Featuring Vincent Bevins on If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution. The second of a two-part interview on this important new book. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Check out our excellent newsletters—sent to you by email if you support us on Patreon thedigradio.com/newsletter Check out The Dig's vast archives on Palestine thedigradio.com/category/palestine Donate now to support Gaza relief pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/gaza-relief Subscribe to Jacobin bit.ly/digjacobin...
Oct 16, 2023•1 hr 27 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Vincent Bevins on If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution. The first of a two-part interview on this important new book. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig and ask Vincent a follow-up question. Buy Reform, Revolution, and Opportunism: Debates in the Second International, 1900-1910 haymarketbooks.org/books/2109-reform-revolution-and-opportunism Buy War Made Invisible thenewpress.com/books/war-made-invisible
Oct 09, 2023•2 hr 41 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Jo Guldi on the global history of the long land war—a war over everything from agrarian reform to tenant rights, from India and China to England and Ireland, from the late 19th century through the present—and into the future. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Buy Blood Red Lines at haymarketbooks.org/books/1519-blood-red-lines Buy Abolition for the People at haymarketbooks.org/books/2095-abolition-for-the-people
Sep 29, 2023•2 hr 19 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Alex Han, Astra Taylor, and Rachel Gilmer on how we build powerful organizations that win both short-term fights and the long-term struggle for socialism. A live Dig recorded at the Socialism 2023 conference in Chicago. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig and ask Dig guests follow-up questions! Buy Our History Has Always Been Contraband at haymarketbooks.org Buy To Build a Black Future princeton.press/blackfuture
Sep 22, 2023•2 hr 35 min•Transcript available on Metacast If you look, you'll see. Most people don't look. Produced by Stephen Cassidy Jones and Liza Yeager. Edited by Mitchell Johnson, with editorial oversight from Daniel Denvir. Featuring Mark Pilkington, Valerie Kuletz, and Trevor Paglen. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Buy Blood Red Lines at haymarketbooks.org Subscribe to Jacobin at bit.ly/digjacobin
Sep 14, 2023•55 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Alex Press and Eric Blanc on surging labor militancy and why US unions must seize this historic moment. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig and ask our guests follow-up questions! Learn more about Haymarket’s Book Clubs at haymarketbooks.org Subscribe to Jacobin bit.ly/digjacobin and Catalyst bit.ly/digcatalyst
Sep 09, 2023•2 hr 49 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on the Latin American left and the long history of US intervention in the region. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Buy War Made Invisible thenewpress.com/books/war-made-invisible Buy Quick Fixes: Drugs in America from Prohibition to the 21st Century Binge versobooks.com/products/2981-quick-fixes
Aug 31, 2023•52 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Amna Akbar, Gabriel Winant, and Thea Riofrancos on the emerging terrain of struggle. Is American liberalism exhausted or revitalized? What are the successes and limits of the new US left electoral strategy? Is there a new anti-electoral mood amongst socialists? Why don't we have a powerful climate movement? What forces are making and remaking the American working class today? The second and final part of a very wide-ranging interview. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Check out our...
Aug 24, 2023•2 hr 15 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Amna Akbar, Gabriel Winant, and Thea Riofrancos on the American conjuncture. Did an era that began with Occupy and Ferguson—marked by teachers strikes, two Bernie campaigns, the explosive growth of DSA, Standing Rock, and summer 2020 rebellions—just end? What social, political, and economic terrain is emerging in the wake of the pandemic, and how should the left navigate it? The first of a two-part and wide-ranging interview. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig All Haymarket books ar...
Aug 13, 2023•2 hr 6 min•Transcript available on Metacast Reporter Dharna Noor learns about the Tennessee Valley Authority: the good, the bad, the past, and the future. This is the 5th episode of The Dig Presents. Produced by Dharna Noor. Edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson. Support The Dig at patreon.com/thedig All Haymarket books are 40% off! Shop at haymarketbooks.org
Aug 01, 2023•33 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Daniela Gabor, Ted Fertik, and Tim Sahay on Bidenomics. We define and debate the new American industrial policy, the energy transition, the New Cold War with China—and more. Support this podcast with a contribution at Patreon.com/TheDig Subscribe to The Polycrisis newsletter phenomenalworld.org/series/the-polycrisis Buy Travellers of the World Revolution versobooks.com/products/2938-travellers-of-the-world-revolution Buy War Made Invisible thenewpress.com/books/war-made-invisible...
