Imagine hiding a secret that made you question who you are, if you did something wrong, and causing you to feel like you are not worthy. Now imagine all of this started for you when you were 3, 5, 12. It happened at an age where you were meant to trust an adult, not fear them. All of this weighing on you as you enter into middle school, high school, college, young adult life, and beyond - without anyone know the depth of your secret - that you were physically and sexaully abused. It' not an easy...
Jul 01, 2020•31 min•Ep 80•Transcript available on Metacast No guy anywhere said, "I want to be unhealthy, fat, and struggling diabetes and heart disease," or any other such thing that keeps us from living our best life. Yet, many guys silently allow those thoughts to exist in their being and their life. It's kind of like a negative Caveman mentality. Dr. Jack Kunkel sees it differently. His four step-approach to a healthy life isn't about - don't, don't, don't. It's about - do, do, do - the things that serve you will. Does it take some changes and sacri...
Jun 26, 2020•31 min•Ep 79•Transcript available on Metacast Happy Fathers Day! It's that once a year time when we celebrate and being a Dad, regardless of what your version of a Dad is. But what do you do when your relationship with your Dad is strained, a challenge, and down right frustrating. You learn to embrace him for who he is, and not try to change him, no matter how much you want to. Today we explore accepting the Dad he is, and the Dad you are, so that you can move powerfully forward in your life, being the Dad you are meant to be as yourself. C...
Jun 19, 2020•13 min•Ep 78•Transcript available on Metacast Why can't you stand around naked? Naked in your truth! Allowing yourself to be aligned in your truth so you can be exactly who you are. For most me, it's because they've been told to live and be their truth makes them less of a man. Of course that is a story. A complete bullshit story. But it only becomes bullshit when you find the power within yourself to call bullshit on yourself. Ben Bidwell, founder of The Naked Professor, found himself and his truth by finally getting naked with himself and...
Jun 12, 2020•33 min•Ep 77•Transcript available on Metacast It's the kick-off of LGBTQ pride month, but what does that have to do with guys over 40? Everything, even if you're not LGBTQ. Pride in who you are is affording yourself the confidence to have pride in who you are - without shame! I'm kicking off LGBTQ Pride month by challenging all men, regardless of sexual orientation, or gender identity, to take pride in themselves and do good in the world without ego, and cockiness. Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thin...
Jun 05, 2020•14 min•Ep 76•Transcript available on Metacast Men, in general, struggle with self-care. Not talking about the brushing teeth, taking showers, eating right, etc. Talking about the deeper stuff. Working with their emotions. Allowing vulnerability to show up. Admitting they don't have the answers. All of these things are an assault on our masculine to speak. So riddle me this grasshopper? What if men, on a daily basis, practiced deep levels of self-care, what might the world be like? Troy L Love, provides us his insights not only from...
May 29, 2020•30 min•Ep 75•Transcript available on Metacast If you are one of those guys that says, "One day I'll..." or "I'm too old to..." you need this podcast. You are never to old and someday might not come, so start that podcast, write that book, start training for that marathon. Do whatever turns you on, besides sex, and get it done now, because anything goes. Mike Symonds, host of the Anything Goes Project Podcast dives in with me to talk about why to many guys over 40 put their life and dreams on hold when all the have to do is to use one hour o...
May 22, 2020•34 min•Ep 74•Transcript available on Metacast When COVID19 became our reality, our lives took on a whole different meaning. Many of us began thinking about life in a whole lot of new dimensions - fear, uncertainty, purpose, safety, survival, peace - no emotion left unturned. For many guys, including my friend and guest, Matt Ward, suddenly we felt vulnerable on a different level, maybe even first time feelings and began wondering, "How now, do I take care of my family?" In this candid conversation, Matt and I explore vulnerability and respo...
May 15, 2020•30 min•Ep 73•Transcript available on Metacast Every day is an opportunity. You either compete or give up. Whether it is with yourself or the rest of the world, you GET, not HAVE to compete. Yet, many of us allow the competition in our own heads to keep us from getting what we most want in life. The goal of competition is to get you out of your comfort zone and into your best life. Jake Thompson, a guy who knows how to encourage, and compete, joins us today to talk about why men should compete in a healthy way with themselves and others to l...
May 08, 2020•29 min•Ep 72•Transcript available on Metacast We all are aging, and there is nothing we can do about that. But what we can do is realize that everything works out just as it should. Serial entrepreneur, author, and podcaster Tavarus Hogans shares how his 40s have brought him to the place that he realizes he doesn't have to first or right to be the man he is meant to be. From understanding at a deeper level how being secondary is a gift to knowing that birthdays are simply another day to be grateful to be alive, Tavarus doles out some intere...
