An Update Episode!
In this episode of the podcast Justin and Tony share about their summer, the current status of the podcast, and the future of the pod! Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries
In this episode of the podcast Justin and Tony share about their summer, the current status of the podcast, and the future of the pod! Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries
Takeaway: Faithful people come from faithful tending. Action Step: Are you faithful? If so, who are you tending? SUMMER BREAK for the PODCAST COMING! Show Notes: Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Show Notes: Centerville Grace Disciple Making Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast
Takeaway: You have what you need to make disciples right now! Action Step: It’s time to face the fear, get on the disciple making bike and become a disciple maker! Show Notes: Get The Bicycle Illustration Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Takeaway: Disciple making doesn’t have to be weird or awkward. It’s held together by proper framing! Action Step: Memorize the two triangles and what they stand for. Show Notes: Get The Bicycle Illustration Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries...
Story: The front and back wheel. Takeaway: The power of your life as a disciple comes from your relationship with God. Action Step: How is the air in your tires? (Go Download the Pdf!) Get The Bicycle Illustration Show Notes: Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries Follow 2 Lead Podcast...
The Goal: His life in ours… Little Christ Gal. 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave his life for me.” HOW TO HELP ANOTHER DO IT? Disciple’s cultivate their appetites and interests Modeling Vision casting Pruning / Challenge Takeaway: Disciples cultivate their lives to grow the love they have for the Master. Action Step: Self- assess and ask at least one other about...
Takeaway: You may not always need an active discipler, but you do need people in your life to speak God’s wisdom. Action Step: Evaluate your council and evaluate your definition of disciple making. Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries Follow 2 Lead Podcast...
Summary of 3 Episodes: Pathway won’t make disciples, but it will provide direction and movement. Steps to a Pathway: Step 1: Determine Your Values. Step 2: Describe the destination. Step 3: Discuss the Reality of Your Current Culture. Step 4: Decide what practices everyone will do. Step 5: Design a step-by-step process that outlines WHAT will happen WHEN. Step 6: Dig up and discard barriers. Step 7: Discern how to continually improve your pathway. Takeaway: Every movement faces mistakes, don’t b...
Takeaway: Every pathway begins with the first step be bold enough to take it! Action Step: Evaluate where you are in developing a disciple making pathway–and take your next step! Show Notes: Step 1: Determine Your Values. Step 2: Describe the destination. Step 3: Discuss the Reality of Your Current Culture. Step 4: Decide what practices everyone will do. Step 5: Design a step-by-step process that outlines WHAT will happen WHEN. Step 6: Dig up and discard barriers. Step 7: Discern how to continua...
Takeaway: The first step of building a disciple making pathway is to develop clarity on what problems you expect it to solve. Action Step: Take the time to evaluate or plan your pathway. Get clear about what you expect from it once it’s complete? Show Notes: A Discipleship Pathway Solves THIS Problem, but not THIS One Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
The purpose of having a clear picture of a disciple BEFORE a pathway! Takeaway: You can’t make it or be it if you can’t see it. Action Step: Take time to collaboratively develop and share your picture of a disciple. Show Notes: Picture of a Disciple Article Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Recalibrate: to calibrate again. To check or adjust by comparison with a standard. To mark the scale of a measuring instrument. “We may want God, but we want something else more, and we will get what we want the most.” AW Tozer “We fail to reach our goals, not because of obstacles, but because of a clear path to lesser goals.” -Robert Brault Takeaway: Recalibration is essential to abiding. It involves resting, rooting, and pruning Action Step: Take at least 3-4 hours to recalibrate this holiday ...
We are trying to make CREATIVE DISCIPLES, not simply PROFICIENT DM. Concepts: Open Faith, Open Bible, Open Life Takeaway: Disciple making requires us to become something and for us to help others become something. Action Step: What are you doing to become an equipped disciple maker? Show Notes: Disciple Towards Proficiency or Creativity? Consumerism Articles from Justin Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Disciple making DID NOT happen outside of an INVITATION, A CONFIRMATION, A DESTINATION, and a MISSION OF REPRODUCTION (we cannot reproduce what happens below the water line of our awareness). Takeaway: Common context creates common movement which creates common culture. Action Step: Evaluate the context of your disciple making relationships. Show Notes: Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Takeaway: Jesus’ style matters because His style is to be our style. Action Step: Discuss with the person you are in a DM relationship with: Do you engage Jesus as a true disciple would? Do you disciple others like Jesus would? Show Notes: Ray Vander Laan Practicing the Way - John Mark Comer Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Developing Appropriate Tension in a Disciple Making Relationship HOW: 1. Listen - For values, priorities, how time in being spent, beliefs about self and God 2. Ask Questions - About time with God, those they are discipling, inconsistencies/incongruences you hear. Places where they can do something/more to make a difference. 3. Walk them to the application. What are you going to do about it? What are you taking with you from our time today? Revisit those when you get back together. Takeaway: If ...
