145: It's like Nobody Told You about This
Casey needs some instagram advice, struggles to understand Pokémon, and wants to talk about his new computer.
Casey needs some instagram advice, struggles to understand Pokémon, and wants to talk about his new computer.
Myke is back from the Tour and Casey got to attend an Apple event.
Myke is getting ready for some big travel, Casey has questions, and makes some embarrassing admissions.
Accolades, comic books, and taking short trips.
Did Myke and Casey do their homework? What does Casey want to buy now? Why is Myke on Instagram so much?
Casey tried time tracking, Myke is trying Yoga, and they need to talk about money.
Myke shares some of his experiences of self employment with Casey.
Wedding photos, and leaving Twitter.
Myke is back! It's time to talk about wedding memories and honeymoon experiences, and Casey has published his first new video since funemployment!
Casey is joined by Stephen Hackett to discuss the start of indie life and how it evolves over the years before doing some #RelayYourFeels.
WWDC experiences, Casey edges closer to funemployment, and Myke gives the final wedding update.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for an important announcement.
WWDC is coming, and Myke wants to talk about a Royal wedding, as well as his own.
Myke and Casey took a vacation.
Myke's travel begins, Casey has egg on his face, and _oh boy_ did you send in a lot of #relayyourfeels questions!
Myke has an injury update, and Casey has some stuff that he doesn't want to talk about. They also answer some #RelayYourFeels questions, including discussion on childhood fandoms.
Myke is grumpy, but Casey has made a shocking discovery!
Myke is tired from a busy day of unexpected things, and Casey is back to the grind.
The wedding invitations have started arriving, Myke is feeling grounded, and they both discuss gun control. (Note: This section is a little raw, and is pre-empted with a warning, in case this is something you don't want to listen to).
Myke is 30, Casey's paternity leave is getting closer to ending, Myke stages an intervention, and Casey wants to be convinced to buy something.
Casey became a Dad for the second time, he also made a second YouTube Video. Myke has a wedding emergency and a birthday.
With Casey out on paternity leave (congratulations to the Liss Family! 🎉), Myke called in a wonderful selection of special guests to ask them two questions; 'What are they excited about in 2018?', and 'What are they working for in 2018?'.
The holidays have come and gone. Casey is waiting on a new arrival, Myke has a big question, and Computer Science Club begins!
Myke had an experience in Seattle, Casey is getting ready for his life to change, and the holidays are coming!
Myke is travelling *again*, Casey finally published his car video, and Firefly Viewing Club concludes with 'Serenity'.
Casey and Myke answer a bunch of #relayyourfeels, before returning to Firefly Viewing Club for Episode 14: Objects in Space.
Casey has found new creativity, Myke awkwardly deals with an encounter, and they return to Firefly Viewing Club for episode 13: Heard of Gold.
Myke is back from a trip, Casey is getting things done, and they return to Firefly Viewing Club for episode 12: The Message.
Myke and Casey discuss their feelings about the importance of mental health, look at their Instagram accounts for important life moments, and return to Firefly Viewing Club for Episode 11: Trash.
Myke is mad, Casey wants to talk about watches, and they return to Firefly Viewing Club for Episode 10: War Stories.