May 01, 2020•25 min•Ep 71•Transcript available on Metacast Fatherhood is a gift, a challenge, a blessing, and a trial by fire. It's also a great reward. It can also be a huge failure if you don't play your cards right, in so many ways. Even then, sometimes the outcome be less than perfect. But don't let that hold you back from being the most uplifting Dad you can be. Mark LaMaster and I have a candid conversation about Fatherhood - the good, the bad, the ugly, and the rewarding truths of what it is like to uplift your kids so that you build lifelon...
Apr 24, 2020•31 min•Ep 70•Transcript available on Metacast What do you do when you hit that block wall in your life or your business, and you feel like, "Shit, this isn't ever going to change?" You lean into yourself, commit to putting yourself first, and humble up and look what's not working right in the eye and Fix This Next . My buddy and mentor Mike Michalowicz once again swoops in to tell it like it is and to give you guys in mid-life a boost of "Get 'er done." Whether you are considering starting a business, leaving a job that no longer satisfies ...
Apr 17, 2020•18 min•Ep 69•Transcript available on Metacast When it comes to divorce, it's never easy, and it's often chaotic. Yet, when you realize that it is not your job to get your ex-spouse to do what you want, and it is your job to find ways to make it work, then success happens...even if it is a challenge. Learning from his own experience of living in an unconventional blended family where his divorced parents actually got along, Joel Hawbaker knew when he realized he was headed for divorce, he was going to have to invoke to rules to live by to ma...
Apr 10, 2020•29 min•Ep 68•Transcript available on Metacast Most guys fear having a broken penis. It's our lifeline to enjoyment, pleasure, and of course peeing. But how much of our issues with sexual function and our penis issues is in our heads vs. truly with the pun intended? Dr. Ron Gor, DO, joins us today to talk about the hardware vs. software issues around our sexual functions and our ability stay health in the head between our legs. About Dr. Ron Ronak Gor, DO, is the Director of Genitourinary Reconstruction and Trauma at Cooper Uni...
Apr 03, 2020•33 min•Ep 67•Transcript available on Metacast We all know where we are right now as a planet. In the midst of a global pandemic - COVID19. But, what is that calling us to do? What are we men being asked to commit to during this crisis? For each of us it varies, but in our own way we are being called to simply SHOW UP...even if it is scary, confusing, and a little bit overwhelming. Using techniques from my own coming out journey and practices that I have found to help clients stay committed, I'm offering you 6 Steps For Committing To Show Up...
Mar 27, 2020•11 min•Ep 66•Transcript available on Metacast What happens when you lose sight of joy, happiness, connection, and intent in your life? Us guys tend to keep a lot of that stuff on the surface and say, "I'm great, I'm fine," when in reality we become disconnected and hold it all inside. Talking from the heart, Murray Guest - a leading Strength's coach out of Australia - shares an intimate conversation about creating new habits for creating joy in our lives as guys over 40. About Murray Murray Guest is one of Australia’s leading Strengths coac...
Mar 20, 2020•41 min•Ep 65•Transcript available on Metacast Ever found yourself stuck in the negativity? Like nothing does anything but pisses you off and makes you only experience the crappy side of life. Then you wonder why, why, why you feel so darn miserable. It's because the negativity has got you by the balls and isn't letting go until you switch things up. Stop the negativity syndrome with these three simple tips to get you back on track, and stop killing your life with negativity. Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do...
Mar 13, 2020•9 min•Ep 64•Transcript available on Metacast There are those life moments when you realize, "This just isn't working!" For some it's when they realize, "I'm gay and I just gotta stop pretending to be straight." For others, its "I'm killing myself trying to carry this team and I hate it." Regardless of the situation, suddenly you realize the opposite of what you thought you wanted, desired, or are trying to be is no longer attractive. And, that's when the real talk starts...with yourself and others. Michael Testa, author of When Opposites N...
Mar 06, 2020•21 min•Ep 63•Transcript available on Metacast Relationships are not easy...right? Yet, sometimes relationships cause one or both partners to wander into the land of infidelity or lackluster connectedness. On the other hand, some relationships wander into the realm of an open relationship. All of these scenarios can lead to insanity, or a better outcome, when you take the time to breathe, think logically, and realize that both partners get to have a voice and a perspective in what is best for them as individuals and as a couple. Here's a few...
Feb 28, 2020•13 min•Ep 62•Transcript available on Metacast He went from being a youth pastor to a conversation with his Dad about his destiny, to now running a highly successful online business, all because he focused on building his destiny. Now he has a brand new book out, The Successful Speaker - 5 Steps For Booking Gigs, Getting Paid, and Building Your Platform - which is fully aligned with his mission and business to help speakers be successful. Grant Baldwin has done what a lot of people aspire to do, create a life built on freedom and flexibility...
