410: Session 8 Capstone
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings close out Session 8 with Reed Dent, Elle Grover Fricks, and Josh Bossé.
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings close out Session 8 with Reed Dent, Elle Grover Fricks, and Josh Bossé.
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are joined by special guest Dr. Sandra Richter, the Gundry Chair of Biblical Studies at Westmont College, a graduate of Harvard University, and of course the author of The Epic of Eden, including a new study in that series covering Deborah. Debora h by Sandra L. Richter The Epic of Eden by Sandra L. Richter Isaiah by Sandra L. Richter Psalms by Sandra L. Richter The Story of God, the Story of Us by Sean Gladding The Story by Zondervan, Max Lucado, and Randy Fraze...
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings explore the depths of Shabbat with Josh Bossé. The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are breaking Shabbat with Josh Bossé. The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel
Brent Billings and Reed Dent join Josh Bossé in remembering Shabbat. The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel RRR (2022 film) I Asked for Wonder by Abraham Joshua Heschel and Samuel H. Dresner Who Is Man? by Abraham J. Heschel...
Brent Billings and Elle Grover Fricks keep Shabbat with Josh Bossé. The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel BEMA 331: Sanctuary — Resting with the Mishkan Nerts — Wikipedia
Brent Billings and Elle Grover Fricks are joined by special guest Mariko Clark, author of The Book of Belonging. She is a mother and a storyteller, and her time as an editor of National Geographic Learning enabled her to make complex topics accessible and engaging. She and her husband live outside of Indianapolis with their three kids. The Book of Belonging by Mariko Clark and Rachel Eleanor The Book of Belonging — Substack The Book of Belonging website Additional audio production by Gus Simpson...
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings join Elle Grover Fricks to close out this series from the Talmud and return to a well where Jesus talks with a Samaritan woman. Cairo Geniza — Wikipedia Umm el-Qanatir — Wikipedia Pesher — Wikipedia Targum — Wikipedia Peshitta — Wikipedia Onkelos — Wikipedia “Here’s Something about the Bible of the First Christians I Bet Many of You Didn’t Know (You’re Welcome)” by Peter Enns — Patheos Origin of the Old Testament — The Bible for Normal People “Tell all the truth ...
Brent Billings, Elle Grover Fricks, and Josh Bossé examine one more perspective on the ideas of salt and light found in the Sermon on the Mount. BEMA 257: John — Wells and Husbands BEMA 313: Parables — The Good Samaritan
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings join Elle Grover Fricks to consider Jesus’s teaching on light through the lens of the Talmud. BEMA 94: Hope of the World Bava Batra — Wikipedia 1 Corinthians 3: Building a Temple — Reed Dent, Campus Christian Fellowship Numbers: The Wilderness Years , volume 4 of Covenant & Conversation by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks...
Brent Billings and Elle Grover Fricks unearth a deeper meaning of salt through a Talmudic lens. “The Salt of the Land and the Light of the World” — BibleProject Podcast BEMA 248: Joy and Lot’s Untitled Wife
Brent Billings, Elle Grover Fricks, and Josh Bossé browse through the Beatitudes one by one. Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing by Søren Kierkegaard Live Q&A with Josh Bossé (April 2024) — YouTube
Brent Billings, Elle Grover Fricks, and Josh Bossé crack open the question of what a biblical blessing is. To Bless the Space Between Us by John O’Donohue Every Moment Holy, Volume I by Douglas Kaine McKelvey Every Moment Holy, Volume II by Douglas Kaine McKelvey...
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are joined by Mitch Lavender, longtime BEMA listener and group facilitator, and now Lead Campus Minister in Cincinnati with Impact Campus Ministries, about his experiences with a community dealing with the challenges of diversity and how that can lead to transition with family, friends, and faith. A Church Called Tov by Scot McKnight and Laura Barringer Additional audio production by Gus Simpson Special Guest: Mitch Lavender....
Brent Billings, Elle Grover Fricks, and Reed Dent revisit Matthew 4 with a Talmudic lens. BEMA 92: How to Bring Order Out of Chaos Ethics Ratings of Nearly All Professions Down in U.S. — Gallup Scutching — Wikipedia Tractate Sanhedrin — Sefaria “Questions About Angels” (poem) by Billy Collins Gospel of Matthew Summary (Part 1) — BibleProject Gospel of Matthew Summary (Part 2) — BibleProject...
