[A2] To jest druga część historii o Jasonie, który przyjechał do Polski i próbuje zrozumieć Polskę i Polaków! Posłuchaj1. części tutaj: www.polskidaily.eu/pdb023 Zapisz się do Polski Daily Club, żeby dostać dostęp do wszystkich materiałów i tranksrypcji! www.polskidaily.eu/signup
May 28, 2019•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Ta historia jest dla poziomu A2. Opowiada o Jasonie z Teksasu, który interesuje się Polską, bo poznał kilkoro Polaków. Kim byli ci Polacy? Dlaczego Jason chce pojechać do Polski? To wszystko jest w historii. To jest tylko 1. część tej historii! Możesz mi pomóc napisać część drugą! Napisz maila na paulina@polskidaily.eu i odpowiedz na pytania: 1. Do jakiego miasta pojedzie Jason? 2. Kogo Jason spotka w Polsce? 3. Czy Jasonowi spodoba się Polska? 4. Jakie polskie jedzenie będzie mu smakować? Czeka...
May 07, 2019•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a story of a woman who comes back home very tired and finds her apartment in a terrible mess. What happened? Did someone break in? Listen to the story and find out yourself! Get transcript with exercises here: www.polskidaily.eu/pdb022
May 01, 2019•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Listen to the episode about Monika, whose life changed a lot after one message she received on holidays. Download the transcript and exercises here: www.polskidaily.eu/pd021
Apr 23, 2019•16 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode you'll hear a story about a girl who lost her way home after an evening with her friend by, completely accidentally, she did something really great. Are you ready to learn more Polish? Click play! I've changed a form of this podcast a little bit - You won't be asked questions during listening but you can get exercises along with the transcript from my website: www.polskidaily.eu/pdb020
Feb 21, 2019•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast Cześć! This episode is for students on A2 level but if your level is A1.2. you could learn from it especially using the transcript. You can buy the transcript for 0,5€ here: https://sowl.co/lIFyN In this episode you will hear a story of a family that used to love Christmas. What changed it? Listen and check out yourself! :) Also visit my website for more resources: www.polskidaily.eu and follow me on Social Media because more Christmas materials are coming!...
Dec 13, 2018•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast EARLY BEGINNERS (around 7 lesson of Krok po kroku book) This episode is another story I wrote for you. This time it's about Donald who is constantly bored and is looking for a hobby. If you enjoy my podcast, please share it with other students on Social Media. I will be also very grateful for you reviews and comments as it helps others find out about my podcast :) Dziękuję! Also you can buy transcripts of 11 most popular podcasts for beginners here: https://sowl.co/7Qq1Z Visit my website to get ...
Nov 17, 2018•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you want to know more vocabulary on daily tidying tasks which we all dislike but have to do, this episode will help you. This is a story of a woman who wanted her house to be clean but... well listen to it yourself. The story is stuffed with cleaning vocabulary so you may want to revise some phrases in advance on Quizlet: https://quizlet.com/_51cdbt You can find the transcript here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pdb-017-perfekcyjna-pani-domu-a2/ and you can follow me on Facebook here: www.facebo...
Jul 10, 2018•17 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is for A1.2. students. In this episode you will practice: - speaking about emotions - every-day tasks vocabulary - and of course your listening skills. Don't forget to download the transcript from www.polskidaily.eu to maximize the benefits of learning with podcasts :) If you liked this episode, please leave me a rating and of course you can always mail me to help me improve it! I'm waiting for you e-mails: paulina@polskidaily.eu...
May 22, 2018•22 min•Transcript available on Metacast This episode is for you if you didn't go too far in language learning but want to practice your listening from the beginning. In this episode : - you will practice introductions and descriptions of people - you will practice recognizing question words and answering basic questions - you will practice vocabulary on appearance, hobbies, languages and other basic information about people Remember you can always slow it down, stop, listen again and don't worry if you don't understand everything at o...