Feb 21, 2020•31 min•Ep 61•Transcript available on Metacast It's Valentine's Day. The day of either a lot of pressure, loads of love, or screw this who cares. Regardless of how you feel about Valentine's Day, there's one thing most men forget to do...LOVE THEMSELVES. I know you've heard this before but cut the crap and take a listen to why this really should be your #1 priority on Valentines Day! Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, ...
Feb 14, 2020•5 min•Ep 60•Transcript available on Metacast I woke up this morning, chatting with a friend, and then she said, " I got nothing!" She was referring to a time when she was doing a Facebook Live and she admitted to her viewers that she had nothing to say. I loved it. And you should too. You should love when you've got nothing, and let go of the pressure and just be with the NOTHING. Here's a short little bit of insight to help you through those got nothing moments. Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing...
Feb 07, 2020•5 min•Ep 59•Transcript available on Metacast Relationships are tough. Relationships are wonderful. Either way, as men we tend to get confused about what to do when the relationships get tough. We either let our egos screw everything up, clam up, or blow up, or give up. That's not the best formula...just ask Chuck Chapman...relationship therapist, coach and all around nice guy. He's giving us some easy tips for making your relationship rock, in the right way. About Chuck About Chuck Chapman Chuck Chapman is a Licensed Psychotherapist, Certi...
Jan 31, 2020•21 min•Ep 58•Transcript available on Metacast Do you ever feel like are living in a box? Maybe it's not a box of your own choosing? Yet, you are choosing. We all choose to get boxed in. Now it's time to choose better. Get the F*CK out of that box and start living your life. Here's some tips on using the box to build a better life as a 40 Plus Guy. Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you’re going to do, but never do? Then it’s time to get real ...
Jan 24, 2020•7 min•Ep 57•Transcript available on Metacast Do you find yourself feeling penned in, marching to, to many drums, and never feeling free? Maybe it's time to drop the structure and create your F*CK YEAH life. But you gotta UN-STRUCTURE in order to do that. Here's the keys to un-structuring without screwing up your life, but getting yourself on track to less stress, peace of mind, and more success in life. Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy who keeps struggling to do that thing? You know the thing you keep telling yourself and others you...
Jan 17, 2020•8 min•Ep 56•Transcript available on Metacast Imagine being married 3 times, and feeling on the verge of suicide, and then getting WOKE! Woke to your truth and become radically aligned to your truth about what you wanted for your life. You got specific, dumped the bullshit, set the boundaries that would save you and make you say, "Oh shit!" Welcome to Bob Gower's world. A world were radical alignment is not only the title of his forthcoming book but also the way he lives his life. What might happen for you if you radically aligned to your t...
Jan 10, 2020•25 min•Ep 55•Transcript available on Metacast We're well into the first full week of January, a new year, and by now, many resolutions are out the door. But what if you started with intentions and used three words to get you there. I believe intentions are the way to get there and my buddy Chris Brogan does an exercise at the beginning of each year of picking three words to guide him, and I am sharing how to do both on this podcast. Go check out Chris's website about the three words at exercise. Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are you a guy...
Jan 07, 2020•10 min•Ep 54•Transcript available on Metacast It's about to be 2020. Or it might already be 2020 by the time you listen to this podcast. Instead of resolutions, how about creating a F*CK IT List to live by this year. It's simple, it's genuine, it's honest, and it can be real if you put your mind to it. It's also damn freeing. Your F*CK IT LIST can be your best friend this year, and here's how to do it and succeed. And don't forget guys to check out the 40 Plus Men's Circle starting in January - Check It Out! Hey Guys, Check This Out! Are yo...
Dec 31, 2019•14 min•Ep 53•Transcript available on Metacast Faith. It's something that guides us, gives us cause to take risks, and sometimes gets in the way of us being able to be who we are meant to be. Faith in ourselves, faith in the path, faith in our destiny. Especially when you realize that in order to come out of the closet, you need faith in all of those things and it might even mean coming to terms with your faith in a whole new way. Former client and friend of mine, Brian Gilbert, shares how he navigated a crisis of faith to fully step into li...
Dec 27, 2019•24 min•Ep 52•Transcript available on Metacast It's Christmas Eve, or right in the middle of Hanukkah, but regardless of where you are or holiday you celebrate, how about giving yourself some really good, non-materialistic holiday gifts this holiday season. The kind of gifts that truly improve your life and bring you peace. No more feeling the blues about these holiday gifts, because these gifts will make you one holly jolly fellow. Also, don't forget to join the 40 Plus Men's Circle starting in January. Learn about about - Click Here! Hey G...
Dec 24, 2019•11 min•Ep 51•Transcript available on Metacast