Jul 21, 2023•2 hr 28 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring China Miéville on The Communist Manifesto. Miéville is the author of A Spectre, Haunting: On the Communist Manifesto. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Register for Dan's event with Miéville eventbrite.com/e/digressions-china-mieville-on-the-communist-manifesto-tickets-674432434567 Subscribe to Jacobin bit.ly/digjacobin Buy A Different Trek: Radical Geographies of Deep Space Nine by David K. Seitz nebraskapress.unl.edu/nebraska/9781496227997
Jul 09, 2023•2 hr 2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Writer and critic Andrea Long Chu wanted to ask her family one simple question. The Dig Presents is edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson, with editorial oversight from Daniel Denvir and Alex Lewis. Support The Dig at https://www.patreon.com/thedig. Listen the episode of Al Jazeera's The Take featuring Dig Presents reporter Omar Etman and his story, A Garden in Cairo, here.
Jun 29, 2023•46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Meredith Whittaker, Edward Ongweso Jr., and Sarah Myers West on the mundane dystopia concealed beneath the AI hype machine. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Subscribe to New Left Review newleftreview.org Register for the Socialism 2023 Conference socialismconference.org
Jun 25, 2023•2 hr 23 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Giuliano Garavini on his book The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century. The second in a two-part series on the 20th-century history of petrostates, petrocapitalists, and the world system. Support this podcast at Patreon.com/TheDig Subscribe to n+1. Go to nplusonemag.com/thedig and enter THEDIG at checkout Learn more about Haymarket's Book Clubs at haymarketbooks.org
Jun 18, 2023•2 hr 42 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Giuliano Garavini on his book The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the Twentieth Century. The first of a two-part series on the 20th-century history of petrostates, petrocapitalists, and the world system. Support this podcast at Patreon.com/TheDig Subscribe to n+1. Go to nplusonemag.com/thedig and enter THEDIG at checkout
Jun 11, 2023•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Brenna Bhandar on Colonial Lives of Property: Law, Land and Racial Regimes of Ownership. The centuries-long history of how dominant conceptions of private property were (and are) made alongside race and racial hierarchies in colonial encounters stretching from Ireland and British Columbia to Australia and Palestine. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Register for the Socialism Conference at socialismconference.org Buy Let This Radicalize You by Mariame Kaba and Kelly Hayes haymarket...
Jun 04, 2023•2 hr 41 min•Transcript available on Metacast A sonic memorial to the Black women of the Peoples Temple. Produced and reported by Babette Thomas. Edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson, with editorial oversight from Daniel Denvir and Alex Lewis. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/thedig. Subscribe to The Dig Presents to find all of our documentary stories on one feed.
May 27, 2023•39 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Quinn Slobodian on Crack-Up Capitalism: Market Radicals and the Dream of a World Without Democracy. Radical libertarians, including anarcho-capitalists like Murray Rothbard, envision a world of micro-polities governed by private property and contract. In fact, we already live in their world, a world of zones—places where special rules tailor-made for capitalists prevail over the ordinary laws of the nation-state. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Listen to Quinn's interview on Glob...
May 20, 2023•2 hr 5 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Jules Gill-Peterson on Histories of the Transgender Child. Amid this right-wing reaction, a discussion of the history of trans medicine and trans children—and also trans politics more generally. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Register for Socialism 2023 at socialismconference.org. Register before July 7 for the early bird discount rate! Subscribe to n+1 at nplusonemag.com/thedig. Enter THEDIG at checkout.
May 13, 2023•2 hr 17 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Stacy Davis Gates, Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, and Alex Han on how Chicago's labor left took over City Hall. Brandon Johnson's mayoral victory, the product of a decade-plus of social movement union struggle, is a model for the left everywhere in the United States. Guest hosted by Micah Uetricht. Subscribe to n+1. Go to nplusonemag.com/thedig and enter THEDIG at checkout Buy Occupation: Organizer by Clément Petitjean haymarketbooks.org/books/2054-occupation-organizer
May 08, 2023•1 hr 14 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Nikil Saval and Helen Gym on how the history of Philadelphia social movements brought Nikil into the state senate and has made Helen, a long-time public education organizer, a frontrunner in the mayoral race. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Subscribe to Dissent dissentmagazine.org/subscribe Buy Angela Davis: An Autobiography haymarketbooks.org/books/2001-angela-davis
May 05, 2023•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast We have as many roads in the United States as we have streams and rivers. Produced by Caroline Kanner and Jackson Roach, with original music by Jackson Roach. Edited by Liza Yeager and Mitchell Johnson. Subscribe to The Dig Presents, and support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig. Bibliography (in order of appearance): A Field Guide to Roadside Wildflowers at Full Speed - Chris Helzer Car Country: An Environmental History - Christopher W. Wells On Trails: An Exploration - Robert Moor Snell-Rood Lab C...
Apr 28, 2023•53 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Jennifer Berkshire and Jack Schneider on the politics of public education. The authors of A Wolf at the Schoolhouse Door: The Dismantling of Education and the Future of School and co-hosts of the education policy podcast Have You Heard discuss everything from charters and vouchers to teacher social movement unionism and the right-wing cultural wars against "woke" educators. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig
Apr 23, 2023•2 hr 46 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Jane McAlevey on how to organize mass numbers of new workers into unions that wage mass strikes to fight employers and revive the labor movement. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Dan's 2019 interview with McAlevey thedigradio.com/podcast/strike-with-jane-mcalevey Buy Set Fear on Fire by LASTESIS versobooks.com/en-gb/products/2853-set-fear-on-fire Buy The New Cold War by Gilbert Achcar haymarketbooks.org/books/2007-the-new-cold-war
Apr 15, 2023•2 hr 34 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Edo Konrad and Joshua Leifer on how Zionism's long-running contradictions led to the current political crisis in Israel. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Check out +972 Magazine at 972mag.com Subscribe to Jewish Currents' Israel/Palestine newsletter at jewishcurrents.org/newsletter Buy The New Cold War: The United States, Russia, and China from Kosovo to Ukraine by Gilbert Achcar haymarketbooks.org/books/2007-the-new-cold-war
Apr 08, 2023•2 hr 53 min•Transcript available on Metacast It started with a few cones and a cryptic sign. Produced by Omar Etman. Edited by Liza Yeager, Mitchell Johnson, and Daniel Denvir. Special thanks to Alan Dean, Alex Lewis, and Nihal El Aasar. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig
Mar 31, 2023•30 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Max Fox and Chris Nealon on the late Christopher Chitty's book Sexual Hegemony: Statecraft, Sodomy, and Capital in the Rise of the World System. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Check out our newsletters and vast archive at thedigradio.com Further reading: libcom.org/article/after-fall-communiques-occupied-california viewpointmag.com/2012/09/12/towards-a-socialist-art-of-government-michel-foucaults-the-mesh-of-power thenewinquiry.com/blog/in-love-and-memory Buy Abolition Geography...
Mar 25, 2023•2 hr 54 min•Transcript available on Metacast Coming Soon: The Dig Presents is a new monthly series that features original documentary reporting, personal narrative, and other sonic experiments from a wide range of contributors.
Mar 21, 2023•2 min•Transcript available on Metacast Featuring Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg on how American capitalism and its illusions of whiteness both created the opioid crisis and shaped the response to it. We are discussing their book Whiteout: How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America. Support The Dig at Patreon.com/TheDig Check out our newsletters and vast archives at thedigradio.com Subscribe to Jacobin bit.ly/digjacobin and Catalyst bit.ly/digcatalyst
Mar 19, 2023•2 hr 43 min•Transcript available on Metacast