Takeaway: Friendship and disciple making are not the same, but they may overlap. It’s important to understand the difference! Action Step: Evaluate your disciple making relationships and make sure you aren’t stuck in the friend zone. Show Notes: Matthew 4:19 Luke 10:1 Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
4 Things We Know God Does in Disciple Making: Entrusts someone to us. (John 17:6,”I have revealed you to those you gave me out of the world. They were yours, but you gave them to me and they obeyed your every word.”) Moves their heart. (Proverbs 21:1, “The king’s Heart is in the hand of the Lord, He directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.) Guides, Counsels, and Convicts from within through the Holy Spirit. (John 14:26, “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in m...
Takeaway: The person God wants you to disciple is someone you probably already know. Action Step: Set an alarm on your phone for 10:02 am or pm (from Luke 10:2, “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few) as a reminder to pray for your oikos map -Believers who need to be discipled -People far from God in your life Show Notes: Luke 10:1-11 John 17:20 Acts 17:26-27 Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Takeaway: Finding someone to disciple takes intentional prayer and discernment. Action Step: Pray about who in your life is ready to be discipled, then make a list of a couple of names that you can begin praying over. Show Notes: Luke 16:10, 2 Tim. 2:2 Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
So excited to kick off season four of the podcast! Vision, Heart, and Skill in DM. Several Series: Finding someone to disciple, DM Pathway, Bicycle Illustration, Jesus’ Way of DM. Show Notes: Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Justin and Tony discuss four important truths to help church leaders build a disciple making culture. Towards the end, they are joined by Pastor Mike Tuttle as he shares about the difference a disciple making culture is making at his church. Show Notes: Watch Episode on YouTube Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Check out this bonus episode with Tony on the Disciple Dilemma. Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast
Going small helps us go big! Takeaway: If you want to reach the world, reach your neighbor. Action Step: Who is the ONE PERSON you can add to your funnel? Show Notes: The Disciple Making Difference Illustration Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Perfect for: Disciples who get distracted by the demands of life. Takeaway: Don’t lose sight of the people Jesus had His sights set on. Action Step: Identify your non-Christian friends and begin to pray for which relationship can go deeper. Read the article! Show Notes: Who Cares - General William Booth Luke 19:10 Parable of the Sower Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
Holiness in Disciple Making is important because it Impacts our: 1. Motivation - Who we are and thus WHY we do. 2. Vision - How we see 3. Reflection - How others see Jesus. Takeaway: You are the chosen instrument by God. How useful you are to do the work correlates to your holiness. Action Step: Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness. Show Notes: Matt. 6:33 2 Corinthians 6:15-18 2 Tim. 2:19-24 2 Corinthians 7:1 Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Po...
Perfect for: Anyone who is or has been confused about the difference between shepherding and disciple making. Takeaway: Shepherding and disciple making are not the same. Action Step: “Take some time to evaluate your ministry and ask the question, am I shepherding people or am I making disciples.” Show Notes: John 10:11 , John 21:15-17 , Hosea 13:6 , Psalm 23 , Luke 19:10 Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries ...
In this episode, we explore the Serving/Training Illustration! Takeaway: Jesus spent most of His time, focus, and energy training, but He often did it in the context of serving. Action Step: Take a look at how you use your time, focus, and energy. Does it look like Jesus? Show Notes: Serving Training Illustration - Downloadable Justin’s Website Tony’s Website Navigators Church Ministries The Reclamation Podcast...
This episode is perfect for someone in or leading culture! Vision Division Jesus observed that a house divided against itself cannot stand ( Matt. 12:25 ). Unhealthy cultures have division over the vision. When people disagree on the desired destination they are unable to see a shared future. The lack of a common vision and shared future can give birth to every other symptom on this list. 2. Relational Isolation The lack of relational depth and connection contributes to people thinking ME instea...