May 06, 2018•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode you are going to - listen to a story of Mike who travels to Kraków - strenghten your vocabulary on clothes and weather - be asked questions which will improve your understanding You can also read or download a free transcript for this episode here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pdb013-ta-wiosna/
Apr 19, 2018•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Upper Beginners | In this episode you are going to - listen to a story of a woman who cannot find her way to job interview - learn/ practice vocabulary on topics: praca and miasto - strenghten your listening with questions included in the recording You can also read along listening with transcript here: https://www.polskidaily.eu/pdb012-przepraszam-ulica-ordynacka/
Apr 15, 2018•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode you will: - practice understanding on Upper Beginners level - practice vocabulary about health - learn new every day phrases Read and download the transcript: https://goo.gl/9MGaKB Follow me on Facebook: https://goo.gl/hZWtEY Join our group on Facebook: https://goo.gl/ZK6ZP7 Learn with me: https://goo.gl/gLceLJ...
Apr 08, 2018•20 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode you are going to learn the use and construction of future perfective verbs. You will also listen to text which will help you see the difference in use of imperfective and perfective verbs in future tense. Listen to it with the transcript: https://goo.gl/4Q2caE
Mar 29, 2018•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode I tell you a story of... a murder! Listen to it solo or go to my page and read along! Here is the link to the transcript: https://goo.gl/yX47WH Visit me on Facebook: https://goo.gl/JTHNxP And of course book a class with me: https://goo.gl/Ys87bz
Mar 21, 2018•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode you will learn how to describe daily routine in past tense using example of very well-known people like Hugo, Voltaire, Kant and Darwin. Listen and read at the same time with transcript: https://goo.gl/mD9d3G Visit our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/PolishOnSkype
Mar 19, 2018•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode we work on the topic "family". You will listen a story of Mary-Jane who lives in USA but wants to discover her Polish ancestry. Check out the transcript on my page: http://www.polskidaily.eu/pdb008-mary-jane-szuka-rodziny-polsce/ All you need to know before you start listening is vocabulary on family (this may help: https://quizlet.com/269519393/rodzina-flash-cards/ ) and some extra words: dziennikarka - journalist pielęgniarka - nurse marynarz - sailor szukać - to search znajdow...
Feb 26, 2018•23 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this episode I tell a story of a young Polish couple who bought an apartment in Cracow. I used adapted TPRS method so after each paragraph you will listen questions. After the question you have a couple of seconds to answer and the next question comes. This will let you understand more of this story and hear vocabulary repeated more than once. You can also find transcript of this recording here: http://www.polskidaily.eu/pdb007-mieszkanie-ze-snu-transkrypcja/ Visit my page www.polskidaily.eu ...
Feb 18, 2018•19 min•Transcript available on Metacast PDB006 Dziewczyna mojego brata ma.... In this episode I use the method called TPRS (storytelling method) to helpo you reinforce your Genitive case. This is not a regular podcast but a kind of an exercise. I tell the story sentence by sentence and I answer questions. You get time to answer them and then I give you the correct answer. If you like this kind of exercises please leave me a comment and visit my page www.polskidaily.eu for more exercises and other study materials....
Feb 12, 2018•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast In this recording I explain how to distinguish between verbs of motion in Polish.
Aug 02, 2017•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast W tym odcinku prezentuję 10 wyrażeń zawierających czasowniki ruchu w kolokwialnym użyciu.
Jul 31, 2017•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Listen to the recording and try to guess what do " deszcz", "wiatr", "burza" i "grzmot" mean.
Jun 21, 2017•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a task for students of Polish who recently started learning Polish. Your task here is to create a shopping list based on the monologue you listen to.
Jun 20, 2017•5 min•Transcript available on Metacast This podcast is for all beginners who want to challange their listening skills. The grammar is quite simple but the vocabulary can be challenging. This podcast is coherent with exercises on my blog: https://goo.gl/VHgizs Join our group on FB: https://goo.gl/ZK6ZP7 Follow us on FB: https://goo.gl/hZWtEY Learn with me: https://goo.gl/gLceLJ...
Jun 18, 2017•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast This is a story for beginners who know some Polish cases but don't know past tense yet. For exercises to this podcast, please visit: http://wp.me/p8E3oJ-17 Follow me on Facebook: https://goo.gl/hZWtEY Join our FB group: https://goo.gl/ZK6ZP7 Learn with me: https://goo.gl/gLceLJ...
Jun 18, 2017•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast