Today I'm talking a little bit about unconscious programming. I use the word a lot but today we'll look at what exactly it means, and how to change it. Don't forget to check out my Instagram page at jackgrey_psychologyhacks!
Today I'm talking a little bit about unconscious programming. I use the word a lot but today we'll look at what exactly it means, and how to change it. Don't forget to check out my Instagram page at jackgrey_psychologyhacks!
Today we're talking about how learning the mechanics of the unconscious mind is quite a bit like waking up from the matrix. Also Plato is there?
In this episode we'll take a look at one of the more destructive strategies that manipulators use. I'll go over what exactly gaslighting is, the warning signs, and how to protect yourself.
I don’t know about you but I’m definitely ready to leave this year in the rear-view mirror. Here’s some slightly scatter brained and sleep deprived last minute advice on setting goals for the new year.
Today we’re going to take a look at a common limiting belief, and why we can blame Disney for it.
Why it doesn’t make sense to ever give up on ourselves.
How to take the power away from anyone trying to use you.
A few things I wish I’d known sooner.
Why you should never let anyone talk you out of going after what you want.
Be prepared for adversity and you take it’s power away.
What are you avoiding that you know you should be doing?
What is in your control and what isn’t.
The path to success and fulfillment isn’t what society wants you to believe.
Learning how to make the most of each phase of life.
Today we’ll talk about the mindset we need to be successful.
Getting a better perspective
Thoughts are transient, learn to let them go when they don’t serve you.
Our circle of influence and growth mindset.
Making better decisions
How your thoughts create reality
Why you should disconnect from distractions on a daily basis.
Integrating the shadow self and using your demons to your advantage.
What do we actually have control over in life?
Why we struggle with depression
Developing an appropriate mindset for pursuing your goals.
Our thoughts are powerful, and we need to take a closer look at what we allow to go on in our heads.
A look at why people don’t change
The mindset shift that will take you to the next level in life.
The value of darkness and intrigue
Today we discuss why we need to create a perception of value for ourselves.