S3E04 - Ghosts of Mississippi
White people get a pat on the back. Summer Movie Extravaganza concludes with The Ghosts of Mississippi. ohactuallypodcast@gmail.com
White people get a pat on the back. Summer Movie Extravaganza concludes with The Ghosts of Mississippi. ohactuallypodcast@gmail.com
Sexy Chocolate Movie! Summer Movie Extravaganza continues with Chocolat. ohactuallypodcast@gmail.com
Allison and Jason return for Season 3!
A recap of 2 seasons and 4 years of our podcast.
Cryptocurrencies, NTFs, and blockchain poorly explained.
Loab is found at the intersection of AI machine learning and cryptids. Creepy.
The Bandit is hired on to run a tractor-trailer full of beer over state lines, in hot pursuit by a pesky sheriff.
Framed for the murder of her husband, Libby Parsons survives prison and then attempts to solve the mystery that destroyed her life.
Enslaved as a child, Conan eventually gains his freedom and becomes a fearsome warrior and seeks revenge for the death of his parents.
High school girls practice witchcraft and face the consequences in The Craft.
Chess Grandmaster and World Champion Bobby Fischer invented a couple things.
Through the years we all will be together if the fates allow. This sad song will become happier somehow.
A child prodigy teaches a rare pygmy hippo to play drums. No, that's a lie.
Jennifer's Lopez's "The Dress" and John Conway's "Game of Life".
More Spooky October! This time we visit New Orleans and Spain.
Spooky October means it's time for a ghost story and a zombie movie.
Guns and dressing. So American it should be July.
Allison and Jason return for Season 2!
Vantablack/Rick Rubin A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
Satanists/Rockhaven Sanitarium A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
The Amityville Horror/Abandoned Buildings A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
Enron Scandal/Ming the Tiger A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
The Cronut/The Numbers Game A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
Character Alignment/Kate Middleton's Wedding Dress A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
Shampoo/Ben-Hur Chariot Race A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
James Frey/Hole Cam A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
EVP/Time Zones A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
California License Plates/Competitive Hobby Horsing A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.
Deez Nuts/Proud Boys A podcast where we each pick a topic that hopefully the other knows nothing about and explain how it's a whole thing.