HoP 049 - Stage Directions - Aristotle's Rhetoric and Poetics
In the Rhetoric and Poetics, Aristotle explores persuasive speech and engages with ancient tragedy
In the Rhetoric and Poetics, Aristotle explores persuasive speech and engages with ancient tragedy
Aristotle's Politics responds to Plato's Republic and sets out its own ideas about the ideal state, the types of political constitution, and the role of women and slaves
Drawing on the De Anima, On the Heavens, Physics and Metaphysics, Peter tackles Aristotle’s theory of mind and its relation to his theology.
Dominic Scott discusses Aristotle's method in his Nicomachean Ethics
What place does Aristotle leave for pleasure and friendship in his vision of the good life?
Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics on happiness and virtue
In his zoology, Aristotle divides and defines all kinds of animals, and so invents the science of biology
Aristotle's theory of soul: its functions and how it relates to the body
Richard Sorabji discusses time, eternity and mosquitos in Aristotle's Physics
Aristotle's Physics explains change, time and place with the help of his actuality/potentiality distinction
The four types of explanation: formal, material, efficient and final cause
Aristotle's critique of Platonic Forms and defense of his own metaphysics
Hugh Benson discusses Aristotle's ideas about arriving at knowledge
Knowledge according to Aristotle's Posterior Analytics
Aristotle's invention of logic in the Organon (especially Categories, On Interpretation, Prior Analytics)
Aristotle's career, corpus and unparalleled influence
Plato's attack on the poets and his own use of myth in the Republic and other dialogues
Frisbee Sheffield discusses Plato's erotic dialogues, including the Symposium
Love, friendship and philosophy in the Symposium, Phaedrus and Lysis
A divine craftsman makes the cosmos from triangles in Plato's Timaeus
Philosophy of language and Heraclitean flux in Plato's Cratylus
Fiona Leigh discusses Plato's revised theory of Forms in the Sophist
The Third Man Argument and other criticisms of Forms in the Parmenides
The Divided Line, Form of the Good, and Cave in Plato's Republic
Plato's Republic defends and defines justice at the level of the ideal city and the person
Forms and the immortality of the soul in the Phaedo
MM McCabe discusses epistemology and virtue in Plato
Knowledge, relativism, and memory in the Theaetetus
The Meno and Plato's theory of recollection
Ethics against immoralism in a Socratic masterpiece.