly in Europe and England The Jay Shapiro Show 30JAN2025 - PODCAST
Are there two Israels??? One stagnates on the front pages of the world press, bleak, dark and angry. The other Israel - mine - rife with hope, vibrant and alive! Pull Up a Chair 30JAN2025 - PODCAST
Trump's downside, ignorance and arrogance Phantom Nation 29JAN2025 - PODCAST
On the 80th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, Hamas is releasing dead captives taking during a genocidal attack. Israel should return the favor with dead terrorists. Political Hitman 29JAN2025 - PODCAST
Tamar goes solo and talks about what possible global plans might be waiting for Americans, Israel, and the rest of the world if we don't keep our ears to the ground! The Tamar Yonah Show 26JAN2025 - PODCAST
We all have an inner critic. That voice inside our head that likes to put us down, tells us what we do wrong an makes us feel lousy. Sometimes our inner critic can be so nasty, I've heard it said "You shouldn't keep a 'friend' who spoke to you that way, so how can you be so nasty to yourself!" What can we do about this negative voice? You may not believe me if I tell you that with the right tools and perspective, your inner critic could be your best friend. How? Listen to this week's Soul Talk a...
An entire nation sits with bated breath, witnessing a manipulative and piecemeal release of our hostages; a new/old President is sworn into the highest office of America; the Axis of Evil gasps for breath while a delicate breeze called 'hope' gently wafts through the Middle East. We are wary and bruised. And, as always, we know Who is charge and anxiously await His blessings. Pull Up a Chair 23JAN2025 - PODCAST
In distress, there is opportunity Phantom Nation 22JAN2025 - PODCAST
Howie examines the consequences of Israel capitulating to Hamas in the most recent hostage deal. Political Hitman 20JAN2025 - PODCAST
The people of Israel deserve a government that is worthy of them The Jay Shapiro Show 23JAN2025 - PODCAST
On this show, Tamar's guest exposes the ugly side of what may be happening behind the scenes as Israel is forced into a never-ending war. Also, the manipulation of seeing images of the freed kidnapped returning to their families and homes, and how it might fool and further weaken us. -With guest: Mordechai Sones, a researcher and military-political analyst who served in the Israeli Military and subsequently wrote a report on the Acquiescence of the Israel Government in Palestinian Authority Firs...
Jealousy is a negative trait that is a part of all human experience. It is so negative that it makes it into the 10 commandments. What is it about this trait that entraps us and why out of all the negative traits is this one singled out for particular mention. It's easy enough to say "Just don't be jealous." But practically, how can one uproot this trait? Listen to Soul Talk with Rabbi David Aaron and Leora Mandel to learn How To Stop Being Jealous and Start Living. Soul Talk 16JAN2025 - PODCAST...
United in hope but divided by fear, Israel dances with the Devil as we await the return of our precious hostages and soldiers - both alive and dead. Pull Up A Chair 16JAN2025 - PODCAST
Antisemitism continues to rise in the US and Europe The Jay Shapiro Show 16JAN2025 - PODCAST
Israel need laws just for Muslims Phantom Nation 14JAN2025 - PODCAST The Jewish Truth Bomb 13JAN2025 - PODCAST
On this show, Tamar speaks with Yehezkel Laing (Lavie) on his new book: 'The Jewish Conspiracy - Discovering the Common Hebrew Origins of the World's Diverse Civilizations' Do Jews run the world? Japan & Judaism, is there a connection? Do all languages stem from Hebrew? Why is there anti-Semitism? This AND MORE! Check out the book, 'The Jewish Conspiracy' here: For a FREE info-Sheet on original Hebrew words, write to: The Tamar Yonah Show 12JAN2025 ...
Natalie takes you through her average and not-so-average day in life, and reminds us that there are city Jews, and farmer-Jews, and in fact, working the Land is a very 'Jewish' thing to do, and she tells us why. Returning Home 12JAN2025 - PODCAST
The Jay Shapiro Show 09JAN2025 - PODCAST
We are different, born of travail and vision. Like our forefathers and foremothers, the road ahead may not be easy. Yet, we forge ahead, placing God and family above all else. Pull Up a Chair 09JAN2025 - PODCAST
Israelis are too proud of their compassion Phantom Nation 08JAN2025 - PODCAST
Ever wonder why Jews are the most hated people in the world? Ever wonder why Jewish life is thought of as so cheap? Howie has some ideas... Political Hitman 07JAN2025 - PODCAST
On this show, Lenny talks about the different headset our ancestors had, one of a HEALTHY Jew, before the Jewish People were exiled and had to live as 2nd class citizens and worse, under foreign rule. Today, back in our Homeland, we have healed many of these wounds. He states how. The Jewish Truth Bomb 06JAN2025 - PODCAST
Throughout history, we’ve seen that evil alliances must be confronted and defeated to ensure that peaceful people can live in freedom and safety. On today’s show, Tamar Yonah tackles the issues with Israel Ellis, author of the powerful new book, 'The Wake Up Call: Global Jihad and the Rise of Antisemitism in a World Gone MAD'. This timely book delves into the urgent challenges facing -not just the Jewish, but the entire free world, in the wake of the barbaric October 7th, 2023 attack on Israel. ...
Lighting Chanukka candles is a sign of hope for the future The Jay Shapiro Show 02JAN2025 - PODCAST
Israel thinks its enemy is "terrorists" Phantom Nation 01JAN2025 - PODCAST
War has come to Israel's south, north, east, and now, even Turkey has entered the fray! What does this have to do with the war of Gog & Magog, the Messianic era and the End Times? Rabbi Pinchas Winston from joins Tamar and says that though the Moshaich (Messiah) can come at any time, with the way current events are unfolding, the Moshiach could come this year! What would that look like, and what are we supposed to do? Find the books on this very subject here: