Today on January 27th, is the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust. On this occasion, we spoke with Yudith Enya. The psychotherapist and naturopath was born in 1946 in a camp for displaced people in Günzburg, Bavaria - as the child of two Holocaust survivors. She grew up in Israel with her family and migrated to Melbourne at the age of 35. Now she is writing a book about her childhood, which was influenced by her mother's stories of the concentration camp... - Heute, ...
Jan 27, 2025•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast On 26 January Australia celebrated National Day. Many celebrated while others commemorated the negative effects of colonization. Also yesterday, the list of this year's Order and Badge recipients was announced and thousands of migrants celebrated their first day as new Australian citizens. - Australien hat gestern den Nationalfeiertag begangen. Viele feierten, während andere der negativen Auswirkungen der Kolonialisierung gedachten. Gestern wurde zudem die Liste der diesjährigen Ordens- und Ehre...
Jan 27, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast In Australia, January 26 is the national day, but the date is contentious. Many migrants who are new to Australia want to celebrate their new home, but it’s important to understand the full story behind the day. - In Australien ist der 26. Januar der Nationalfeiertag, aber das Datum ist umstritten. Viele Migranten, die neu in Australien sind, möchten ihr neues Zuhause feiern, aber es ist wichtig, die ganze Geschichte hinter dem Tag zu verstehen.
Jan 25, 2025•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Dr. Andreas Löwe, Dean of St. Paul's Cathedral in Melbourne, talks about the emotional and difficult debate surrounding January 26 and the role of his church in this context. Loewe explains how his church is trying to contribute to reconciliation by integrating indigenous concepts such as “country” and storytelling into its religious services and showing parallels between indigenous and Christian traditions. The theologian pleads for a reorganization of the national holiday that takes into accou...
Jan 25, 2025•21 min•Transcript available on Metacast Donald Trump is president of the USA again and is keeping his country and the world in suspense with decrees, threats and dubious pardons. Allies in Europe and also in Australia are fearful. What does it all mean? Markus Wagner from Wollongong University answers this question. He is a law professor and an expert in American politics. - Donald Trump ist wieder Präsident der USA und hält sein Land und die Welt mit Dekreten, Verordnungen, Drohungen und zweifelhaften Begnadigungen in Atem. Bei den V...
Jan 24, 2025•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Some celebrate Australia Day with patriotic pride, others mourn and protest. What’s the right way to mark January 26, and can you have pride in your country while also standing against injustice? - Einige feiern den Australia Day mit patriotischem Stolz, andere trauern und protestieren. Was ist die richtige Art, den 26. Januar zu begehen, und kann man stolz auf sein Land sein und sich gleichzeitig gegen Ungerechtigkeit stellen?
Jan 24, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Anteil erneuerbarer Energien in EU steigt / Huthi-Rebellen lassen Geiseln frei / Mexiko bereitet sich auf US-Abschiebungen vor / Nazi-Symbole auf Wahlplakaten in Australien / Anstieg von Islamophobie in Australien / Keine neuen Steuern vor Wahl / Neue Waldbrände in Los Angeles / Prinz Harry gewinnt Klage gegen Zeitungsverlag
Jan 23, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast Reports of anti-Jewish incidents in Australia are on the rise. But there's disagreement on where to draw the line between antisemitism and anti-Zionism. - Berichte über anti-jüdische Vorfälle in Australien nehmen zu. Es besteht jedoch Uneinigkeit darüber, wo genau die Grenze zwischen Antisemitismus und Antizionismus gezogen werden soll.
Jan 23, 2025•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast The election for the 21st German Bundestag will take place in one month. According to the Basic Law, Germans who live abroad can participate, but in reality, bureaucracy has created many hurdles that must be overcome before you can actually cast a valid vote. And it is particularly difficult for Germans who live in remote areas of the world — such as Australia, South Africa and South America — to exercise their right to vote. Is that fair? - In einem Monat findet die Wahl zum 21. Deutschen Bunde...
Jan 23, 2025•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast Algae can play a key role in overcoming the global food crisis and promoting sustainable food production, says Saskia Urlass, who has a doctorate in algae research. Katharina Lösche spoke to her about her research. - Algen können eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Bewältigung der globalen Nahrungsmittelkrise und der Förderung nachhaltiger Lebensmittelproduktion spielen, das sagt Saskia Urlass, promovierte Algenforscherin. Katharina Loesche sprach mit ihr über ihre Forschung.
Jan 23, 2025•9 min•Transcript available on Metacast Trump kündigt KI-Projekt „Stargate“ an / Trump droht EU mit Handelszöllen / Albanese äußert sich zu Antisemitismus / Dutton kritisiert Albanese wegen Antisemitismus-Debatte / AUKUS bleibt stabil unter Trump / Gewerkschaft fordert verschärfte Maßnahmen für Messerverkauf / Diskriminierungsklage von Trans-Lehrer / Deutschland fordert US-Rückkehr zur WHO / 76 Tote nach Brand in türkischem Skiresort
Jan 22, 2025•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Beginn des Weltwirtschaftsforums in Davos / Union plant harten Asylkurs / Antisemitischer Angriff in Sydney / Amtsantritt von Trump / Joe Biden begnadigt prominente Trump-Gegner / Hohe Baukosten erschweren Schaffung bezahlbaren Wohnraums / Neue Strafregelungen für Telekommunikationsunternehmen
Jan 21, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The best tennis players in the world are currently competing against each other in the first Grand Slam tournament of the year, the Australian Open. To mark the occasion, the Victoria Coaches Summit took place today, with tennis coaches from all over the world joining, including South African tennis player and coach John-Laffnie de Jager (JL). We had the pleasure of having him in the studio in Melbourne and learning how he was able to master a career as a professional athlete despite his disabil...
Jan 21, 2025•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast In the midst of one of the hottest Australian summers on record, experts say heat inequality is deepening social division. - Es ist eines der heißesten Sommer, die in Australien jemals verzeichnet wurden. Gleichzeitig verschärft Experten zufolge die Wärmeungleichheit die soziale Spaltung mehr denn je.
Jan 21, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast SBS on Demand is a treasure trove of international films in the original language. There are also German-language films and series to discover. Every month, we pick one out and discuss it with film scholar Dr. Claudia Sandberg. Today: The Confessions of Felix Krull. - SBS on Demand ist eine Fundgrube für internationale Filme in der Originalsprache. Auch aus dem deutschsprachigen Film und Fernsehen gibt es dort den ein oder anderen Schatz zu entdecken. Jeden Monat picken wir eine Perle heraus und...
Jan 21, 2025•11 min•Transcript available on Metacast The ceasefire agreement between Israel and Hamas came into force yesterday. Israel has now released 90 prisoners and the first three hostages held by Hamas since October 2023 have returned to Israel. Aid deliveries to the Gaza Strip have also resumed. - Gestern ist das Waffenstillstandsabkommen zwischen Israel und der Hamas in Kraft getreten. Inzwischen hat Israel 90 Gefangene freigelassen und auch die ersten drei von der Hamas seit dem Oktober 2023 festgehaltenen Geiseln sind bereits nach Israe...
Jan 20, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Josef Pleß is a real bridge builder between cultures: He is a poet, author and translator, has not only enriched the Polish and German literary scene, but has also initiated important cultural partnerships with his work. Born in Graudenz, his journey took him via West Berlin to Lübeck, where he worked for more cultural exchange for a quarter of a century together with his friend, the poet, writer and illustrator Klaus Rainer Goll. His works, from volumes of poetry to novels to an award-winning b...
Jan 20, 2025•15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Austausch von Geiseln zwischen Israel und Hamas gestartet / Albanese beruft mehr Frauen ins Kabinett / Trump: TikTok soll wieder freigeschaltet werden / Österreichische Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt gegen Mann wegen Terroranschlag auf Swift-Konzert / Zyklonwarnung für Westküste Australiens
Jan 20, 2025•4 min•Transcript available on Metacast Indonesia's new president Prabowo Subianto has started the new year with an ambitious project: In order to combat malnutrition in the country, there should be free meals for over 80 million schoolchildren and pregnant women. However, experts have doubts as to whether the program will pay off in the long term. - Indonesiens neuer Präsident Prabowo Subianto ist mit einem ehrgeizigen Projekt ins neue Jahr gestartet: Um gegen die Unterernährung im Land vorzugehen, soll es gratis Mahlzeiten für über ...
Jan 20, 2025•7 min•Transcript available on Metacast The world is going to change in the next three days. Hopefully, there will be a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip in the Middle East and President Biden will say goodbye in Washington and President Trump will regain control of power. Not everyone is completely at ease with the idea. Dieter Herrmann, editor-in-chief of THE WEEK IN AUSTRALIA, takes a look at Joe Biden's record and says what he expects from his controversial successor. - In den nächsten drei Tagen wird sich die Welt verändern. Im Mittler...
Jan 17, 2025•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast On the east coast of Australia, koalas are officially considered an endangered animal. In the past 20 years, the number of cute marsupials in Queensland has shrunk by half, in NSW by over 60 percent. In the long term, the conservation of this animal species, which is so iconic for Australia, is at stake. One place where the focus is on raising koalas is Wilhelma in Stuttgart. The unique zoological-botanical garden in the capital of Baden-Württemberg has seen offspring among koalas in recent mont...
Jan 17, 2025•10 min•Transcript available on Metacast There are people who can only be envied for their jobs. Dr. Sven Tuzovic, marketing professor at QUT, is one of them. He taught on a cruise ship for 4 months. Around 450 students from all over the world spent a semester with him aboard a dream ship. 120 days on board, 10 countries. From Bremerhaven to Bangkok. Katharina Lösche met Professor Tuzovic in the studio for an interview. - Es gibt Menschen, die kann man um ihre Jobs nur beneiden. Dr. Sven Tuzovic, Marketing-Professor an der QUT, ist so ...
Jan 17, 2025•13 min•Transcript available on Metacast Australia's social media ban is due to come into force at the end of the year, and tech companies have one year to technically implement the regulation — violations could face fines of up to 50 million dollars. However, critics criticize the lack of involvement of young people in decision-making and potential negative effects on their rights, for example for young people with disabilities. The practical implementation also raises questions. During a conversation, an affected teenage girl doubts ...
Jan 16, 2025•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Bundeslandwirtschaftsminister Cem Özdemir sagt strikte Eindämmung der Maul- und Klauenseuche zu / Mann stirbt durch umgestürzten Baum bei Unwettern und über 120.000 Haushalte ohne Strom / Arbeitslosenquote in Australien von 3,9 % auf 4 % gestiegen / National Debt Helpline verzeichnete 2024 einen Anstieg von 12 % bei Hilfegesuchen / Starke Winde und niedrige Luftfeuchtigkeit erschweren Löscharbeiten in Los Angeles / UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres warnt vor Konflikten, Ungleichheit, Klimakris...
Jan 16, 2025•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast After months of negotiations between representatives of the USA, Egypt and Qatar, it has now been announced in Washington that there will be a cease-fire in the Gaza war from Sunday. But how reliable is the deal? - Nach monatelangen Verhandlungen zwischen Vertretern der USA, Ägyptens und Katars wurde jetzt in Washington verkündet, dass ab Sonntag eine Feuerpause im Gaza-Krieg gilt. Doch wie belastbar ist der Deal?
Jan 16, 2025•8 min•Transcript available on Metacast Today is day 5 at the Australian Open and a few German players have come this far. Christian Albrecht Barschel is a sports journalist for Tennis Magazin in Hamburg and currently in Melbourne to report on the tournament. He came to our SBS studio to talk about how he turned his passion for tennis into a career. - Die Australian Open sind mitten im Gange. Heute ist der fünfte Hauptfeldtag und ein paar deutsche Spieler sind noch dabei. Christian Albrecht Barschel ist Sportjournalist für das Tennis ...
Jan 16, 2025•14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Leonardo Puglisi is not a typical teenager: In the morning, the 17-year-old visits school, in the afternoon he hosts his own news channel, which he founded in elementary school. Today, the young Australian is one of the up-and-coming talents in journalism and has already interviewed three prime ministers. SBS correspondent Barbara Barkhausen presents this extraordinary young man. - Leonardo Puglisi ist kein typischer Teenager: Morgens besucht der 17-Jährige die Schule, nachmittags moderiert er s...
Jan 14, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Deutschland und vier weitere europäische Nato-Partner kuendigen weitere Waffen- und Materiallieferungen für die Ukraine an / EU prüft mögliche Verstöße gegen den Digital Services Act (DSA) nach Livestream von Elon Musk und AfD-Kanzlerkandidatin Alice Weidel auf X / Katar legt Israel und Hamas einen finalen Entwurf für Vereinbarung zur Beendigung des Gaza-Krieges vor / Starke Winde behindern Bekämpfung zweier massiver Waldbrände / Naturkatastrophen treiben Versicherungsprämien in Australien in di...
Jan 14, 2025•3 min•Transcript available on Metacast The German military wants to build a new division of the land forces, which will be responsible for homeland security. This was confirmed by the Bundeswehr last Saturday. The division is intended to secure Germany's defense capability in preparation for a possible war... - Das deutsche Militär will eine neue Division der Landstreitkräfte schaffen, die für den Heimatschutz zuständig sein soll. Das bestätigte die Bundeswehr am vergangenen Samstag. Die Einheit soll die Verteidigungsfähigkeit Deutsc...
Jan 14, 2025•6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Every year on Memorial Day, former inmates and their descendants of the Tatura internment camp in Victoria gather at the German cemetery to remember the people buried there. Among them are also those who spent a few years there and still have vivid memories of the time. - Jedes Jahr zum Volkstrauertag versammeln sich ehemalige Insassen und ihre Nachkommen des Internierungslagers Tatura in Victoria auf dem dortigen deutschen Friedhof um der dort begrabenen Menschen zu gedenken. Unter ihnen sind a...
Jan 13, 2025•12 min•Transcript available on Metacast