Well There‘s Your Problem - podcast cover

Well There‘s Your Problem

WTYP is Justin Roczniak, November Kelly, Liam McAnderson, and friends.wtyppod.podbean.com
This is a podcast about engineering disasters and systemic failures, from a leftist perspective, with jokes


Episode 40: Urban Freight Rail & Industrial Sprawl

lawd help me but it's time to go back to tha old me follow uday on twitter: https://twitter.com/A320Lga slides: https://youtu.be/F1y-2CUetwM DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE ...

Sep 11, 20202 hr 11 minEp 48Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 39: Great Heck Rail Crash

in an unusual move today this podcast will talk about trains WATCH RAILNATTER WITH GARETH: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzA-8fUrw2C5cRcP9gO5BwA DA SLIDES: https://youtu.be/7ejyhTkMd6U DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_hom...

Sep 08, 20202 hr 57 minEp 47Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 38: V-22 Osprey

ha ha tilt rotor go brrrr *crashes* LISTEN TO HELL OF A WAY TO DIE: https://soundcloud.com/hellofawaytodie DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE OR: DUBYA TEE WHY PEE POD AT GEE M...

Aug 21, 20201 hr 28 minEp 46Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 37: Costa Concordia

Boat. slides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2bvltmNno_A patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod...

Aug 16, 20202 hr 8 minEp 45Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 36: I-35W Mississippi River Bridge Collapse

go birds slides: https://youtu.be/i5OkTfOLqx8 DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE OR ALSO WE SAID IT IN THE VIDEO: DUBYA TEE WHY PEE AT GEE MAIL DOT COM!!! patreon: https://www....

Aug 03, 20202 hr 37 minEp 43Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 35: Caltrain Defunding

We're here to talk about our favorite subject: Trains LIVESTREAM, TINY DELAWARE IN CITIES: SKYLINES, 7/25, JESSICA SCARANE FOR SENATE, JUSTIN IS ON AT 12 NOON EDT, LINK: https://www.twitch.tv/jessica_scarane DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.c...

Jul 24, 20202 hr 55 minEp 42Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 34: Ustica Massacre

Today we talk about incredibly corrupt Italian politics. slides: https://youtu.be/xHqzUTTZWyI DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppo...

Jul 19, 20202 hr 13 minEp 41Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 33: Pier 34 Collapse

Today we talk about a classic Philly disaster. DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE YOUTUBE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE slides: https://youtu.be/lonzTuWd3Xk patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod piers By...

Jul 09, 20201 hr 14 minEp 40Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 32: Salang Tunnel Fire Part 2

Today we talk about goats. DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 SLIDES: https://youtu.be/b_WhhRshZCg PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod listen to Lions Led By Donkeys: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lions-l...

Jul 01, 20201 hr 15 minEp 39Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 31: Salang Tunnel Fire Part 1

Today we talk about goats. DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE listen to Lions Led By Donkeys: https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/lions-led-by-donkeys-podcast buy joe's book: http...

Jun 24, 20201 hr 14 minEp 38Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 30: Austrian Wine Tainting Scandal

More organic chemistry urrrrgh DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE austrian wine By Mussklprozz - Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curi...

Jun 17, 20202 hr 43 minEp 37Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 29: Print Media

Who comes up with a headline like that? Old people in an underfunded and unappreciated department at 3am, that's who. Today we talk about the rise and decline of print media and how it's affected reporting. (Spoiler: badly) slides: https://youtu.be/qW48CIGuvZE DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/do...

Jun 10, 20202 hr 4 minEp 36Transcript available on Metacast


Alice talks about skyscrapers DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/ nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 E-MAIL IS IN THE CHANNEL ABOUT PAGE our patreon because we are still wokegrifters: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod (bonus episode will likely not ...

Jun 04, 20208 minEp 35Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 28: Goiânia incident

In this episode we talk about pretty blue lights. DONATE TO BAIL FUNDS AND ETC AND PROVIDE THE RECEIPT TO US VIA TWITTER OR E-MAIL AND WE WILL SEND YOU THE BONUS EPISODES: https://www.phillybailfund.org/ https://www.communityjusticeexchange.org/nbfn-directory https://secure.actblue.com/donate/ms_blm_homepage_2019 (don't tip actblue, they take a cut already) Uchenna's insta: https://www.instagram.com/uckema/ our patreon because we are still wokegrifters: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod primary so...

Jun 03, 20202 hr 42 minEp 34Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 27: Bhopal Disaster (Part 2)

In this episode we talk about man-made mass death and destruction on a scale completely unprecedented in history. fun! The Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod image credits: slide 1 chemical plant By Julian Nyča - Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17238674 king bhoja By Bernard Gagnon - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33358272 taj ul masjid By This file is not in the public domain. Therefore you are reque...

May 20, 20201 hr 21 minEp 33Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 26: Transit in the Age of Coronavirus

This is an emergency podcast where we talk about actual organizing stuff, which it turns out you can do successfully even in a pandemic! Here are the slides: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEKzJ7h54Uc even though as mentioned we've won our main demand, there's still work to be done. here are the links: Sign the TRU petition, first to support the radically good ideas of the TRU, but most importantly for action – we'll be contacting everyone on that list to prep them to participate in the fare he...