Brent Billings and Elle Grover Fricks take a closer look at the work of John the Baptist. BEMA 91: Tavilah T'Shuvah BEMA 92: How to Bring Order Out of Chaos
Brent Billings and Elle Grover Fricks take a closer look at the magi and the star of the nativity. BEMA 89: Written in the Stars BEMA 257: Wells and Husbands
Brent Billings, Elle Grover Fricks, and Reed Dent explore how the Talmudic conversation might shed new light on the account of Joseph’s angelic visitation in Matthew 1. BEMA 22: Under the Chuppah BEMA 85: Mark — Roman Gospel BEMA 89: Written in the Stars Berakhot 56 (Talmud) — Sefaria...
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are with Elle Grover Fricks to kick off a new series on Talmudic conversations in Matthew. Asking Better Questions of the Bible by Marty Solomon Sefaria: A Living Library of Jewish Texts Brad Gray on the Genealogy of Matthew — Real Life on the Palouse “Matthew’s Begats” by Andrew Peterson — YouTube...
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are joined by Tommy Brown, author of The Ache for Meaning. He is a pastor and contemplative teacher with a bachelor’s degree in pastoral ministry and master’s degrees in divinity and management, and a former little league baseball coach. The Ache for Meaning by Tommy Brown What Is the Palouse? Dark Night of the Soul — Wikipedia The Seven Money Types by Tommy Brown The Torah for Dummies by Arthur Kurzweil The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel Sabbath as Resistance...
Brent Billings, Reed Dent, and Elle Grover Fricks conclude the series on the Psalms and offer a final bit of encouragement to carry with us into the future. Festival of Faith & Writing — Calvin University My Bright Abyss by Christian Wiman Inside Out (2015 film) — JustWatch “Despite My Efforts Even My Prayers Have Turned into Threats” from Pilgrim Bell by Kaveh Akbar “The Only Animal” from Walking to Martha’s Vineyard by Franz Wright “Ulysses” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson — Poetry Foundation “Bless ...
Brent Billings, Elle Grover Fricks, and Josh Bossé take a second stroll through the words of Psalm 23. The Gorge Amphitheatre Saving Paradise by Rita Nakashima Brock and Rebecca Ann Parker
Brent Billings and Reed Dent listen to the voice of Psalm 19. Firefly [Lightning Bug] — Wikipedia Wishful Thinking by Frederick Buechner Psalm 19: The Heavens Declare the Glory of God — Aleph Beta Reflections: Christianity Makes Sense of the World — C. S. Lewis Institute “The Merton Prayer” — Reflections, Yale Divinity School...
Brent Billings and Reed Dent mull over the words of Psalm 32. Bad Words Series — BibleProject
Marty Solomon, Brent Billings, and Reed Dent compare and contrast Psalms 51 and 139. Psalm 139: Take 1 — Reed Dent, Campus Christian Fellowship Psalm 139: Take 4 — Reed Dent, Campus Christian Fellowship The Crucifixion by Fleming Rutledge...
Marty Solomon, Brent Billings, and Reed Dent discuss Psalm 91.
Marty Solomon and Brent Billings are joined by Derek Vreeland, author of Centering Jesus. He is the discipleship pastor at Word of Life Church in St. Joseph, MO, where he lives with his wife, Jenni. Centering Jesus by Derek Vreeland Review of Centering Jesus — Marty Solomon, Goodreads Man Enough by Nate Pyle God’s Empowering Presence by Gordon D. Fee Benefit of the Doubt by Gregory A. Boyd Salvation by Allegiance Alone by Matthew W. Bates Daily Office Lectionary by Derek Vreeland Book of Common ...
Brent Billings, Reed Dent, and Elle Grover Fricks discuss the words of Psalm 137. BEMA 380: Psalms — The Hidden Face Answering God by Eugene H. Peterson BEMA 36: The Redemption Cycle The Message of the Psalms by Walter Brueggemann...
Brent Billings, Reed Dent, and Elle Grover Fricks consider the words of Psalm 8. The Message of the Psalms by Walter Brueggemann Visual Commentary on Psalm 8 — BibleProject The Sabbath by Abraham Joshua Heschel Reflections on the Psalms by C. S. Lewis “Rabbi Simcha Bunem's Favorite Sayings” by Julie Danan — Sefaria Midrash Tehillim on Psalm 8 — Sefaria Psalm 8 — Wikipedia “Stars” by Switchfoot — YouTube “Friend of God” by Israel Houghton — YouTube...
Brent Billings, Reed Dent, and Josh Bossé discuss Psalm 23. “House of God Forever” by Jon Foreman — YouTube Psalm 23 — Wikipedia The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary by Robert Alter