May 13, 20202 hr 33 minEp 32Transcript available on Metacast

Well There's Your Problem| Episode 25: Bhopal Disaster (Part 1)

In this half of an episode we talk about the worst industrial accident in modern history, the 1984 Bhopal Disaster. Also we learn some organic chemistry. The Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod L ink to the Slides: https://youtu.be/vCKVreNqMjI image credits: slide 1 chemical plant By Julian Nyča - Self-photographed, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=17238674 king bhoja By Bernard Gagnon - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=333...

May 09, 20201 hr 28 minEp 31Transcript available on Metacast

Bonus Episode 5 PREVIEW: College

in this episode liam's chair squeaks a lot here is the link to the patreon post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36625279

May 01, 20206 minEp 30Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 24: Kings Cross Fire

Today we talk about escalators. The Slides: https://youtu.be/ciF1p_GMrmw The Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod image credits: met steam loco By Hammersfan - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79896458 tube train By SPSmiler - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=400148 reno-type escalator stolen from https://www.flickr.com/photos/63151554@N00/8772641035 macys wooden escalator By Xiaphias, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://common...

Apr 22, 20202 hr 38 minEp 29Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 23: Vajont Dam

Today we talk about a mysterious act of God's love. The slides: https://youtu.be/QueMqRjW5Eo The Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Some references: fairmount dam image By Yasmeen Elmelige - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51527273 grand coulee dam image By U.S. Bureau of Reclamation - http://users.owt.com/chubbard/gcdam/html/photos/exteriors.html, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19544 hoover dam image By Mariordo (Mari...

Apr 15, 20202 hr 34 minEp 28Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 22: Tenerife Airport Disaster

"Why build an airport in the clouds?" "BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE PLANES LIVE ALICE" our patreon where the bonus episodes are: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod the slides (up soon after this is published): https://youtu.be/vxv04lgJYVs

Apr 09, 20202 hr 31 minEp 27Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 21: 1953 Federal Express Wreck

In this episode we talk about the northernmost Bojangles franchise with Gareth Dennis (@GarethDennis) whose youtube project can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/garethdennistv slides are here when they finish uploading: https://youtu.be/38-MKEap0AQ

Mar 31, 20201 hr 20 minEp 26Transcript available on Metacast

Bonus Episode 4 PREVIEW: Protestantism

A Catholic, a Muslim, and a Jew walk into a podcast to rag on Protestantism. Here is the link to the real thing: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35433585

Mar 30, 20204 minEp 25Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 20: 1918 Philadelphia War Bond Parade

Today @donoteat01, @aliceavizandum, and @oldmananders0n talk about the deadliest parade in US history. Dont spit. Here are the slides: https://youtu.be/oifinZTKxKo Here is the patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod

Mar 22, 20201 hr 10 minEp 24Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 19: Lake Peigneur

Today we talk about fish. Here is the Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod Here are the slides (still uploading at publishing time): https://youtu.be/dgKU0zu6KB8 Mostly sourced from the MSHA report: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=uc1.31822029061140&view=1up&seq=13

Mar 08, 20201 hr 11 minEp 23Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 18: Texas City Disaster

Today @oldmananders0n, @aliceavizandum, and @donoteat01 test the limits of what we can say about fertilizer-derived explosives on the internet. here are the slides: https://youtu.be/AxA1vb6P2lU here is the patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod vast majority of the info and images from the original report: http://www.local1259iaff.org/report.htm other images: john w. brown By Project Liberty Ship, Attribution, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3264194 ammonium nitrate By Teravolt...

Feb 26, 20201 hr 14 minEp 21Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 17: The Atmospheric Railway

Today @oldmananders0n, @aliceavizandum, and @donoteat01 talk about the succ, and various ways succ has been applied to railway traction in the past, present, and future, and also elon musk can suck it here be the slides: https://youtu.be/JaRVy31lTlQ here is the patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wtyppod here is @bigmoodenergy's youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlfGQZD9OW4 slide 1: pipe By Rosser1954 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=80604884 slide 2:...

Feb 20, 20201 hr 28 minEp 20Transcript available on Metacast

Episode 16: The Iowa Caucuses

In this episode which we put together in about 6 hours @aliceavizandum, @oldmananders0n, @donoteat01 (deceased on twitter) are joined by @zachsimonsonIA to talk about the catastrophe that is the ongoing Iowa Caucuses, and are also sabotaged by the pete buttchug campaign along the way slides: https://youtu.be/MjSyYRyokPo check out Zach in the Washington Post: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/2020/02/04/my-chaotic-infuriating-night-running-an-iowa-caucus/ some sources: https://www.vox.com/re...

Feb 08, 20201 hr 14 minEp 19Transcript available on Metacast
Well There‘s Your Problem podcast - Listen or read transcript on Metacast